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SDC Skimmer for Flex Radios
Hi Erik, The program that sends spots to SmartSDR needs to provide the date and time. The "permanent" spots that I use in my TeensyMaestro all come out with a 1/1/1970 date, as I did not implement a real-time clock.
Per the API documentation:
<timestamp> = Optional. The reported timestamp of the spot in Unix time (seconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970 UTC).
C179|spot add rx_freq=14.178 callsign=KE5DTO mode=USB color=#FF0000FF source=N1MM spotter_callsign=N5AC timestamp=1533196800 lifetime_seconds=3600 priority=4 comment=thanks
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Thanks Erik, I never noticed it before,
One less thing to worry about then, I will do some more testing over the weekend but I seem to be up and running, I am unsure about the contest part and if I need a new Key but will look into that when I get that far,
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I was stuck using the DAX-SmartSDR setup because up until now all I got with SmartSDR API was a dead, frozen screen even though I set it up exactly like the manual says (I think...) I had resigned myself to "oh, well it's one of those radio mysteries". Then today while trying it yet again I just happened to turn off the DAX IQ streams by accident and the skimmer started decoding just like it should.
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Len: thank you. So that will be Yuri's choice as to whether to add a date. I do not think it is useful personally and if doing so adds more traffic between SDC and the Flex server I would not see any sense to it.
Trevor: if you do not have access to the Contest module you will need a new key, assuming you are interested in it. I am not a contester but SDC Contest has brought to life the CW, RTTY and PSK tests that have come up since Yuri developed the module.
Rick: 😊
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Grazie Martin_G4ENZ, problem solved 👍️
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You might find it useful to enable IQ Band Plan control...
This will give you a reference that shows in RED where your IQ data is and in WHITE where you have SDC set to decode. The frequency of the Slice is a coloured dot. I set this window "On Top" and place it over my SSDR window like this...
In the example above, CW decoding is set for 10100-10150 and I have 96kHz of IQ data with its centre at 10125.
73 Martin
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Thanks again Martin,
I will use your spscifica when I use the Flex from the qth while when I use it remotely (QRL) not.
In fact, the IQ data are not enabled for remote use because they occupy too high a bandwidth and for this reason they have been disabled when using the MASTRO.
Thank you very much for the specification of the IQ window ban plane control I finally understand what it does and how it works.
A cordial greeting 73 Piero
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Sorry Martin,
how do i define the width of the white line ( cw encoding of sdc) ? - "mostra in ROSSO dove si trovano i tuoi dati IQ e in BIANCO dove hai impostato SDC per la decodifica"-
Currently 30Hz covers me, a pileup from Crozet.....
Can I reduce it?
Thank you
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The white line is the range of frequencies SDC is decoding. This is set in the Band Plan.
I set this to the "normal" range of frequencies for the mode. SDC is very efficient, I do not narrow the decoding frequencies whilst listening to a pile-up.
In a big contest like CQWW I set it much wider. 14000-14150 on CW and 14060-14150 on RTTY.
73 Martin
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Thanks again,
very exhaustive and detailed, better not to change anything!
If I can be of help in the field of optics, I am happy to be of help.
Sincerely 73 IZ1XEE
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SDC is updated to version 17.0705
In addition to the recent changes of a new system of contest files (rules, section data, history data for each individual contest), date/time added to Spots, decoder windows assigned to Slice(s):
This version introduces callsign stacking for digi-mode contests to queue respondents answering when in Run mode).
Yuri is working on enhancing his user manual for the Contest module. SDC website is at 1.News — SDC (
In the meantime, I have updated my offering in case it helps and which includes instructions for callsign stacking in the SDC Contest section of the document.
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Yuri continues to work on SDC for us Flex users. The newest innovation concerns the contest SpotList feature.
Band maps and list of Spots in most software afford a reasonably efficient method of quickly identifying multipliers and working a band. Sometimes though the contester clicks on call to QSY to it only to find it was in S/P mode and has gone.
Time wasting doing this is now alleviated by the SDC SpotList window dynamically identifying which stations are transmitting and which are not, thus making it possible to prioritize those most likely to produce a QSO.
Red square - TX, green - RX
Personally I think this is a really neat feature.
Latest SDC test version:
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Hi Erik,
it seems that the file is no more available.
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Hello Max,
Yuri has moved on to a later version now. Please see his posting above.
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Yuri, the latest version on your site is still SDC 17.0703.
Please also consider to add a release notes for each version. Probably not everyone follow this discussion and it would be nice to know what changes coming in a newer version.
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Good evening all,
Using the SKM/599 function, when i'm in split I'm use to move the slices aside to have the whole representation of the pile up.
Doing this unfortunately moves the SDC/SKM LO and as consequence, it decodes only part of the pileup
In the above pics it's shown the pileup is decoded starting 21.0235 instead of 21020.
I included a link to a video to better explain the behaviour.
Maybe my setup is not correct?
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Hello Max,
I can tell you that there is nothing wrong with your setup. Yuri is looking into this. So please QRX and lets us see what he can do.
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Hello Max,
Please try the latest SDC version 17.0804 at
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Ho Erik, i'll give it a try.
I reported the issue to Yuri and maybe he is taking care of it :)
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Good evening all
Now the decoding window starts correctly righ after the DX station qrg and the decoding windows is correct. However, but it can be considered cosmethic, the red bar designator frequency span is not reflecting the decoding window.
Anyway, great job from Yuri.
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I have not yet found a Split CW pile up with which to check it. When I do, I will prove any issue and provide Yuri with the data.
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Hi all,
With the new release, available on SDC website, Yuri fixed the reported issue. Now on CW/Split works well. Thanks Yuri :)
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The latest test version is 17.0807
In the document
see section "SDC Contest for CW, PSK, RTTY, SSB" - paragraph 3h for new digi-mode log file, useful for post-contest review of serials sent and received in order to correct any logging errors.
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SDC is updated to 17.1014 (test version)
There have been numerous recent improvements and additions. One of the latest is auto control of the Panorama noise floor and, most interestingly, auto control of AGC-T.
Auto control of AGC-T adjusts the AGC threshold so that the noise level is at the value in "S/N".
When enabled you will see in SmartSDR the AGC-T dynamically changing, always optimizing the receiver. Manual adjustment of AGC-T is not always convenient, especially in contests. Its calculation is not exact, as a large number of factors affect it. This value is set at your personal discretion. If the Skimmer remains operating, this function is available to all modes CW, SSB and digital.
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I installed ver 17.1015, enabled Auto control Pan noise floor and Auto Control AGC threshold.
I wanted to see how does it work.
I set up AGC-T to 100 and wanted to see it will automatically change, but it does not.
I closed/opened SDC, I changed above settings from 0 to 30, but I do not see slide for AGC-T moves.
Do I miss something?
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Is your Skimmer running and connected to the Flex by Control Type = SmartSDR API? You will see two connected plugs, TCP and UDP in the SmartSDR API tab
I cannot think of anything else to ask right now. But if still failing, let us know.
you should see the AGC-T value drop from 100 to the optimized value as calculated by SDC, which will depend on your band conditions and user defined S/N value.
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Thanks Eric, my SKM is up and running, all settings the same as yours besides I do not have UDP Port connection by some reason that I cannot resolve yet. But I do not think UDP is involved here, am I wrong?
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Sergey - hi, yes it is involved here and that there is no port connection is the reason for failure. One thing then to ask: do you have the port number at 4998? If not, please change to that number with API Client closed then attempt to reconnect. If it is already on 4998, try another number like 4999.
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