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SDC Skimmer for Flex Radios



  • Member ✭✭✭

    Message from Yuri. I cannot find the user's question to which Yuri refers but hopefully they will see the answer here:

    "Hi, Erik

    I saw the correspondence in Flex-Community

    If the user wants to see the call signs inside Pile-UP, you need to check the box:

    Yuri UT4LW"

  • SDC Version 17.31 has been released


    Only anything that needs further explanation has been added to the manual here


    But everything is covered by Yuri's own manual here


  • I just tried loading the app and when I go to run it gives me a a message that VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found. I tried a few times to reinstall the program but no luck same message. Any ideas?

  • Assuming your OS is Windows 10 or 11: As a start, either install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable or, if already installed, repair it from control Panel. The dll you refer to is part is this package.

    If this does not help, you may need to (re)register that dll.

  • Thank you for the information.

    John N2XD

  • Member ✭✭
    Good Morning. I am having an issue where the SDC skimmer is off frequency by about 2K. If I click on a callsign in SDC it takes me to the wrong frequency, and as I am tuning the radio the skimmer follows along but in the wrong place.

    I am running a Flex 6400, SDC is using Smart SDR API client. Any ideas why this is happening?

    Thanks 73 DE WB5SKM
  • Need more information.

    What is mode: RTTY or CW or both? If RTTY, do you have SSDR in RTTY mode?

    Is the Skimmer sample rate the same as SSDR (if not set both to 96000)?

  • Member ✭✭

    I am running Smart SDR on Windows 11. SDR is in RTTY mode. I am running Flex 6400 IQ Sample rate of 96000

    I have not tested to see if this is happening in CW mode.

    I am attaching some screenshots for better information





  • Member ✭✭

    I just checked the CW skimmer, and it is doing the same thing.




  • Member ✭✭✭

    You might try the latest test version (. 3109)

    My skimmer is spot on. no issues.


  • Member ✭✭

    Thanks Rich, you win the prize. Latest version and a reboot have corrected the problem..Honestly did both at the same time so I am not sure which one corrected the issue.

    Thanks 73


  • Member ✭✭✭

    Glad to hear it. There have been a few issues recently which Yuri has quickly resolved. This "test versions" are always pretty safe so I always run those.

  • Member ✭✭
    edited September 2024

    I had a ball using SDC with my 6600 in the CQWWDXRTTY over the weekend. The skimmer shows me stations I can hear (unlike telnet clusters) along with the ability to filter out non-mults and low point callsigns. I spent hours scrolling up and down the spotlist bandhopping and working 3 point mults exclusively. It was like "ducks on the pond". Every contact was S & P and there were no dead times! Yuri's software and Rich's Flex Connectivity Guide made working the contest a breeze, and Yuri's contest profile was spot on. It's too bad I wasn't able to devote more time this weekend. If you've hesitated to use SDC because it's a "work in progress", wait no longer.

    This score may not impress you, but it was huge for me.

    Class: SO(A)AB HP
    QTH: MO
    Operating Time (hrs): 9.75
    Location: USA

    Summary:   Compare Scores




































    Total Score


  • Member ✭✭


    Ken, your error is that you have selected the wrong audio device. For the skimmer you need an IQ stream, for example, DEFAULT: DAX IQ RX 1 (FlexRadio…)

    Select the "SmartSDR API" control type. This will simplify control and avoid the problems of transmitting the IQ stream through audio channels.

  • Member, Unconfirmed ✭✭

    Hi guys,

    Is there anything special to do for the SDC CW Skimmer to have them to appear on the panadapter ?

    They do not appear on my side.


  • Is a possibility.

    Otherwise, follow Yuri's manual or else this one:


  • Member, Unconfirmed ✭✭

    Spots are enabled and I have the one from the telnet aggregator from SDC just not the skimmer ones.

    Thanks for the link I will have a look.

  • Member, Unconfirmed ✭✭

    Ok for those having the issue it is most probably the option which is by default at 0 under Verify call which is "Without CQ" as I was listening to a pile up there were no CQ…

  • Yes it could be that option. These are my settings in case they help at all.

  • Member, Unconfirmed ✭✭

    Have exactly the same as you now and it works well

  • Member ✭✭

    Hi all,

    Im a mac user and SDC used to work fine, until it didnt …

    Today I had a bit more time to look at it and the UDP port doesnt seem to connect. I believe thats whats used for audio (thats what im missing).

    If i load SmartSDR on a windows 10 VM it connects fine from my mac with SDC and i can see the UPD port connecting.

    Any idea what the problem is with the Mac version of Smart SDR? I have tried changing ports, but its all the same …



  • Member ✭✭

    Hello Rick,

    I was stuck with this matter too, longer time ago. It might be false alarm. It only gets connected in CW, PSK abd RTTY Mode but not in SSB. Thats at least my understanding of the architecture of the system…

    Are you testing with e.g. CW?



  • My understanding is different, Jens. It should be connected in all modes.

    But I defer to your experience.

    Usually a unconnected 4995 UDP port is due to a conflict. Try increasing the port number and see if the situation changes. In my case, a connection occurred with port 4999. If still nothing, try explicitly opening UDP port 4999 in the firewall (I am not a Mac user so I do not know how that is done if indeed it can be - this sometimes is necessary with the Windows firewall hence my mentioning it). This is explained in additional user manual which I realize is for Windows systems but can still be helpful occasionally.


  • Member ✭✭

    Hi Jens,

    Thanks .. I was in DIGU for the first slice, but I changed them both to CW…

    Still the same though

    been playing around now with multiple modes, 1 or 2 slices. All with the same results.

    I close down smartSDR on mac and start smarSDR in my windows VM … its running in DIGU. And it connects straight away with SDC still running on the MAC:

    So im a bit confused…

    I would almost think this is due to smartSDR on the mac (which is the latest version) since its working fine with smartSDR on windows ..

    thanks in advance,


  • Member ✭✭

    Hi Erik,

    Tnx for the suggestion. But i have tried various ports. All the same.

    The Mac firewall is off, so that cant be it …

    Let install smartSDR and SDC in a virtual Mac, maybe its just this Mac (too much junk on it!) …

  • Member ✭✭

    Installed the Windows version of SDC on my VM, smartSDR on my MAC as usual … work perfectly …

    So I guess its the SDC on my MAC … I will do a complete cleanup all files and start over again, hopefully that will fix it …

  • Latest video from Yuri. SDC in the OK-DX RTTY Contest.

    See https://www.lw-sdc.com/?page_id=79 for the latest enhancements.

  • Member ✭✭

    Ho scaricato l'ultima versione 17.33 e mi è saltato tutto….
    In particolare lo SmartSDR API la TCP Port su 4992 è connessa ma la UPD Port a 4994 dice che è già impegnata. Se metto UPD Port 4996 non da il messaggio ma rimane non connessa.

    Come si fa a vedere il mio Flex 6600 (192.168.104) quali TCP e UPD è attivo???

  • Member ✭✭✭

    I can answer only for English language Windows OS and you may need to research the below command equivalent if your OS is in Italian.

    To ascertain what UDP ports (and TCP ports) are being used or are busy, open a Terminal or Powershell window 'as administrator'. Type the command netstat -ab and then wait a minute or two for all ports to be discovered.

    The resulting output will be a lengthy list of open ports, a sample of which is:

    This corresponds with my settings in SmartSDR API

    You will see, in this specific case, that I use UDP 4999 and it appears in the netstat list. You may be able to see your port 4996 in the list and below it the program using it. From this you might be able to deduce why it currently is not available. If 4996 does not appear at all, it is 'stuck' and see below….

    Regarding the fact that 4996 was ok for you but now is not, have you rebooted the computer to clear any stuck historic usage? Another way to sometimes clear a port that previously worked but now does not is to add it into the Windows firewall

    I had to do this with my port 4999.

    You can also try different port numbers such as 4997, 4998, 4999 to see if one of them will open. But only do this after rebooting the computer and restarting SDC.

  • Member ✭✭✭

    I forgot to mention that if you are using Windows System Restore and automatically creating Restore Points, roll back to before the installation of SDC 17.33 which will re-enable port 4996. Then after closing all programs (SDC first then SmartSDR), again install the new SDC version. All should be good.

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