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SDC Skimmer for Flex Radios



  • Member ✭✭✭

    Mike, have you tried just running Yuri's contest program instead of N1MM. Is it missing something to meet your needs?

    I have ran N1MM for years and am planning on using SDC connector exclusively.

  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin

    No, I have not yet tried it.

    In fact, I had totally forgotten about it, but I love to try new stuff, so I will dig into it.

    Thanks for reminding me.

  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2024

    You will be surprised.

    Take advantage of the profiles. There are profiles for everything including the skimmer, telnet, macros and general contest windows layout. Since you are a flex guy, think Global profiles.

    I am still learning. Yuri schooled me today and showed me I was doing it the hard way. Making a QSO in the BARTG contest this weekend typically requires hitting the enter key twice and then on to next contact.



  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin

    My RTTY work flow when running N1MM for BARTG was:

    • F6 grab callsign
    • F2 exchange
    • Space bar, serial number
    • Space bar, time
    • F3 TU
    • Enter

    Yes, I could shorten it up, but I am a touch typist and I hold off on the Enter until I am sure I want it in the log.

    But, I do want to dig into his Logging.

  • Member ✭✭
    edited March 2024

    Like Rich said, SDC cuts your work flow down to <enter> <enter>. It automatically reads the decode and places each part of the received exchange into its respective field. No F-keys or spacebar needed. The first time I saw it do it's thing it was so cool I spontaneously laughed out loud. It isn't 100% foolproof every time--when running I've had to manually intervene when a caller answers in a macro format SDC isn't expecting. But it should definitely be on your "must try" list.

    73 Rick N0VT

  • Member ✭✭✭

    Rick, appreciate you posting about the RTTY contest. What a blast.

    This SDC software gives an unfair advantage to those using it.

    I really dont have the best antenna setup for SO2R but last night decided to run my SteppIR vertical on 40 and my inverted L on 20 using the internal tuner.

    I worked the contest last night and never touched the VFO once. The radio flawlessly toggled between bands pretty much silently ramping the volume up and down on the active slice/band, switched the auto tuner in and out when needed and auto-filled the exchange. I just picked the contacts off in the two different spot lists until they were all gone and nothing left to work.

    My suggestion to anyone that tries this software is to try to unlearn what you may have done in the past and do it the way Yuri designed the software to operate. Otherwise you are not going to realize the beauty in it.

    I like most people went in wishing he did things differently only to find out I was wrong.

    The documentation is lacking so feel free to ask questions!

    2 thumbs up to Yuri for his work on this.

  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2024

    The documentation is lacking

    If you would explain that with details, I will update the supplementary user manual because that is what it is for.


    Alternatively please advise Yuri accordingly.


  • Member ✭✭✭


    I had forgot about the supplementary manual. Will review that.

    I was referring to the information available when you click manual from the program. Much of it is dated and not really accurate. I think Yuri told me the only think current is contest section.

    For those that use the program just in the last week Yuri has added some features and some bug fixes which can be found at bottom of his download page under test version.

    Thanks for reply Erik and your efforts on the supplementary manual. I knew you had done this but forgot. I will read that this morning!


  • Member ✭✭✭

    Ok Rich, yes the program manual is great and the first port of call but you are correct. Also a good part of it is not Flex related. Hence the effort that went into the supplement. However any work to it that you identify as being needed, please email me with the details. I know already that some of the pictures need updating as I have had several incoming questions and comments about pictures recently (Yuri frequently changes things, bless him!) Thank you.

  • Member ✭✭✭

    Ok sounds good. Well in last couple days we now have ability to add SSID to clusters and the map finally has options where we can turn on pins were we have been spotted.

    Amazing program for sure. Almost feel guilty using it :)

  • Member ✭✭✭

    Thanks Erik

  • Member ✭✭✭

    Further to above, video by ED8M of new Two Keyboard mode in latest SDC

  • Member ✭✭✭

    More enhancements in SDC 17.29 - Yuri never stops! See his website for details.

    The user manual incorporated within SDC is updated. The additional manual is updated too


  • Member ✭✭✭

    SDC 17.30 has been released today. Details at https://www.lw-sdc.com/?page_id=83

    Yuri's own manual has been updated. The additional manual is also updated to include further insight into the UDP Stream feature. Link as above.

  • Member ✭✭
    Hi guys. I have SDC Skimmer working well but I'm not getting spots on my SSDR Screen. I'm using a 6600 with SSDR v3.7.3 and the latest SDC v17.30x64. I do get spots on the SSDR screen from DXLabs Spotcollector and N1MM. My TCP Port for Broadcast Data in the SDC Skimmer Global settings is 12165. I do get the decoded callsigns listed in the table of callsigns. Any help is appreciated. 73
  • Member ✭✭✭

    Broadcast Data is irrelevant. Spots must already be enabled in SSDR I presume so it should be working. Are you using the API method of connection specific to Flex? Have you followed the manual, referenced above, but have the failure anyway? With these settings below, control and transmission of the IQ flow will be carried out via the SmartSDR-API-TCP+UDP interface to the panorama. Ignore below UDP Port entry in first picture to get started.

  • Member ✭✭
    Thanks for the reply Erik. I think I have everything configured properly but the only spots I see are from Spotcollector. Here are my settings I will need to send my screenshots in separate messages
  • Member ✭✭
    API Settings post #2
  • Member ✭✭
    SSDR Screenshot - note that 599 and the x for old spot do show up but the other spots are not from SDC. I changed the override color to make sure I was seeing the spots.
  • Member ✭✭
    here is a shot of the decoded sdc callsigns in action. BTW I don't know how to paste the screenshots without adding them as attachments...sorry and thanks.
  • Member ✭✭✭

    It always used to be the case that selecting 'DAX IQ + SmartSDR API' in Skimmer Setup allowed the Skimmer to function without tying up DAX. However, using your settings I cannot make Skimmer function either. I do not know why, maybe Yuri has changed something. Maybe someone will chime in and tell us.

    In Skimmer Setup change the Control Type to SmartSDR API. In the SmartSDR API tab, your UDP Port 4998 is not connected. Disconnect and change this to some other number e.g 4999 and Connect again. The blue icon should look like as it does for the TCP Port. With these settings you will get

  • Member ✭✭

    Test Post

  • Member ✭✭

    Thanks Erik!

    I switched from 'DAX IQ + SmartSDR API' in Skimmer Setup to SmartSDR API and I am now getting spots. Oddly this setting was causing the skimmer to freeze but now is working. Maybe I had to reboot after switching, who knows.

    Although I've tried different UDP ports for Slice 2 I still have red X's for both UDP and TCI connections. However the skimmer still works for both slices regardless if I use Split or open a completely new slice. Again this seems odd but I will not look a gift horse in the mouth!

    Another question if you don't mind, the IQ-Band Plan Maps sometimes have the blinking red color that indicates my IQ flow is going beyond the band plan. I've checked the band plan for example on 12M it is set at 24.890 to 24.990 CW. I don't understand how to align the IQ Flow for the band plan. My Sample rate for both slices is set to 9600 and the same in Windows 11 Sound card settings.

    Thanks again for your help my friend!



  • Member ✭✭

    Thanks Eric. Originally when I started setting SDC up I had to use DAX IQ + SmartSDR API because the waterfall would freeze. I just changed to SmartSDR API and it works and I'm getting spots. I have no idea what the difference is but why look a gift horse in the mouth!

    I tried changing the UDP port on SmartSDR API tab client 2 but it remains as before with no TCP (4992) or UDP (4997,8, etc.) connection. However is Skimmer I am seeing the waterfall and calls decoded. No idea why and this is the case for both using the Split function or when opening a new slice 2 on another band. How does that make sense?

    Either way thanks!



  • Member ✭✭

    Thanks Erik!

    I switched from 'DAX IQ + SmartSDR API' in Skimmer Setup to SmartSDR API and I am now getting spots. Oddly this setting was causing the skimmer to freeze but now is working. Maybe I had to reboot after switching, who knows.

    Although I've tried different UDP ports for Slice 2 I still have red X's for both UDP and TCI connections. However the skimmer still works for both slices regardless if I use Split or open a completely new slice. Again this seems odd but I will not look a gift horse in the mouth!

    Another question if you don't mind, the IQ-Band Plan Maps sometimes have the blinking red color that indicates my IQ flow is going beyond the band plan. I've checked the band plan for example on 12M it is set at 24.890 to 24.990 CW. I don't understand how to align the IQ Flow for the band plan. My Sample rate for both slices is set to 9600 and the same in Windows 11 Sound card settings.

    Thanks again for your help my friend!



  • Member ✭✭

    Sorry people for the redundant posts but for some reason my posts weren't visible so I resent a couple of them not knowing they were somehow hung-up in the cloud.

    I'm old enough to remember when computer were expensive and unreliable. Not like today where they are cheap and unreliable.

  • Member ✭✭✭

    Hello Curtis. OK. Quite right, if it is working then leave it alone.

    I do not bother with the IQ band plan window so I'm not the best person to ask. Using the right mouse button on the panorama, shift the center frequency higher or lower. You will see the change in the IQ flow. Quite honestly with 9600 sample rate, the skimmer will cover the CW sections of all bands. Only in contests on wide bands such as 20m will it be necessary to tune higher and let the receiver work for a few minutes to get what it had not previously skimmed. There is some info on this window in the SDC help file - search for 'IQ Band Plan control'

  • Member ✭✭✭

    Regarding blinking red.

    11)Panorama frequency control: (Adaptive Pan, Adaptive SKM, Auto ON, Auto OFF) This controls the behavior of how the panadapter reacts when clicking on a spot that is off the display to the right or left and not visible. If you have it set to Auto OFF, then Smart SDR is in control of the behavior and the panadapter will not be adjusted to bring the spot slice into view. If you have it set to Auto ON it will adjust the display, so the spot is centered on the panadapter. Adaptive PAN - Does not keep the IQ band from going beyond the Band Plan of the skimmer. Works well for SSB contests. Adaptive SKM - Prevents the IQ band from going outside the Band Plan, as it additionally controls the panorama width.

    Yuri has changed this in recent months. So make sure you are running up to date software and play with this setting.


  • Member ✭✭

    Thank you Erik and Rich.

    I'm not really clear on the panadapter settings for the IQ stream but will play with it for a while and maybe it'll come to me!

    Tnx es 73

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