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PowerSDR 2.7.2 ke9ns Revision R1

Member ✭✭

PowerSDR 2.7.2 ke9ns Revision R1 has the following added features:
(for Flex-1500, Flex-3000, Flex-5000)

1) DX Cluster Spotting directly to the Panadapter
2) Waterfall in PanaFall mode scrolls with frequency change to follow signals
3) Transmit TEXT and IMAGE directly into the Waterfall
4) SWL Bands with BandStacking and ability to add Bandstacking from each Band button
5) MON function in AM/FM modes using Pre processed Audio
6) Toggle MON button to MONpre or MONpost processed Audio for SSB
7) Automatic Waterfall level adjust from the main console screen (RX1 and RX2)
8) KHZ direct Frequency Entry (as well as the original MHZ entry)
9) Additional Analog Meters: Analog, TR7, EDGE (selectable by clicking on Meter)
10) PanaFall in both RX1 and RX2 together
11) RX Signal with Peak hold function added (RX1 and RX2)
12) AvgP  allows for average just in the panadapter and not in the waterfall during PanaFall mode
13) Hyperlink drag/drop of Files and URL's to a PowerSDR "Memory"
14) Continuum Display mode for RX1
15) QuickPlay Audio Folder allows for Multiple files

and more

Instructions, Videos, and Download at ke9ns.com/flexpage.html

Darrin ke9ns.com


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  • Member
    edited July 2019
    please link to download this revision
    tk's 73's

  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited December 2016
    It is at the bottom of Darrin's post  

  • Member
    edited December 2018
    A BIG thanks to Darrin for the non-stop work and enhancements to the program. He breaths life into something that should not be considered mature or EOL (at least in my eyes). Thanks to Flex allowing committed developers access to the source code.
  • Member
    edited July 2019
    sorry to don't see but i have very poor english many tk's

  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Thanks for the hard work and the great features.  On my Win 10 system I get an error about a PAL dll when installing it
    Andy K3UK
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2016
    Got it now, I needed to simply copy the files, I was making things too complicated.
    Thanks again.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2016
    Perhaps I am just plain LAZY but for me.. I LOVE the automatic waterfall adjust feature.  The DX callsign feature in the waterfall is REALLY nice. Many thanks
    Andy K3UK
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    I can't find the option to display my own callsign at the top of PowerSDR, where the serial number is.  Is this capability removed ?
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    By the way, i was able to make Powersdr crash while messing with the DXcluster addresses. Actually, it crashed a second time without messing with the addresses.  The second occasion seemed related to me closing the connection to the default cluster and then attempting a quick re-connect
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    I have 3 antennas on 20m, so it makes it easy
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016

    Its still there setup->general->options->custom title text.

    its just that the Beta signature pushes it over to the right a bit.

  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016

    The DX Spotter feature is very new, and still beta while I figure out how the DX spider actually works. Where Flex spends a lot a time Bullet Proofing their features, I do it as things pop up. RevR2 at least appears to have fixed the crashing due to incorrectly formatted spot data. I need to Bullet Proof the open/closing socket stuff.

  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2016
    Yes, it was the socket closing that seemed to get confused.  A great feature though.  Do the spots in PowerSDR  decay after a specified time or are they displayed until the spotter is closed and reopened ?
    Again, many thanks for this great new feature.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    The newest spots push older spots off the list so the display is constantly updating. It also checks for dups now. The spot list is currently set to 60 spots I could add a timer as well
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2017
    Thanks for Spots in Panadapter. Makes me wish I kept my 5000 Now if only Flex would push this valuable and highly desired feature higher on its SSDR to do list.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Ditto... looking forward to panadapter spots in SSDR.  Maybe we could talk Darrin into a 6300 ;-)             Great work Darrin !
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    The auto settings in the waterfall is a great feature as well, after running my 5k again I got use to all the cool added features and when I went back to 6700 I really missed them.
    Glad I didn't sell the 5k

    Thanks Darrin great work.

  • Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Darrin - thanks for the nice work on PSDR. Are you taking suggestions on a wish list?

    Joe N7QPP
  • Member ✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Now if could get SmartSDR to catch up to the feature set of the latest PowerSDR that would be Awesome!
    Great Work Darrin, You The Man!
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016

    Always willing to listen. I try for features I can do quickly. I want to work on a Freq Scanner next, but just not sure how I want it to work?  But many suggestions have been from all of you (like adding the SWL bands, and the ability to add to any bands "band stack" )

  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2017
    Now I remember why I started buying Flex radio's

  • Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020

    Roger, Roger !!

    Darrin, Great Features.

    Thanks for your efforts from all of us, and like others, I'm glad I have kept the 5000A.  Can you program ways to move the existing menus around, so that we can see more meters you created?  And is there a Donation **** !!



  • Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Thanks Darrin, Great piece of work. Just installed it. One point, the tx text is squashed on the w/f display making it unreadable. Is this okay on the rx side.?
    This is worth a donation folks.

  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016

    The waterfall ID all depends on the speed of the waterfall on the receiving end.

    As well as the Low and High level settings and the resolution, etc. etc.

    The Flex has better resolution on the waterfall at lower Sample Rates, so it will show up better.

    Also you can hit the Auto Water Level when your transmitting to adjust the waterfall Low TX level.

    Also, the Wave-> TX gain will set the gain of the WaterFall ID output.

    (Lots of moving parts)

  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016

    Are talking about moving the button panels around? They will move out of the way of the Meters only when you expand the PowerSDR window slightly in the vertical direction. I can see everything on the screen properly when I run 1440 x 900.

    The Original PowerSDR meters were small in order for the minimum size to fit together (like a jig-saw puzzle). When I enlarged the footprint of the meters, it now requires a slightly larger vertical area.

  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Tnks for the info, will look a bit deeper into all the new add-on's.

  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2016

    Morning Darrin

    Yes on moving the button panels around.  It would be nice to do a personal layout.  I have lots of room on my monitors to organize the pallets and your new meters.

    Once again thanks.


  • Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020

    PowerSDR Rev R6 is now up on my web site ke9ns.com/flexpage.html

    I now have DX Spotting and Shortwave Spotting on the Panadapter

    The DX cluster is now easier to log into

    The SWL database has over 12,000 spots

    Darrin ke9ns.com

  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    I agree. I put PowerSDR on its own 22" monitor. I need to look into the possibility of allow you to move the panels around ???
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Darrin,  when you are bored and have nothing to do in life, any chance you can pay attention to the CWX functions in PowerSDR?  I really like the usefulness of CWX but can't help but think it can have a few extra bells and whistles.
    Andy K3UK 

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