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SmartSDR v3.8.23 and the SmartSDR v3.8.23 Release Notes
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Power Genius XL Utility v3.8.9 and the Power Genius XL Release Notes v3.8.9
Tuner Genius XL Utility v1.2.11 and the Tuner Genius XL Release Notes v1.2.11
Antenna Genius Utility v4.1.8
SmartSDR v3.8.23 and the SmartSDR v3.8.23 Release Notes
SmartSDR v2.12.1 and the SmartSDR v2.12.1 Release Notes
Power Genius XL Utility v3.8.9 and the Power Genius XL Release Notes v3.8.9
Tuner Genius XL Utility v1.2.11 and the Tuner Genius XL Release Notes v1.2.11
Antenna Genius Utility v4.1.8
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My Take on SSDR v3
Burt, just so we are up to speed,,what is brocken in V3 that was working in V2?
Are talking about 3rd party support?0 -
Bill, I see what you are saying now. At first I was thinking you wanted to hear the audio from a second client using your radio as you were using it at the same time.
That might well be something that Flex can add/refine in a point release in the near future. I can see where it would be useful in the case you described.
My only want for Multi-Client is to allow me to play and compare my app(s) with SSDR running at the same time. (and have my app have a full GUI as well) I was told when I mentioned this a few years ago that would require a multi client feature like the Radio Server that the radios are supposed to be. And that was before SmartLink
was released. So, it's finally shown up. But, as I stated, I'm holding out for v2.5 in hopes of seeing some improvements in things I feel are not working up to their full potential. (and you know what that is!)
Hopefully, v2.5 won't be long in coming. And, hopefully, it will contain improvements to many current issues. I know several people besides myself, that will be very happy when FRS finally addresses these issues.
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Hope Flex names the update 2.5 vs 2.95.
- Bob W8RMV
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Really? Commercial company that does not charge for software upgrades, really1
What are you talking about!
Ah, the newbees. Yes, ICOM does provide an occasional software update, but odds are the IC-7300 will be superseded by the IC-7310 in a couple of years. Consider these superseded models:
IC-706, IC-706II, IC-706IIG
IC-756, IC-756Pro, IC-756Pro2, IC-756Pro3
IC-7600, IC-7610
IC-7800, IC-7850, IC-7851
... and on and on.
3 -
Every bad fan I had in enything had a bearing failure. Bearings fail due to run time. If you are done with your stuff for the day, turn it off!0
Exactly...kinda like the Flex 1000, 1500, 3000, 5000, 5000A, 6300 and on & on & on...
Ah, the oldies....
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Phil, I'm sorry, did you not read the last line?1
I support Flex because its an American company. I have owned many ICOM's and I like their equipment but its not American. I am American, I try and support Americans even when I am not always happy with them.0
I hope you are not saying Flex is starting to not support WIndows 7. I am not jumping into Windoz 10 I do not need that kind of problems. If they do not support windos 7 with new releases I will not be able to buy it.0
I'm starting up my own American company as a professional blogger . How much should I put you down for?
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I too own the Sony a7iii, and in the short time ive owned it, theyve added impressive new features at no cost
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I just had to upgrade to windows 10 from 8.1 because they told me they are not supporting 8.1 any more.
Also, I was told that new releases are not tested on 8.1 - I don't know about windows 7
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Pat is right, It would be very hard for Flex to support a Windows version that is no longer supported by Microsoft. 8.1 fell into that catagory.0
The newbie first purchased a Flex 5000A only to find out that it is useless as a serious CW rig. In an act of desperation the newbies purchased a 5000C thinking that the embedded PC will make a difference. A few years later the newbie purchased a 6500. Disappointed again. Last try- a 6600. All along the way the newbie made over 50,000 QSOs annually and qualified more than once for WRTC. Thank God for his K3, Pro III, and 7610 (plus Acom 2000a amplifiers) that never skipped a beat.1
Exactly...kinda like the Flex 1000, 1500, 3000, 5000, 5000A, 6300 and on & on & on...
Yes, only two generations. And each had a fairly long term period of improving software upgrades, PowerSDR and SmartSDR.
To compare. Is there any chance ICOM is working on a firmware upgrade for say... the IC-7600? Probably not as the last update was nearly four years ago. So if someone had an urge to update their IC-7600, the cost is $3,000, the IC-7610.
I like the fact that all Flex 6xxx series transceivers, even some models that are no longer being sold, are still enjoying software support and periodic improvements.
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KF4HR,,there's a point!! even my old discontinued 6500 still gets all the updates if I want them,,,heck even my Flex 3000 has had tons of updates to PSDR thanks to Derin. What's not to like..? That is really hard to beat.0
Kev has a point here. The base software not being improved. Features that most of us don’t need are being added at the expense of bug fixes and features every one can use. Why not maintain and improve the base software, version 1 or maybe version 2 and sell the enhancements as options added to a solid base product. Everyone would benefit from the fixes and features and those few who want multi- user could purchase it. Modularity is a part of modern software development. A good, strong design can accommodate this, but I’m not sure Flex’s software team is up to it. Regards, Mike W6MVM2
The problem with this approach is you must have the latest version if you want the latest bug fixes. Many of us will pay for it for this reason only. If this functionality was an added feature to a strong base software, then we could skip buying it.
Mike W6MVM0 -
How large would you say the Flex company is? take a guess.
If flex never came out with another update i would be just fine. Why?
Because my radio is just fine as it is. I may not buy V3 and who cares, my radio continues to perform tops either way.
It is not feasable for Flex to keep working on V1 and V2 indefinetly. The code is different in each. Not the man power to do that. So Flex moves ahead.1 -
18 employees?0
Never the less, if a feature is offered but does not work, such as DSP, it needs to be resolved at any release level.0
It's not gonna get fixed. We've been dealing with the **** DSP and NB for years. Fixing it does not make the company any money. It is what it is so we have to live with it.1
I have recently been testing a Sunsdr2 pro alongside my Flex 6500 and have to say that the Expert Electronics software is much more refined and configurable. I have also discovered through real world testing that the DSP actually works, the NR is not that great but the NB1 and NB2 work perfectly without any menu tweaking.3
Which would probably reduce the number of people purchasing the newest release.
In my past career, we offered bug fixes to previous releases which is what I would like to see. I know this would take an effort but if a feature is sold but does not work properly, it needs to be resolved. I don't need releases 2 or 3 and if I did buy them, it still would not improved the DSP which is all I'm asking for.0 -
Simon, I've been using the SunSDR2 Pro since November as well and ESDR while it doesn't have multi client (not a big deal) it is a more refined and configurable software package. It's a free download and works without having the radio (you can launch it) and check it out. Perfect, no but nothing is. Once you use something like ESDR you realize how much is missing from SSDR.2
Ten-Tec stopped releasing new products because of greed and company stripping of assests not because of free updates. Ten-Tec just released another update for the Eagle this year. There may be ashes in Severville, but they are smoldering.
Leo NK8L
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WOW, their are a lot of comments on this thread!!! I guess I need to go back to reading about the ICOM IC-7610 Display Problems, or the ICOM IC-9700 not having an external 10MHz input to maintain high stability!!!!! Those are real issues,, Not the $200 upgrade, that I have yet to install!! Flex is not twisting my arm, so in due time I will decided what is best for me..
Flex 6600M utilizing the 10 MHz input Lock... :-)2 -
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