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K6ANP Member ✭✭

I am totally confused about a problem that I believe is related to upgrading to V3.2.34.312. In the Dax control panel, I get no slice in slice one RX stream. It tells me this channel has not been enabled. This channel has not been selected in a SMART SDR slice.

I tried several attempts to correct the issue without any success. I welcome any suggestions.

I'm using DAX v3.32.343128, CAT v3.2.34. the Flex6600M is using HW V3.2.39.3374


  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Whenever I upgrade SmartSDR, CAT and DAX are also upgraded to the same version as SmartSDR. I wonder if that is the root of your problem.

    Do you , by ay chance, start SmartSDR without automatically starting DAX and CAT? If so, you might try setting Autostart for both, then re-start SmartSDR to see if that fixes the issue.

    If this causes different versions to load, you may want to re-install SmartSDR to be sure everything is at the same level.

  • K6ANP
    K6ANP Member ✭✭

    Hi Len, I tried your suggestions, no luck. This is a real mystery everything was working fine, turned off the radio and computer, turned them on the next day, and bad stuff!

  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Next step is to submit a help desk ticket. There is a good chance that the Flex folks have already seen this problem or something like it. They tend to diagnose problems pretty quickly.

  • Mike-VA3MW
    Mike-VA3MW Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin

    Can you post a screen shot of both the SmartSDR Flag with the DAX Channel selection and your DAX panel.\

    This is the first part I would check.

  • K6ANP
    K6ANP Member ✭✭

    Mike: I honestly don't understand what happened. The problem mysteriously disappeared as it appeared.

    This recalls what my Navy electronics instructor would say "if you don't understand it, it must be FM, F**king magic!

    I do appreciate your reply to my SOS. I can tell you the DAX Control Panel did show "This channel has not been abled, This channel not selected in a smart SDR slice". It was yellow with no slice. Now it shows slice A streaming.

    Thanks again and please leave some 6 meters FT8 DX for the left coast.



  • Mike-VA3MW
    Mike-VA3MW Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin

    Glad you got it sorted.

    I have actually been beaming that way a LOT. :) I need a lot of grids out there.


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