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Red light blinking thrice boot failure & resolution

I post this since I’ve seen a lot about SD card failures and the dreaded three red blinking light failure to boot situation in the past.

My 6600M developed the dreaded boot failure with the three blinking red light end point one day last week. Cold reboots and resets did not change the situation with continued failures to boot at lest six times. I decided to unplug my Ethernet cable at which point it booted up just fine without a hitch. After shutting it down and plugging the Ethernet cable back in it booted up just fine again and so far continues to boot up normally as it has for the past couple of years.

I’m not sure what that was all about but the Ethernet cable temporary removal solved the problem for me and perhaps may be a simple solution to someone else’s dreaded 3 red blinking light non booting situation in the future short of needing a new SD card.

Jeff Schwartz / KI0KB


  • Rich McCabe
    Rich McCabe Member ✭✭✭

    I have a new SD card and mine still has random reboots. Can just be sitting without even SSDR running and snap and reboots.

    Happens every week or two.

  • aa3ssradio
    aa3ssradio Member ✭✭

    I was getting random reboots and cured it by finding out I had a HT nearby that was sending out an APRS bacon and every once in a while the RF got into the Flex and rebooted it.

  • mine just started the SAME thing will try unplugging the ethernet cable next week my radio has been sent back THREE TIMES already in the past year and a half

  • Mike-VA3MW
    Mike-VA3MW Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin

    @Arnold Goldman If your radio has been sent back 3 times, can you email me the details please so I can have a manager look into this for you.



  • its on the way back to you for the FOURTH TIME AS WE SPEAK

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