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Any update on Tuner Genius?



  • Richard
    Richard Member ✭✭


    The 1X3 is a basic antenna tuner. The one main Input from the Amp then to 1 of 3 different antenna ports. Position 1 on my TGXL goes out to my 7 Band Quad, Quad has a separate Band Switch in the Shack. Position 2 on the TGXL goes to an Off-Centered Dipole which I use for 160 Meters. Finally Position 3 goes to my Full Size Quarter Wave 80 Meter Vertical. I would think with the TGXL communicating to the Xcvr, in this case my 6700. that logic or a matrix, would be able to be set up that would show all the bands and then one would choose a Position (1, 2 or 3) that would activate on the TGXL. Very similar to what you show on your videos covering the SO2R version utilizing the Antenna Genius Software.

    I guess I am suggesting/asking that similar logic / matrix be set up on the TGXL Utility Software so the TGXL's Antenna Port Selections would track what band data it sees and interpret what position / antenna port it would switch to. Yes there can only be 1 of (3) three antenna ports selected but one knows that going in when they purchase just the 1X3. I would just think software could be developed to take that logic of what band versus what position is activated in the TGXL and then move the Cursor Arrow over to the TGXL Utility Software and then select either positions 1, 2 or 3.

    If I were to Brain Storm the Requirements one other selection, would be a screen selection or within the utility program to move back to a Manual Selection as it is today.

    Hope this helps if not maybe a phone call to help clear up any issues. Email is good in QRZ to send me your phone number.

    Richard - N4RWG

  • Mack W4AX
    Mack W4AX Company Adviser ✭✭✭


    What you are proposing seems like a good idea. I will suggest this to the software engineers. I have handed the reins for the tuner genius project back over to FlexRadio but I’m still closely monitoring the role out.



  • Richard
    Richard Member ✭✭

    Mack / Dave,

    Please accept my apologizes. After a Heads Up from John, K3MA I walked thru the TGXL Utility. The Path Device Settings, Other then Band configurator moves me right to the screen that I am looking for. At least to Configure what Band Switch goes with what Band. This meets what I was looking for. I saw this on the SO2R Videos but did not really follow it. I thought it was covering more of the Antenna Genius rather than the TGXL. Did not realize there were Band versus Antenna Position available within the TGXL Utility. Sorry for the input and again... GREAT JOB on the TGXL.

    Richard - N4RWG

  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Hi Rich,

    No problem. I’m glad you have a better understanding of the tuner and configuration. I’m helping out here on the Community since I have the SO2R version and can answer some of the questions, offloading questions from the support staff. That allows them to concentrate on issues needing their involvement.


    Dave wo2x

  • Butch
    Butch Member ✭✭✭

    Good news. I received email notification today indicating my TG-XL 1x3 is ready to ship. (My PG-XL was purchased on Dec 10, 2017.) I'm also on the list for a 2nd TG-XL 1x3. Hope to see it before the end of the year.

    Butch KF4HR

  • K4QXX
    K4QXX Member ✭✭

    I ordered my PGXL in May of 2017 and just got my tuner this week. So far, very impressed!

  • W2PP
    W2PP Member ✭✭

    I received email confirmation my unit is coming! I hopped on the chance to order a few months ago. So good news.

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