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Flex Lockup on 1.10.16



  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2019


    Have you considered debug software to capture critical items just prior to the lockup?


  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited April 2017
    Yes, and we can do application level and console logging, but if the issue crashes the process running the logging facility before the log can be written, then logging is moot.  This is what has been happening while debugging this particular issue.  The only way to capture it is by using a serial console connection that is not feasible for in the field debugging.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2017
    FYI... I see some updates as to "Network potential issues"  My Computer and Radio are on the same gigabit Netgear Switch.. about as close to directly connected to each other as possible... there is another PC on the same switch that I work from, it has never experianced a lockup or loss of connection through the switch.

    So in my case I would not say this was network related and it has only happened the one time.

    Just an update


  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2017
    The other item that I found useful is to bring a third party(s) to review the issues and the code. Sometimes it is useful to get a fresh set of eye's on it. 
  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited April 2017
    We have had reports that KB4015217 is causing network packet loss.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2017
    I am running Windows 10 Version 1607, OS build 14393.1066.... and KB4015217 was installed on 4/11/2017... so the timing is about right Tim..

    4/11/2017 install of KB and lockup occurred 4/12/2017...  Nothing since though
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2017
    Tim, I've had 2 lock-ups in last 3 weeks (not previously occurred, and I can't associate any changes made to induce lockup). No PC involved as I run Maestro and 6700 both connected to 100mbs switch (never seen a packet dropout registered on the Maestro menu screen and I check it regularly). Maestro reboot doesn't fix lock-up, but operational after 6700 reboot. Both times occurred with units in idle mode for few minutes in one case and about an hour in the other. I operate 90% CW and 10% phone, no digital modes.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2017
    I hope some folks find this interesting reading.....

    I have a single desktop computer that I built back in 2014 which is running Windows 10 Professional.  It has KB4015583 installed and I am having NO problems with SmartSDR v1.9.13.173.   I didn't want to run the Beta or the most recent release due to the COM port "in use" issue.   I didn't want to deal with a work-around or take the chance of any system corruption and have decided to wait for an actual fix from the folks who write and provide the FlexVSP driver software.  This might sound silly but that's me....

    It is really remarkable what this desktop machine is actually running.  Here's a run down.

    This is an i7 with 16gb of RAM, Samsung SSD for OS and apps. Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse. There is a single 1 Tb internal drive for video/photo storage and processing and 2 external USB3 drives for backups and video survelance processing and storage.  This single machine is very rarely ever rebooted and even more rare is to turn it off.  Hasn't been turned off in over 3 months.  Rebooted for updates only. This single machine is running a lot of software including:  iSpy security camera survelance with 4 IP cameras (motion detection done via iSpy on the computer), Remote Hams RCForb to an Icom IC-7100 that is available for remote HF/VHF/UHF operations to 60+ people via the Internet, Cobain backup, CloudStation real-time synchronisation of various shared drives to a private Synology Diskstation cloud, SmartCAT, DAX, SmartSDR v1.9.13.173, DDUtil (control of Flex, Elecraft KPA500 and KAT500 via USB), FRStack for squelch and 2m scanning of my Flex 6700, HRDLogbook, Digital Master, HRD Sat Track,  Malware Bytes (premium), SDRBridge / CWSkimmer, SoftEther VPN, Teamviewer when I am traveling, MS Office mostly using Word and Excel,  and a few other programs that just aren't popping into my head at the moment.

    A precaution I've taken is to NEVER EVER use a browser on my Windows 10 machine to browse the Internet.  Instead, I use Oracle VirtualBox (Virtual Machine Hosting) where I have Ubuntu 64 running.  This is my sandbox for all Internet browsing via FireFox. This is how I also check my email.  Web browsers within Windows 10 are not allowed. I do not install any applications from the Internet unless absolutely necessary and well supported.  Within VirtualBox I also have a copy of Windows XP installed where I can install junk applications and not take the risk of corrupting my primary OS.  Though I very rarely ever use the XP VM.

    That is a boat load of applications that are installed.  Many of them are running all of the time and others are run quite frequently.  I do NOT have a separate GPU (Graphics Card) installed, instead, I have decided to use the built in GPU of the i7.   I am able to run 8 panadapters and 8 slices with waterfalls and view 4 IP cameras along with any other software I want all at the same time and without issues. The i7 GPU is driving 2 HD monitors.  I'd love to go with SHD but haven't made the leap yet.  I was running a Asus AMD HD-7870 GPU but it just put out too much heat. I pulled it out and started using the onboard GPU and realized it performed just fine, so I sold the 9870.

    Differential backups are done once a week to an external device.  Once a month or prior to any software updates or installs, I run the Windows 10 backup utility and make a System Image.  I catalogue these and am able to restore a system image and recover from any corruption or catastrophic failure in 15-20 minutes.  I highly recommend anyone running Windows to make system images of their stable system, name them appropriately and actually practice doing an image restore.

    My network is wired Ethernet on POE Gb switches with fiber via GBIC to a small switch for the radio room and my computer.  This isolates the Internet router, wifi router and POE security camera network from my shack in case of near hit lightning strike.  I had this happen once and lost a POE switch, wifi router and some other gear in the utility room.  Luckily it stopped there and didn't mess up my computer, Flex or any other gear. 

    Wireless for the laptops and the MAESTRO is via a very old Cicso WRT54G router running customized Tomato software.  I have never had a problem running my Maestro or laptops on this wifi router and I live in a fairly dense neighbourhood with several other router on the 2.4Ghz band although I have picked a channel that no one else is currently using.  My wife is constantly streaming Pandora or some movie off of Netflix.

    I leave my 6700 running most of the time.  The last time it was rebooted was between 5-6 days ago (OS Update).  6700 typically runs for 10+ days between voluntary reboots.  I have not experienced any lock-ups, no issues with dropped packets or anything else. 

    Its amazing what these computers will run these days. 

    So, maybe it is a combination of the new Windows update and the latest release of SmartSDR.  Works fine on the older release!

    Hope I didn't bore anyone.....

  • Member
    edited April 2017
    So what is now turning out to be just as funny is how the problem just Stopped Happening.  I've had the radio on for over 3 weeks straight, and haven't had a single problem, where it was sometimes failing twice a day before.  I'm not sure what I did that may have had any effect on this.  but I may have reset to the default profile during that time.  Something to try anyways.
  • Member
    edited April 2017
    Just curious is anyone else see the increase of memory usage on the smartsdr process when performing band changes.  Note the memory on the smartsdr process and run through the bands twice and then not the memory on the smartsdr process.

  • Member
    edited April 2017
    Tim I would be willing to work with you on the serial debugging
  • Member ✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Its a Land Grab !!!  I see it here - big computer, no network (radio plugged into an ethernet port on the motherboard) 6500 with the current 10.16 software

    Restarted SSDR and it was running about 55 MB.  DAX and CAT are also running.  No other programs, and have not touched SSDR - not even the vol. slider.

    After 15 min, I am now up to 93 MB - WOW - The radio just keeps taking and taking.

    lets wait a few more minutes ahh - now I am at 102 MB.

    For kicks, I started running through the band switching and within about 30 sec. I was up to 260 MB. 

    For people with small memory, I suppose this could just keep going until the computer just quits?

    Time to shut down SSDR and start up again - back to 55 MB, but here we go, it slowly starts to climb on its own.

    Win 8.1 - using Task Manager.

    Opps - just hit 125 MB still going - now at 128MB  . . .   glad I have 16 GB on hand . . .
    Will watch this and see if it ever stops . . .

    Good Luck Tim - maybe pour a few pints for you there lad ?
  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited April 2017
    Note that until you hit the max waterfall rewind buffer (~15 min), it is storing new waterfall data.
  • Member
    edited April 2017
    Eric, Thanks for the explanation.  The process never releases the memory back.  I have doneimage perfmons on it for 2 days now and it is creeping up and not going back down.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited July 2017
    its settling down . .

    after another 10 min. it seems to be running between 130 - 135 MB.  and has not gone up any - with the radio sitting on 80 meters and not touched.  Maybe its topped-off?

    But when I  start doing band changes, I can drive it up a lot higher.  I am now at 305 MB - was making band changes every 2 sec. for about a min.  Seems to go up 4 MB per band change.  I also did a few memory selection band changes.

    Lets see if it goes anyway else on its own . .   untouched for 5 min. and its showing 291 MB.

    Will let it run for 12 hours and see where it is.  I will let Flex decide if there is an issue - since I do not scan and I have left my radio on for months, it can't be too bad.  But maybe an indicator.

    Cheers !    Will grab a few pints myself - its almost friday afternoon . . .

  • Member
    edited April 2017
  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited April 2017
    What happens if you close a Panadapter?
  • Member
    edited April 2017
    do some more band changes and wait, and do it again.  It will never settle back down to the orginal amount.  The memory issue is due to band changes.
  • Member
    edited April 2017
    Before closing panadapter image
  • Member
    edited April 2017
    after closing both slicesimage
  • Member
    edited April 2017
    sorry other way around.  567.3 after and 571.8 before closing both slices

  • Member
    edited April 2017
    in 15 mins I will send another image

  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited April 2017
    Interesting.  Well, that definitely looks like some kind of a leak.  We will look into this.
  • Member
    edited April 2017
    After 15 min and both slices closed, it is still at 542megimage
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2017
    After two weeks of no crashes,with one pc and radio reboot and power down included in the fortnight, I had another crash last night. Frustrating that this occurred with ten mins to go to the end of an rsgb monthly 4m contest whilst I was on a run. I will lodge another help ticket over the weekend - no time today- but here are the basics again: Latest release W10 i5 very recent tower pc with 16gb of fast memory and nvidia 10 card Connected via 100mb old switch in shack to router downstairs via cat 5 Pc had been running for last week as had the radio on 80 scheds. D4 always running for time synchro N1mm+. Set up in so2r mode Tvtr is Kuhne tr70h. Turned down to 4w driving a Gemini 4 solid state pa I used wsjt 10 for first hour working jt6m mode for one longer distance sched contact Then went onto mainly ssb with occasional cw for next hour In the last hour, whilst running on ssb, the audio started breaking up ( I record my cq using the red button and play it back with the green button with footswitch for ptt - crude I know but it works) I knew the crash was coming from last experience and was watching the network monitor at the time - it never went lower than the full green bar reading and son in the same room was gaming in his pc on same network and had no disruption to his connection off the same switch. I think as it was crashing either it spiked the power a bit via the tvtr port or the swr changed as my solid state pa tripped out My audio from the voice recorder within ssdr started breaking up and the sure enough the radio disconnected And disappeared from the ssdr window. A button press did not restart the radio It required the long press to reboot the radio It came back on but in the 80m frequency I had he morning I reloaded my 4m tvtr profile and the radio returned to 4m on my run frequency ( rather than the freq of 70200 which is stored in the profile -wierd? ) Hope that helps- I will submit a help ticket over the weekend 73 Steve gw0gei
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2017
    UPDATE... this morning I experienced another lockup however I did some testing..  Computer frozen but still had audio from Radio... I was browsing the net while listening (Google Chrome browser) when the lockup occurred.

    I then took my tablet, opened the iOS SmartSDR client and forced a connection to the radio, Radio was still working fine and sound transfered to tablet without a hickup.  Computer was still locked up, after a forced reboot the computer preformed sluggish.  I then proceeded to remove update KB4015217 with this uninstall a reboot is required.  Computer now working much better and connected back to radio without ever shutting down the Flex 6500

    Will continue testing

    NOTE (This PC would fail to update to the latest version of Windows, the new Creators update)

  • Member ✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Well I just had my first crash with 1.10.16. I installed it on 3/28 and no problems until this morning. I use it everyday and its on from early morning until evening. I have lots of software installed on this computer. Running Win10 with latest updates. Rig is a 6700...no problems except this morning. SSDR hung and there was a loud tone coming through the speakers. Tried powering down the radio with the on/off switch but no luck there. Unplugged the 12V and plugged it back in and it came back ok.

  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2017

    Well, staying with 1.9.13

    With that said, may wait before jumping into V2.0



  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2017
    I had a similiar problem with my Flex 6700 when I first hooked it up. It would start chewing up memory until the computer came to its knees. Finally figured out it was caused by my FlexControl which was hooked up through and external USB hub. Found that if I unplugged the FlexControl it worked fine. I removed the the USB hub and plugged the control directly into one of the USB ports on the computer and no more problems.

  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2017
    That's a very interesting observation.  Just to be clear, I'm running SmartSDR v1.9.13.173 and as observed by others, it may be possible that there is a memory leak.

    With my 6700 and 8 panadapters open, I was sitting at 460 Mb.  After a bunch of band changes I'm now at 535 Mb and every time I make a band change it grabs more memory and doesn't seem to release it.

    I've played with it a bit more and now up at 674Mb and it still isn't releasing any of the memory it has grabbed.

    Now at 728 Mb. 

    I kept playing with changing bands and the size of the slices and it kept grabbing more memory and never releasing any of it.

    Now I'm just sitting here observing and not making any changes.  I am seeing the memory usage slowly climbing up.  It climbed to 791.3Mb, paused for a while and is now slowly climbing up again.  Wow, it just keeps climbing up and just paused again at 842Mb before starting to climb again.   Shoot, if it keeps this up, it will eventually run out of memory and crash.   I've never had SmartSDR crash before, but this isn't looking too good.   I've done nothing but sit and watch the Task Manager and it just passed 900Mb.

    I spent an hour on the phone, came back and its sitting at 1032.8 Mb and every time I change bands on any of the panadapters, the memory usage climbs.

    If I close a panadapter, some memory does get released, but not much.  If I continue to close all of the panadapters except for just one, the memory drops down to 480+- Mb. 

    Norm W7CK

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