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Smartlink working but no audio or waterfall

Hi everyone,

I have loaned my spare 6300 to a radio club that is more than a 5 hour drive away to allow club members to have remote access to their shack. They have about 1MBup and 10MB down ADSL internet on site.

The club IT guy has done the required port forwarding, and the radio shows up in Smartlink. I can connect to it just fine using either my home network or the on a different PC in my office.

However, there is nothing on the pan adapter and no audio is being passed either as per the screenshot below

When I change bands, I get a warning flag about the interlock preventing TX.

The radio worked fine at home before I shipped it out, and I do not have access to a PC on the remote site to update to the latest SmartSDR - it is currently on 3.4.21.

Is this a port forwarding problem? Reducing the panadapter width to a 2.4KHz and the waterfall refresh rate to 1 also makes no difference (reducing the internet BW required).

I have looked in the community and changing the MTU makes no difference either.

Thoughts? I will try and arrange for a remote VNC session when the club meets next week.


Steve, M0BPQ


  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin

    I opened a support ticket for you.

  • Member
    edited December 2024
    What was the resolution to this…I am having the same trouble

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