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really frustrated,SO2R setup
Jamie WW3S
Member ✭✭
really getting frustrated, need to walk away for a while....I had RTTY going last night, SO1R.....tried following the instructions in the 6700, N1MM, SO2R document, have everything setup per those instructions, but nothing is making sense....it appears B has the focus, as its highlighted on the Maestro screen, I'm transmitting on B in my MM setup, but the signal is going out on A....the RX/TX lamps are lit on the Maestro for A, even though B has the focus in MM....I'm really confused how the "slices" relate to A and B....is slice 1=A and slice 2=B ?!?!? where does that get defined? Also, I only see one DAX TX stream, is that correct for SO2R?
Hi Jamie
SO2R on N1MM is like having 2 radios. Like you did, you will assign Slice A to a Com Port and Slice B to a different Com port. These will never change moving forward, so you want to make sure you use A and B with N1MM.
Next, you will want a 3rd Port for OTRSP and then you will set up that port in N1MM to handle the audio switching. It sounds like you got that far.
Now, I would recommend that you use N1MM to change your focus. http://n1mm.hamdocs.com/tiki-index.php?page=SO2R+-+Single+Operator+Two+Radio+Operation
These have worked for me to move transmitting focus.
Mike- Backslash ( ) - Launches a second Entry Window if only one Entry window is open
- One radio - Moves RX focus between the 2 VFOs on the radio
- Two radios - Moves RX focus between the 2 radios
- Ctrl+Enter - Send next ESM state on alternate radio or VFO (assuming ESM turned on)
- Ctrl+F1 to F8 - Send Fn message on alternate radio or VFO.
- Ctrl+Left Arrow - In SO2R move both Transmit and Receive/Keyboard focus to left radio, or in SO2V move both TX and RX/Keyboard focus to VFO A
- Ctrl+Right Arrow - In SO2R move both Transmit and Receive/Keyboard focus to right radio, or in SO2V move both TX and RX/Keyboard focus to VFO B
- Pause - Move both TX and RX Keyboard focus to other radio (or other VFO in SO2V). If TX and RX focus are split when you hit pause, TX focus will move to where the RX focus is
- Alt+F5 - Swap radio frequency, mode, and callsigns between VFOs (SO2V) or radios (SO2R). In SO2R, the receive focus changes to the non-active radio.
- Alt+F6 - Identical to Alt+F5 except the receive focus does not change. No effect in SO2V
- Ctrl+B - Toggles dueling CQs on and off. Dueling CQ's will send CQ alternately on each radio or VFO, with the RX focus moving to the Entry window that is not transmitting. If Dueling CQ's is turned on, both radios become run radios. A delay can be inserted between each CQ by setting the "Set Dueling CQ Repeat Time" under the SO2R menu. Dueling SSB and CW CQ's are supported too. An icon denoting Dueling CQs
appears in the entry windows when dueling CQs are actually being transmitted.
0 - Backslash ( ) - Launches a second Entry Window if only one Entry window is open
Mike is correct, to some extent by providing the OTRSP controls. Let me add to mikes response with a bit more setup context in case to answer your question in more detail where this is defined, and this is more than just an OTRSP learning curve...
The pause button would be your best place to start, if the pause button does not toggle (N1MM must be in focus) then there is an issue.
Where all of this is defined:
SSDR Cat, and N1MM.
Note com 4 is slice A, and Com 11 is slice B in this case. OTRSP is set up for slices A/B now lets look at N1MM configurer
Notice the corresponding Com 4, designated as slice A in SSDR CAT, and Com 11 designated as slice B. so lets click the "set" button in slice A, com 4. this is where many of the mistakes are made..
Pay particular attention to radio nr. so Com4 asigned to slice a is assigned radio 1 in N1MM
Likewise, click set on the Slice B com port in the N1MM configurer, and it should be set to radio 2.
this is where radio 2 is assigned slice B in this case. This is how its defined by the logger, in conjunction with the SSDR Cat application, and subsequently the radio.
Make sense?
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Chris...thanks again for the great instructions.0
Thanks Chris.. I was hoping you would jump in. I had forgotten about the radio number.0
No worries guys.. One more frequently confusing aspect of this setup, is that if you have not selected SO2R mode in N1MM, you will be prevented from selecting anything other than radio 1, so it is key to make that selection first, prior to diving into assigning the radio numbers. its more of an order of operations thing... The N1MM configure interface is very old and has not changed for many years, and can be confusing as pertains to order of operation during setup.0
It might be helpful to explain why two tx profiles are needed for SO2R. I would but I’m not sure I fully understand. 730
Matt, I think this is a blurry area, so I wouldnt go too deep, but think, 2 SCU's = 2 radios, 2 amps each with customized drive levels and needs for that radio chain... now the process of building those 2 tx profiles is out of scope of this post ;-). that would be best handled in a separate write up and is not covered in full context in the current flex documentation..
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thanks everyone for their help.....i think im slowing sorting this out......before, when I had 2 separate radios, if I clicked an F key on Radio 2, the focus automagically changed.....this doesnt appear to be happening now, I have to hit PAUSE first to switch focus, then press the F key...that cant be correct....also, whenever I try to transmit on R2/B it keys for a second then drops out, I think its flashing TX inhbit on the display....0
I'm trying to setup for SO2R and have lots of frustration getting settings to "stick."
My antenna switching hardware is working fine, the logger is controlling slices A
and C fine. My problems are getting the panadapters/slices to save the Antenna selections, separate RF power settings, Left/Right audio panning, ... I THINK this
is all about Global Profiles/Transmit Profiles/TX Band Settings. But the documentation isn't sufficient or clear enough to get me through this. Know of any good tutorials, resources, explanations to get the settings all squared away and saved?
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Can you tell us how you are saving your settings right now?
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I'm trying lots of combinations of Global Profile and Transmit Profiles and TX Band Settings - but either I think differently, don't understand the Flex thinking, or they don't work exactly as expected from reading the manual. Currently, I can't get the settings to "stick" with a Global Profile or a Transmit Profile (or two). And if I switch bands, the settings are all different and have to be manually set again - which pretty much eliminates SO2R operation.
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I think the idea is,,is to create a profile per band in this case, so when you select a band your settings will be just as you want them.
I hope some of the people really good at this will stop bye to give you a hand on this,,,better than I am...lol
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