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European 220V Greece plug



  • KL4QG
    KL4QG Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Again thank u all Flex radio Owners Rock and Roll
  • KL4QG
    KL4QG Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Well again thanks all Flex Radio Owners Rock and Roll Joe
  • KL4QG
    KL4QG Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Update after using for few days the amp getting very Good clean audio and signal reports on 20/40/80 SSB CW also relays are not heard RadioSport 350 A headset Mic You can find them at DX World Electronics FaceBook Page It’s half price of 1200 watt Ameritron Solid State Ampifier For smaller foot print get the ext power supply- my amp the supply Built in the Case a spec order — I’m getting full 1700 watts on all bands or course I drive so I’m using 1500 watts Joe KL4QG

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