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Lost DAX Drivers

Al Reeves
Al Reeves Member ✭✭
After installing the latest Window 10 update I lost my DAX drivers.  I performed (twice) the uninstall/install procedure recommended by Flex with no success.  This happened once before and Tim had to remote to my computer via teamviewer and reinstall DAX drivers.  I have place a call to Flex tech support but they have not called back.  Can anyone help in the meantime?


  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited May 2019
    I can get you sorted back out, I'm permanently parked in the #Flexradio IRC channel.
    Clicking that link in my post signature will take you there.


    #FlexRadio IRC chat

       73, Jay - NO5J

  • Dick B
    Dick B Member ✭✭
    edited March 2019
    I recently upgraded a system from Win 7 to Win 10 and lost DAX and CAT.  I just followed the reinstall procedure on the Flex site and both came back just fine.  Here's the DAX procedure.   https://helpdesk.flexradio.com/hc/en-us/articles/204017069-How-to-Manually-Re-Install-DAX-Drivers 

  • Mike Krzystyniak
    edited March 2019
    I had the same problem.  Yesterday morning I elected to do the W10 update.  When done I found by reviewing the Device Manager that it blew away DAX RX Audio channels 1-4, and a few of the other channels.  Following the process Tim wrote fixed it.

    It would be nice if there was (and maybe there is) a script that could be run to accomplish the same.  Typing those longer strings can tedious and challenging for the visually dyslexic. 

    Regardless, thank you Tim and the group for the community support and solutions...

    73  Mike K9MK

  • Dick B
    Dick B Member ✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Copy/paste to avoid all the error prone typing.  Yes, a script would be useful but you probably will only ever need to do this once, so it's bearable.  

  • Mike Krzystyniak
    edited March 2019
    Hi ****,  This was my 3rd or maybe 4th time I had to do this, but the first time using 2.4.9
    I was a late adopter of V2 so previous driver installs were using V1 and involved both the DAX and CAT.

    R R, copy and paste does work but at 0800z I was a bit slow on the drag and drops.
    I was thinking of a red button under the APP settings. 
    Seems simple enough to embed that into the APP.

    Thank you.

    73's   Mike K9MK

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