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I need recommendation on a good logging software program that will work with smart SDR

Member ✭✭
edited June 2020 in SmartSDR for Windows
I currently have a full license copy of Him Radio Deluxe but unless I run DDUTIL it doesn't run properly and I would rather not run DDUTIL because it for me is too complicated. Iis there a logging program that will work on my windows PC with smart SDR easily without a lot of fuss?


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  • Member
    edited December 2016
    This is sorta like Fords and Chevy comparisions , we all have our favorites. I find DXlabs to be the one that works for me,and works well with the Flex. And it is free.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited January 2017
    I've been using LOG4OM for about 2 years. It's free, their support is excellent and it integrates very easily with my 6500. I also used HRD, but found it lacked some features. When they went to a subscription based plan, I decided that it's time to look elsewhere. LOG4OM allows me to integrate with the DX Cluster, keep track of all my  QSO's and recently allowed be too import over 40 years of my paper logs that were previously using an old DOS logging program. I'm sure others will offer suggestions.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2017
    I don't use HRD but when I have run it and didn't need futility. What isn't that doesn't work ? Is it possible HRD is not configured correctly ?
  • Member
    edited July 2019
    I have used both DXLabs and Log4OM and almost every other logger that comes along. I keep going back to DXLabs primarily because I'm used to it and I get great support from the developer and the DXLabs community.

    Log4OM has a more modern looking interface if that's important to you. Feature-wise, I think Log4OM and DXLabs is close.

    Connectivity between the rig and DXLabs seems very easy to me. Commander provides some pretty nice controls without over-duplicating what SmartSDR already provides. I like the user-defined controls and the potential they provide in DXLabs.

    I've been using DXLabs since 2004 or 2005? Can't remember. Funny thing is, I'm still finding new features I didn't know existed. Not really important stuff but interesting stuff. For instance, I imported a lot of stuff from another log and all the WPX prefixes were messed up. In DXKeeper (the log book) I was able to direct the program to look at each record and update the WPX prefix with the correct information. It was too easy.

    I can talk a lot more about DXLabs compared with Log4OM only because I have spent much more time with it. If DXLabs went away tomorrow I'd be all over Log4OM.

    fldigi (using a bridge unfortunately) keeps DXKeeper up to date with contacts. WSTJ-X plays nicely with DXKeeper. I also use CW Skimmer and N1MM+. No conflicts. DXKeeper imports N1MM+ logs cleanly.

    DXLab's Commander connected to the SDR-6500 via TCP/IP without any intervening proxies.

    Try them all! Back up a lot. :)

    Kev K4VD

  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2016
    I use log4om, tried dxlabs and didn't like it. But it requires the use of omnirig vs the direct tcpip connectivity of dxlabs.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2016
    I love Log4OM.  It's free, it's extremely capable, and it works well with SmartSDR.  This software is also under current development by a team of experts, so you get new features every few months.
  • Member
    edited October 2016
    HRD here no need for DDUtil, HRD will natively connect to SmartSDR Cat. I also use the N3FJP suite of apps for the couple of contests/field day I run each year. After the contest I export and import into HRD to keep one master log.

    I have also looked at the other apps out there Log4OM, N1MM, DX Labs, N3FJP and stick with HRD mostly as I continue to use DM780 for digital work and it is well integrated with the HRD Log. 

    Jay N0IAI
  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2017
    If you enjoy chasing DX, try CommCat. (www.commcat.com)  It has an easy to use logging program built in.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    I suppose it depends upon what you want to do with it.

    If you just want simple logging, but not a full-fledged contesting program, then N3FJP is a good logger.  It is what I use for day-to-day logging because it is simple, and I have used it since about 2003.  (I use N1MM+ for contesting)  
    It tracks WAS and DXCC confirmations, will link to LOTW and Club Log, and has some simple interface to spotters networks, and the WinKey emulation for CW memory Keyer on the Flex.  It links via CAT to import your frequency and mode into the log. BUT...It currently only tracks Slice 'A' and you cannot make it record slice 'B' if you are playing on two bands at the same time.
    It is simple and "just works."  COST:  $24.99 (US)  Additional contest-specific loggers are available at additional cost.  He has a "bundle" price also that includes all of his contest programs.

    If you want something more elaborate for a general logger, you can check out some of these:

    Some written by members of the flex community.  I hesitate to make a list, because I do not want to insult anyone by leaving them out.  but here are a few that I have heard discussed here...

    Log4OM (free), http://www.log4om.com/ is a powerful logging combo.

    DXLab suite http://www.dxlabsuite.com/  is a freeware program suite that incorporates a lot more power, and many functions, but is a bit more involved.

    DXBase  http://www.dxbase.com/  ($49.99)

    DX4WIN  http://www.dx4win.com/  ($89.95)

    Winlog32  http://www.winlog32.co.uk/  (free)

    Writelog  http://www.writelog.com/  ($30)

    I have not done extensive evaluations of any of these program suites, other than play around a bit with Log4OM and DXLabs.  I plan eventually to make a switch to one of these other loggers someday, but I haven't had much time to evaluate them.  I am too busy hunting DX and contesting with the 6500!

    The ultimate contesting log, in my book is currently N1MM Plus:

    Here is a link to a survey of many of the major logging programs in current use:


    Hope this helps.

    Ken - NM9P

  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    HRD will run just fine without DDUTIL, but the overhead of the radio control software is an unnecessary drag on your computer.  DDUTIL is actually quite simple.  Just check Signature and the 6.2 buttons (assuming you have the latest HRD) and you're good to go.  You don't need any of the other features.  Mini-Deluxe is another 3-rd party program that will do the same thing.  I've stayed with HRD for the integration with rotor control, DX-Cluster, and DM780.

  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2019
    I like Log4OM. IT works really well. I tried DXLabSuite and while it has good features it was way too ugly and poorly laid out for my liking. 
  • Member
    edited December 2016
    Way too ugly and poorly laid out. I hear that a lot.

    Oh, you were talking about DXLabs. ;)

  • Member
    edited December 2016
    You have to have a cat serial port configured and the HRD setup set to use that port for HRD to work with SmartSDR. There are helps on both FlexRadio and HRD about this. Mine works FB now with SmartSDR and HRD logbook. w7zac
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    MiniDeluxe and HRDLog because logging is easy with DM780 and WSJT-X or Log4OM.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Darn iPhone auto correct. :)

    When I have used HRD it didn't require DDutil.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited October 2016
    I use N3FJP's Amateur Contact (AC) Log.  Works perfectly with PowerSDR or SmartSDR--no other software required.  Very easy to use.  There is a one-time fee and Scott provides regular updates, as well as speciality logs.  It supports DX cluster and QRZ integration.  Like many people I use N1MM for contesting.

    Larry, W1IZZ
  • Member ✭✭
    edited August 2019
    I just had to put in a comment for LoGic-9. I have used for several years and is well supported. It does cost a few dollars but well worth it.  You can change just about anything in the format.  Add to your logging screen.  Track any thing you want.  Has basic contest screens. Works well with my 6500 and other radios.  New interface is with Fldigi and working on others.  Compatible with LOTW and others.  Can work from any logging data.  Also can download info and memberships for quick and auto entry.

    We all have out faves and I'm sure you will find one that will work for you.  Good luck with all this info  in making your choice.

    Larry, ke2yc
  • Member ✭✭
    edited November 2019
    I have been using latest HRD full version for many years without the need to use DDUtil.
    I use all the features and mode and it runs perfectly. 
    Why bother with those "ugly and poorly laid out," when you have the best on hand!
    Hopefully HRD will integrate WSJT modes.  
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    I would love to stay with my HRD package that I currently have but I could t get it to connect to my local host because no matter what com port I set the flex control to even up to 99, it always only gave me that option to connect through. I did t get it. So I gave up on it. Maybe a fresh uninstall and install of my HED package again???
  • Member
    edited December 2016
    Because "ugly and poorly laid out" is an opinion.

    As for WSJT modes are  you looking for full integration into HRD or just compatibility between programs? I'm using JTAlert-X with WSJT-X. It does a fine job of alerting me to any DX or WAS I need (and others too) and it sends log updates to DXKeeper. Looking at the JTAlert-X setup, HRD is included in the list of programs it supports.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    I believe that you are using the IOS version of Smart SDR and also the windows version. I'm curious as to how you keep all your logs synchronized. I am also looking for a logging program and don't want to get involved in contesting so the Log40M looks appealing. Stan N1THL
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2016
    For now I just VNC into my desktop and do the logging there. On newer iPads you can multitask. 

    Looking for a better solution. Since the backend of my log is MySQL I am wondering about the possibilities. 
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020

    Really surprised that one of our old timers didn't suggest this.  :)
  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited December 2016
    That brings back memories
  • edited October 2016
    I like N3FJP it is a paid version! It works well with my 6500!
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2016
    A bit hard to upload to LoTW, I think. :)
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2016
    JTAlert works well with HRD and Log4OM as well. 
  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited December 2016
    It is a flexible format, meaning it bends easily ;-)
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2016
    But oh so proprietary, and a closed system...
  • Member
    edited December 2016
    Actually - I would have thought this is the most open system. Ruled paper and handwriting?

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