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Any updates on SDR 1.4?

Any updates on the status of SDR 1.4??


  • Bill -VA3WTB
    Bill -VA3WTB Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Ummm, it's only the 5th Nick. You starting this already? 
  • Nick - W2NER
    Nick - W2NER Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm bouncing around like a kid in a candy store... 
  • Jay -- N0FB
    Jay -- N0FB Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Bill, Burt....are you two privy to info that the rest of us don't have?  This seems to me to be a reasonable request for information.  There are no demands in Nick's question.  The estimated timeframes stated in previous communications have come and gone.
    Helping to set customer expectations is always a good thing. 
  • Steve - M3SXA
    Steve - M3SXA Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm sure the 'official' word was hopefully the end of January 2015, could be before or could be after... ;-)
  • Jay -- N0FB
    Jay -- N0FB Member ✭✭
    edited March 2015
    Could you point me to that posting.  I can't find it.  I'm seeing stuff about the end of 2014 with the caveat of only releasing when it's ready and reasonably free of defect.

  • Ernest - W4EG
    Ernest - W4EG Member ✭✭
    edited October 2019
    In January !!!  :)
  • Bill -VA3WTB
    Bill -VA3WTB Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    That should nail it down Ernest...lol
  • Greg N8GD
    Greg N8GD Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019

    From the December "Flex Insider" newsletter that I received on December 12th, Steve Hicks, N5AC, VP of FlexRadio Engineering, wrote:

    LAN remote has required more effort than we originally estimated.  We ended up working on several key systems and streamlining them (software engineers call this "refactoring") to ensure the best quality of audio through the remote LAN.   We were hoping to be able to release v1.4 before the end of the year and we continue to see this requested -- we would love to be able to do it.  From where I sit now, I can say that we have done most of the refactoring work and are poised to finish up this work and start testing in earnest this next week, but I don't believe we will get enough testing time to ensure that the code is stable enough to release before the end of the year.  We are currently targeting January 30th for the release and feel confident we will hit this deadline.  Trust me, we're all disappointed that this is the answer and we're working to get you a great v1.4 as soon as we can.  Our unchanged goal is to deliver you the best radio equipment and software available and sometimes this takes more time than we originally forecasted.



  • Nick - W2NER
    Nick - W2NER Member
    edited February 2015
    Thanks Greg, did not catch that.
  • Frank Triche
    Frank Triche Member
    edited January 2015

    That's what I saw also Greg... Jan. 30th.. So I am just patiently waiting for that date.. But if it happens sooner I sure won't complain.. hihi..

    Tnx, Frank.. N5WJ

  • Nick - W2NER
    Nick - W2NER Member
    edited February 2015
    Thanks Jay, some just can't help themselves.
  • Jay -- N0FB
    Jay -- N0FB Member ✭✭
    edited March 2015
    That one went right over my head.  Thanks Greg!
  • Greg N8GD
    Greg N8GD Member ✭✭
    edited June 2018


    Yeah, I wouldn't cry if it shows up prior to the end of this month, either!  In fact, half the reason I check in to the community several times a day, is that I hope to see a sidebar appear with a blue top banner announcing V1.4 is available.  I suppose I'll be looking for it for a few more weeks, though (sigh).

    Greg - N8GD

  • Nick - W2NER
    Nick - W2NER Member
    edited February 2015
    Burt, why don't you stop being an ****..
  • Jay -- N0FB
    Jay -- N0FB Member ✭✭
    edited March 2015
    Burt, time to restrain your inner curmudgeon. 

  • Nick - W2NER
    Nick - W2NER Member
    edited February 2015
    Well Burt, if you have nothing better to do then set in front of your computer and put someone down for asking a question, its not I who needs a life. And you are being an ****, plain and simple.
  • Steve W6SDM
    Steve W6SDM Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2015
    Impatience causes really smart people to do some foolish things.  Remember, impatience comes to those who must wait.  :)  

  • L.Kubis
    L.Kubis Member ✭✭
    edited August 2019
    Is V1.4 in final field Beta test yet??


  • K1UO Larry
    K1UO Larry Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    While we are waiting......Can't help but wonder out loud if there will be a nice, polished, Flex video showing the fineries of how the remote over LAN will work.  If not that maybe a few screenshots of the new remote tab?  I'll be one of the very first to be using a Flex6x00 in full LAN remote configuration and via a wireless Ethernet connection at that.    One thing I hope it stops is the incessant audio motorboating I get over DAX with SSDR ver 1.3.8.
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    So I'm beginning to realize that some of you didn't receive the link you click to download the release candidates ahead of the planned release date, in your Christmas stockings like everybody else did.

    Well, you had to know that there might be a penalty to be paid, for driving the folks at Flexradio crazy with all the demands for more information. I mean we get a new thread on this more than once a week. Some of the folks at flex that used to code software have now been reassigned to typing replies and forwarding suggestions from customers about really really going faster. which ultimately is just going to cause more delays. When did the FCC create this new license class anyway and what's it called "Amateur Extra Impatient". I see people requesting exact dates for something that isn't ready or done yet. Why, do you think Flexradio can accurately predict the future. Might as well ask them for stock picks too. Magic 8 ball will my copy of 1.4 arrive in time for me to enjoy the experience. Magic 8 Ball sez "Doubtful" Maybe you misspelled your valid email address on your sign-up request for the FlexInsider. More than likely you just can't be bothered to read emails or anything else sent directly to you. So please go ahead and skip reading this post too. The rest of us will read it and laugh at you. C'mon you know everybody laughs at you, always have, and always will. If your still reading this and your not laughing, Remember when others are laughing and your not, it's usually because your the joke.

    What a great way to start off another year Happy! Happy! Happy!
  • Nick - W2NER
    Nick - W2NER Member
    edited June 2020
    I love my flex radio and all it has to offer and the support from flex has been second to none!  I have had my flex about 6 months now and one thing I failed to see (call it what you want) was the new flex 6xxx series did not have the FM mode along with some other features.  I did not notice that untill it was already on my hands.  Now every radio out there available today has the FM mode so why in the world would you release a new series without the basics of every other radio that's available?  Now lets not forget the 5000 series has all these functions already.  If I was part of the Flex team, I would not have let the 6xxx series go without the basic functions of every other radio.  That's my only gripe with this radio otherwise it's the best around.

    Now me asking questions about any status on release of the 1.4 version if the date is getting pushed out (again) or not, is my prerogative.  I never asked for any new feature, nice to have, this can be improved, this does not work or whatever.  I just want the basic function that should have been there in the first place.  So, anyone who has a problem with me asking a simple question, your problem not mine.  Also, I or anyone else is not looking for some smart A$$ remarks so that **** you can keep to yourself.  This forum is for asking questions no matter how repetitive they may be and getting direction or advice. Not for anyone to pass their feelings about someone else.
  • WA6FXT Mike
    WA6FXT Mike Member ✭✭
    edited June 2017

      I often wondered why FRS didn't start with PowerSDR, myself; until, I remembered that PowerSDR was 'based' on OpenSDR, I think. If this is correct, then I believe FRS would not be allowed to use that as a base for the proprietary SmartSDR.

      All of the above is assuming (Yeah! I know...) that OpenSDR was GPL or LGPL licensed. If true, it would explain a lot.

      There is also the fact that the 6000 series uses a very high performance FPGA for the initial DDC blocks and using 'C' code as the base for HDL (Hardware Descriptive Language) is not straight forward; nor, is it very efficient (Despite what some will say about SystemC, OpenCL or some other 'C' like languages)

     The above comments are my $2.00 worth (2015 inflation rate)

    73's de Mike

    The following is "Priceless" (hihi)

    PS: I am also waiting for the FM modes, for the same reason I didn't try digital, until SmartSDR included the DAX interface (I refused to connect AUDIO cables from my computer). So, I don't want to use my 'other' radio, in the shack for something that should and will be my 6700.

      I am waiting to see what FRS will do about controlling 6700's accessories (Linear, rotors, antenna switches, etc...). I know, I could use DDUtil or some other PC based control add-ons; but, that will NOT work in a remote setup. The best, to me, would be USB drivers in the embedded Linux system that would allow, USB I/O devices to connect directly to the 6000 series and controlled via the TCP/IP API (FlexLib.DLL) (There are a lot of great USB drivers out there that should be usable unchanged; which would allow them to be used in the proprietary embedded Linux system.

  • mw0pic
    mw0pic Member
    edited March 2015
    Very well said.. I totally agree with you . This is the first time I have felt the need to contribute to any discussion on this forum.    
  • James Kennedy-WU5E
    James Kennedy-WU5E Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020

    This was also mention on the Flex net on Sunday's  one or twice. Mercy I was Contesting and miss last Sunday's. Well over 9 hours of contesting 15k point. Flex 6500 work like a champ.


  • Ernest - W4EG
    Ernest - W4EG Member ✭✭
    edited January 2015
    Well said NO5J...

    Tim ... This is very repetitive will this threat eventually be close?  BORING 
  • Ken - NM9P
    Ken - NM9P Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Why did they release a rig that did not have FM and a few other features perfected yet? So other hams lime myself could enjoy the 95% of the rig that is working well. I have had my 6500 for 18 months and have been able to thoroughly enjoy it while there have been no fewer than six updates, each one adding to my enjoyment, including perfecting CW break-in, adding an innovative speech processor, panafall, and many other features. I am glad that I didn't have to wait for 18 more months until all of the software could be perfected. I certainly would not trade my pleasure of earning DXCC, WAS, placing in the top 5 in my state in both the W1AW/p and Centenniel points Challenge, and so far getting only 5 contacts short from 6BWAS while waiting for FM to be added to my 6500 before it could be released... While I will be glad to have it, I will use it less than one per-cent of my operating time, and would wager that most owners of 6000 rigs would agree. It is certainly better to enjoy the rig NOW while I wait for the new features. No snark or disrespect intended, simply a reality check, and my own experience-based opinion.
  • KY6LA_Howard
    KY6LA_Howard Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2015
    I run remote all the time with DDUTIL controlling linear, SteppIR MonstIR, Rotor, switches, etc,etc etc. In fact, I am remote now. No issues whatsoever.

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