SmartSDR v3.8.23 and the SmartSDR v3.8.23 Release Notes
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Static IP Address activated and Flex-8600 is lost
My Flex-8600 (SmartSDR v.3.8.23) did not find his way into the internet. After doing on the router my best I thought the problem might be the IP Address, because the router did show a different one as the Radio did. Well, I decided wrongly to switch to “STATIC” IP-Address. Doing so I lost my Flex Radio.
OK, next I read in the community the comment from Tin Ellison on an answer to lu7yz who did have a similar question. A factory reset was recommended. So, I did follow the given steps. Now I am worried. What I do get to see -after unplugging everything from the Radio, and -after unplugging 12 V Power is a blinking green light for two minutes on the main switch, next 1 second fan, followed by a shut down and red-light blinking. Even if I go over the white light procedure to a completely new restart: the upcoming red blinking light makes me nervous.
May somebody help me please? First, I need to get my radio running again. The red-blinking-light needs to disappear. I wonder, is there a bios on the radio that needs to be repaired?
(Afterward some hint with regards remote flex (without maestro) will be appreciated very much. I do get to see my radio within the router range– the problem seems to be behind the router despite opening all doors.)
Thank you…
Best Answer
Hola Michael.
Este es el archivo a descomprimir con el programa BalenaEtcher.
En mi equipo (8400 ) ha funcionado perfectamente.
Necesitas un Pen con 4Gigas minimo formateado.
Cuando tengas el archivo en el Pen lo conectal al equipo en la entrada USB superior.
Pulsar la tecla de encendido hasta que se ponga de color morado.
Cuando termine el proceso podras encender de nuevo ti Flex.
Please open a support ticket.
There is no BIOS that needs to be repaired.
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Hola .Lo mismo me sucedió hace unos dias.
Abri un ticket de soporte y en pocas horas problema solucionado.
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que le hicieron ? Como lo arreglaste?
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Descargando el programa BalenaEtcher y descomprimiendo un archivo que me mandaron por mail.
Una vez descargado el archivo tienes que pasarlo a una memoria USB y conectarla al equipo .
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Help-Desk did answer my petition for a ticket. Here is the answer:
“I spoke to our sustaining engineering team about your issue. They have determined it is a known software defect and are have a solution being prepared. This issue has been logged as defect number: SMART-(number given): Smartlink doesn’t work when 8000 radios are using FIXED IP. This issue will be resolved in an upcoming software release -- v3.9. At this moment, I do not have an ETA for the release.”
So, thanks to everyone who did reply to my cry for help. I guess, patience is needed. Thanks as well to PIMPOLLO for the tip with regards to the program “balenaEtcher”… I wonder about the file you needed to decompress.
Thank you to everyone +730 -
Hi again to everybody reading this,
Thanks (1000x) to Pimpollo I got my Flex 8600 working again. I did how he described the procedure and my Radio started to react normal. Here I repeat the steps in English:
1. Download the program “BalenaEtcher”.
2. Download the FLEX Radio (location given above)
3. Take a USB Stick with at least 4 GB and format it.
4. Start the program “BalenaEtcher” and “flash from file” point it to the zip-expanded “bigbend-recovery-202502121258.img”
5. With “Select target” point BalenaEtcher to your USB-Stick.
6. Flash the USB-Stick.
7. Place the USB-Stick into the upper USB entrance of your FLEX8400/8600
8. Press and hold the main Switch until it goes from Green- to White- to Purple.
9. WAIT – quite long, until neither the purple switch nor the USB-Stick is flashing.
10. Take the USB-Stick out, start the FlexRadio and install again the “SmartSDR” Software with a LAN cable.
Enjoy! Global Files will be gone, so treat the FlexRadio like a new one.
Once more -thanks to Pimpollo! His help and link did make me smile again.
Take care! 73 Michael0
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