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Accessory connector pin 9

K9SO Member ✭✭

Pin 9: +5VDC
"This pin is a +5VDC output for use by external equipment. This pin is capable of sourcing up to 500mA of current. A thermally resetting fuse will protect the radio from damage."

When is this voltage active? Does it follow the radio connection status (e.g., when a client connects?)

Best Answer

  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi Fred, I don't think so. I think it just comes on with the radio. The only way I know to tell if a client connects is via the API.

    What is it that you are trying to do?


  • K9SO
    K9SO Member ✭✭

    Hi Len,

    We are setting up a remote access Flex station for our club. While I can easily disconnect antennas remotely with remote switches, I am looking for a way to do so automatically. I like physical disconnects at my remote stations (see my QRZ page) and I need a control signal. I don't want to depend on someone remembering to shut down the station properly.

    Max added a connect pin (API) in his MORCONI that follows a client connection to the radio. I may have to go that route.


  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator
    edited 2025 01

    Hi Fred, I did a project for a radio club in Tampa for just that purpose. It is called the FlexAntDisconnector.

    Len Koppl, KDØRC
    Teensy 4.1 (with built-in Ethernet)

    Built for Lu Romero, W4LT to be used with his club station.
    This connects to a Flex and checks for the presence of a logged-in GUI-client.
    If one or more are found, set pin 33. A config file is used to determine if pin 33 is active high or low.
    A NPN switch can be used to drive an antenna
    disconnect relay.

    It also detects the band and can switch bandpass filters. It behaves differently depending on logged in clients and which bands each client is on. I will need to go back and re-read everything about it, but if the program comments (above) are what you are after, I can send you everything. Here is the schematic. In retrospect, I would probably use opto-isolators instead of NPN transistors.

  • K9SO
    K9SO Member ✭✭

    Yes. Sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. Any SW details available?

  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    I completely forgot… I put this out on Github a while back:


    Config.zip should be unzipped and placed on an SD card inserted in the Teensy board.

    The next file down is the documentation (very sparse…) and contains the schematic.

    The next file (.hex) is the executable file to be loaded onto the Teensy.

    The next two .zip files are the source and library in case you want to see how it was done, or to make modifications.

  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Funny, you asked me that question as I was already preparing an answer! To make this work, you only need the config and .hex files.

    The code is designed to work with multiple Flex radios on the same LAN. In that case, you need one Teensy for each radio/ant disconnector combo and you need to specify which radio by serial number that each Teensy will connect to. If you only have one radio on the LAN, you can leave the Serial: parameter off or commented out in the Config.ini file.

  • K9SO
    K9SO Member ✭✭

    …. hmmm I wonder what it's seeing?


  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    That is a false positive. Some of the virus detectors give a warning because it is not something that is downloaded by lots of people.

    You should be OK to keep and extract the files.

    To test the disconnector, you only need the .hex file and the Config.ini file.

  • K9SO
    K9SO Member ✭✭

    Will do Len, and thanks very much. I don't download much from GitHub so I wasn't sure.

    I am going to attempt my own just for fun, but it will be my first attempt at working with the Flex API. I will be using your source code as a guide and certainly the HEX to try things out.

    Your help is much appreciated once again.


    Fred, K9SO

  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Sounds good Fred!

  • Mike-VA3MW
    Mike-VA3MW Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin

    Another Option is to use a RPI with NodeRed on it. You can easily detect when the radio has no users connected and then disconnect antennas. As well, it will give you a remote web page to managed many other things.

    That just scratches the surface of what it can do.

  • K9SO
    K9SO Member ✭✭

    Thanks for pointing that out Mike. Node Red is also on the learning curve roadmap … decisions, decisions … . 😶


  • K9SO
    K9SO Member ✭✭

    Thanks for the ideas guys … I built this "open frame" generic Din rail implementation (lower right) today and got it to work with the MORCONI code. The Amazon relay board works with 3.3v I/O pins and enables/disables the antenna selection circuitry. Len, I'll load your disconnect code and experiment with that too. Really simple to do.

    Fred, K9SO

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