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Installing latest SW, skipping over earlier upgrades

A basic question: I installed the latest 3.7.4 SW on my Flex 6600M radio and Windows 11 PC, which had v3.5.9, skipping over the SW updates between the two. My question is, considering SmartSDR for windows has shared components in each SW upgrade, was it wise to skip over and not install the upgrades between the two that I installed? And if it was not wise, how can I correct it? Without testing everything, things seem to be working, so far.

Best Answers

  • Gord-VA7GP
    Gord-VA7GP Member ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I would be shocked if Flex relied on prior components, for a re-install or upgrade of SmartSDR!!!

    Are you certain this is the case?

  • Dudley  WA5QPZ
    Dudley WA5QPZ Member ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Each version installs in its own directory and individual firmware . There some unusual cases going backwards , due to some hardware differences, but going forward skipping over versions is not an issue..




  • Mike-VA3MW
    Mike-VA3MW Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin
    Answer ✓

    Unless you are at some older V1, you can jump to the end.

    Downgrading starts to have some issues due to a number of procedure changes, but if you really really have to, you should check with us. In every case, you'll have to reset the radio database.


  • Eric-KE5DTO
    Eric-KE5DTO Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    Answer ✓

    What Mike said. As long as you are on SmartSDR v1.4+, you can just update directly to the version of your choice. No need to install intermediate versions if you missed one or more.

    One additional note though: If you are going to downgrade to an earlier software version, I would STRONGLY recommend doing a factory reset and only importing profiles/settings from the same or earlier versions (e.g. don't downgrade from v3.7 to v3.5 without a factory reset and don't import v3.7 settings into v3.5). The database is setup to handle changes moving forward into newer versions, but this is much tougher when moving back.

  • n3cga
    n3cga Member
    Answer ✓
    Mike and Eric,
    Thanks much for the replies. I am definitely not going backwards. I am going from v3.5.9 to v3.74 so it appears I am safe. It's helpful to know how the SW works, also. That "shared components" comment on page 5 of the 3.74 release notes had me concerned.
    Best regards...


  • n3cga
    n3cga Member
    Thanks, guys... I appreciate the comments and am somewhat reassured.

    My option was to uninstall the latest and go back and install the previous versions, but I thought that may be redundant and asking for trouble. However, the reason I got concerned was in reading "Smart SDR for Windows v3.7.4 Release Notes"... bottom of page 5, "SmartSDR for Windows Shared Components," it does seem to imply that having installed previous versions is important. (There is definite warning about going back in versions and having to do a factory reset.)

    Any other comments are appreciated...

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