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What is the best microphone headset pairing for the Flexradio 6600
Hi, I have had the Flexradio 6500 for several years and I recently purchased the Flex-6600 and would like to combine a headset with microphone with the Flexradio-6600.
Having a tone of voice that tends to be low-pitched, I have tried various microphone headphones with results that are not very good or barely sufficient as with the Heil Proset 6 with HC6 capsule.
Unfortunately with the Heil headphones/microphone the tones always remain too low without having a good output with the high tones.
Has any user of these radios found a good solution in a type of microphone headset that is able to increase the highest tones in TX while maintaining the bass in an optimal way?
What model do you have and can you advise me? The RX is also of interest of course and I would like to find a good pairing so as to have good listening in headphones but also with higher tones in TX.
Thank you
73 Alex ik5pwj.
Have you tried changing the TX and/or the RX EQ settings on the 6600? You can use this to change the audio on receive and transmit.
Try that before you decide to purchase a new headset.
Here is the extract of the manual for SmartSDR.
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HI Rich,
thanks for the indication... I had already tried removing the bass and something improved but with the Heil Proset hc6 it is not possible to have a decent modulation as I can achieve with the 7610 or the 7850.
The only excellent modulation I have with the Flex6600 is with the microphone of the Sennhaiser MD-421 II which however is bulky while with the microphone headset it is something else. Unfortunately, to have decent modulation it is not possible to find headphones with a capsule or features like the Sennhaiser MD-421 II. I will see how to adapt the settings to the headphones I have.
Thank you
73 Alex ik5pwj
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Generally, the Heil microphones are not configured for communications frequency response, but rather for broadcasting and music.
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The Heil HC-4 and 5 Mic elements are specifically designed for HF communications. The HC-4 being a full DX cut and the HC-5 for rag chewing.
I've used an HC-4 since the 90's and the minute I started using it, the change was noticeable in my contest rates. You can see the cutoff below 500hz and the boost at 2-3000 hz.
To be honest, the Koss SB-45 (~$50) is a darn good headset for the money. It is very bright and I use one all time of my Satellite station. It is very punchy. For me, my low cut is around 350hz and my high cut is about 3150hz.
My 2 cents, 73
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