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Why does my power supply keep burning out?
The power supply failed during about an hour and a half of radio operation in FT8 and FT4 with 90% CQ-Calls and 10% QSOs. The power was set to 100W. The frequency was 3,6 MHz, 7MHz and 14MHz. The antenna was a Kelemendipol DP804020. I use the internally installed ATU for tuning.
Previously, the repaired power supply unit with the Flexradio 6400M was in operation without any errors for around four days of two to three hours each. I used different transmission powers between 5W and 100W. The majority of connections were made in FT8 and FT4. But I also carried out a few SSB-QSOs, some with longer speaking parts.
The radio was not damaged and continues to function perfectly.
The power supply is located outside of a cabinet and is additionally cooled throughout with a fan.
The power supply is a Microset PT135.
Technical data: current 35 A (maximum current for a 50:50 cycle)
Continuous current: 20 A (time test 4h 17.5A).
Bst 73
Best Answers
H Holger... in looking at the Microset website, they now have a 135B, which specifically says it has been designed for digital, full-time use so maybe there have been improvements to the circuitry/cooling to help out. Also, I note that the specifications state continuous output at a max of 22A, so running @ 20A is pretty tough on the power supply and running awfully close to its max. I imagine it was getting quite hot.
Digital use is very **** a radio and a power supply -- especially running at full power. And running at full power, the Flex will pull 23A (according to the hardware manual).
A couple of suggestions:
a) run at lower power -- possibly 50 or 70W maximum. Remember, FT-8 is designed for low-signal situations. I doesn't really need a lot of power to make connections/qsos.
b) get a bigger power supply -- maybe look for one that can handle higher current on a continuous basis.
just some thoughts.
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Hello, Holger:
I think Don's comments are the best for you - lower, or larger. If it's burned twice, I think it will do so again if you repair it again.
I am not much different than you, but my luck has been completely different. I have never tried FT4, FT8 nor any of these "continuous" modes. Perhaps my RTTY (and contests) may be similar, when I run 100W.
My power-supply is also rated 35A intermittent, but 25A continuous. I wonder if this subtle detail for the continuous rating is important? I don't block my power-supply airflow, but I also do not use a fan on it. It sits beneath my desk, near my feet. My power supply happens to be an Astron RS-35A, also linear like yours, and in-use nearly continuously for 30+ years. I am impressed that it keeps going!
I wish you better luck, whether you choose to replace or try another repair.
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My 2 cents
I have a 30A Powerworx PS (the ones we sell).
Over the weekend I was doing some destructive testing and the finals shorted out due to heat (I won't mention what radio it was or who made it) and the PS crowbarred when the current went through the roof.
The good news is once I unplugged the radio, it worked just fine.
When shopping for a new PS, make sure it has crowbar protection.
I have made many thousands of FT8 full-power QSOs with the Powerwerx 25 amp (continuous) switching supply that Flex sells. I leave it on 24/7 to keep the GPS powered.
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Good Morning Don, Neil and Gord,
thank you very much for your quick answers. These confirm my suspicion that the power supply is too weak.
For FT8/4 I will reduce the power to max. 75W. But for SSB I should be able to use the 100W.
The defective power supply was repaired after the first defect and after the second defect my online retailer sent it back to the manufacturer. I was sent a completely new power supply.
The power supply does not have a built-in fan for cooling. To be on the safe side, I put a PC fan right next to it that runs all the time.
Thank you very much for your help. I wish you a nice Advent season and a Merry Christmas.
Bst 73 from Germany
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and Frohe Weihnachten to you, Holger!
Maybe Der Weihnachtsmann will bring you a new power supply :-)
Glad to be of help. Have a great holiday season!
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Dear Mike, dear Don,
thank you very much for your informations and your help. My pocketmoney for the hobby is currently not enough for a new power adapter. So I will reduce the output.
Dear Don, I laughed a lot at your message in “Denglish”.
Dear Mike, your interesting videos on YouTube have helped me a lot.
Thank you very much and Merry Christmas. Maybe we'll have a QSO together. My call sign is DL2DHM.Bst 73
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Hello Yls and OMs,
I wish you and your family a happy new year.
I used the days off at Christmas to do a few tests.
I measured the current strength at 5W, 50W and 100W transmission powers in FT8. I came to the following results:
80m: SWR 1:1,1: 6,5A; 15A; 18,5A
40m: SWR 1:1: 10A, 22A; 26A (60W) and 28A (70W)
20m: SWR 1:1: 7A; 16A; 20A
I was amazed at the very high current at 7.2Mhz. I could only measure up to 70W because the power supply with an ammeter could only deliver a power of up to 30A.
My antenna is a Kelemen dipole for 80m, 40m and 20m. I also use the internal tuner.
Bst 73
Holger (DL2DHM)
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I would do this test without the Antenna tuner, a 50 Ohm dummy load and a external Watt meter to get a accurate test of what the radio is doing. What kind of Amp Meter are you using? A clamp on Amp Meter JUST CLAMPED on the Red Positive Power wire may give the most accurate reading.
Not sure of your station, you may be getting RF back in the shack and getting into your Amp meter which may give you a false reading, this is why you want to use a Dummy load. It is hard for people to help when all the facts are not known and as much of the local station setup can be duplicated for comparison as possible.
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Good evening Bret,
thank you very much for your answer. You're right. I will take the measurements again with the correct equipment.
For my first measurements I used a power supply with a built-in ammeter. I connected my Flexradio directly to this power supply. If I have any news, I'll get back to you. Have a nice weekend and see you soon.
Bst 73
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Hello from Germany,
With a dummy load I was able to measure the following values for the 40m-Band: 100W/ SSB, 26A, FT8/4 or FM more than 30A.
The PA temperature also gets significantly higher in the 40m band. After about 30 minutes of radiooperation, the temperature is over 55°C.
At the other frequencies, for example 80m, 20m, 15m, the power consumption is significantly lower. Here I was able to measure around 19A -21A at 100W in all modes. Also the PA temperatur rises much more slowly and reaches around 45°C.
There is no different between control with the iPhone or Maestro.
I contacted Flexradio customer service.
If you want, I'll keep you updated.
Bst 73
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Open and support ticket and supply those numbers. Those current draws are way too high and not normal.
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Good evening Mike,
A Flexradio employee replied to me within a very short time. He sent me an address for a German service point.He said, thatt there is an issue with the 40m PA filter and it needs adjustment and re-calibration.
This morning I spoke to the service point employee on the phone. At the beginning of next week I'll send my Flexradio away.
Bst 73
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Hi Holger,
I have the exact same power supply, the Microset PT135A. Mine failed (transistor) after about 10 months so it was repaired under warranty. It failed again about 2 1/2 years after purchase (bridge rectifier) and I've just had it repaired.
I've used it for about 2 years with my Flex 6400 and it was pushed hard in 48 hour contests and also a lot of 70/80W FT8. It would get very hot but was always fine, seemed to cope with near-continuous 20-22A for long periods, until eventually the bridge rectifier went. I think it's a nice power supply if you don't abuse it too much, although it is very expensive for what it is. Main benefit is - no fan, no noise!
I've now upgraded to a Superstar 60-62A power supply, made in the 1980s, an absolute beast with a massive heatsink (no fan), weighing about 15kg. It coasts along providing 25A for hours on end as if it is just going for a stroll in the park, it just gets luke warm, never hot.
Can I ask for a favour?
My repaired PT135A is still not right. It provides 13.5V output but when I connect it to a radio with grounded chassis or antenna, the output drops to 2.7V and the radio can't power up. Disconnect the ground from the radio chassis and all is fine. Either they've not repaired the supply correctly or they've missed something because it worked fine before it failed.
I've measured the resistance from the POSITIVE terminal to the chassis of the power supply and it is a dead short (0.15 ohms). Same from the positive terminal to the earth pin on the mains plug. NEGATIVE terminal to chassis is 7.3kOhm. This definitely doesn't sound right to me!
Can you please just check for me on your PT135A? Resistance from POSITIVE and NEGATIVE terminal to chassis?
M0KYB0 -
Hello YLs, XYLs and OMs,
my transciver is now repaired. Everything works fine now. The current consumption is 19-21A on all frequencies. The LPF Board didn't work properly. So Norbert changed the board.
Many thanks to Norbert, DC6UW, who repaired my radio within one day.
@ Marc,
the power supply was sent to the manufacturer in Italy by Wimo, a German company for radio technology. So far I have not received any message about the defect or repair of the power supply. But I also assume that a capacitor is designed to be too weak.
Bst 73
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