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PGXL and TGXL Integration With FTdx101D

Can the FTdx101D provide enough data to the PGXL and TGXL to follow by frequency or is the integration limited only to band. I see how BCD can be used to follow by band, but I would like to have them follow by frequency without having to interject RF every time.

Howard N8HO


  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    CAT serial from radio to PG XL.

    In TG XL under Genius Integration, select PG XL and enter IP of amp.

    You will need to send BCD from radio to AG. Check manuals for proper wiring of BCD cable.

    This will allow the TG XL to get antenna config from AG and allow 20 tuning memories per band.

    73 Dave wo2x

  • MarkDu
    MarkDu Member ✭✭

    Hi Dave,

    I connected a Yaesu FTDX-101MP to the B side of the antenna Genius. Wire connections are as stated above.

    Cat is working fine and tracking frequency fine. When I click tune I get a message "LOW RF POWER"

    Any info would be appreciated.

    Thank You



  • Mike-VA3MW
    Mike-VA3MW Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin


    Put the 101 in AM mode at full power (25 watts). That will provide enough RF power to have the TGXL tune.


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