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AG firmware v4.1.6 released today

A new release v4.1.6 came out today, I did not install v4.1.0 but will give this one a go now. For convenience see the change log below:

App v4.1.6 Release 05-Nov-2023 					  Firmware version: v4.1.6

Fixed network issue when LAN cable disconnected
Implemented Zero-configuration network (when no router is present)
Main socket handling improved
FLEX integration improved
Stacking socket handling improved


  • Russ Ravella
    Russ Ravella Member ✭✭✭

    Let me mention this here for completeness ... I just posted on this here on "New AG Firmware ??".

    Marko sent me this v4.1.6 update along with v1.2.9 for the TGXL in response to an email yesterday. I found no improvement in my case. The AG still doesn't respond correctly to basic band changes. The only change was the TGXL now resets my settings to default every time I restart it (a new bug).

    Russ KR6W

  • I have loaded the v4.1.6 update along with the v1.2.9 update for the TGXL also. TGXL does nothing except display the Tuner Genius screen. The Tuner Genius XL app Will let me but the TGXL into STBY and BYP, but will not let me TUNE. None of the switches on the TGXL function at all. When I try to go back to go back to v1.1.20 I get a message to update firmware. The manual switches will work on the TGXL, but there is no app functions when I load v1.1.20 anymore.

    John N2XD

  • Mike VE3CKO
    Mike VE3CKO Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023

    I had some initial issues after the new install with interlocks with the PGXL, now is ok. This is what my circumstances were:

    • 6700 - v3.5.9
    • PGXL - v3.8.4
    • TGXL - v1.1.20 I did not upgrade to v1.2.9

    AG. After installing v4.1.6 it seemed to work then I changed to the static IP address and then it appeared not to communicate but I found I was opening up the older version 3.15 and when I actually opened up v4.1.6 the app came up and was talking with PGXL and TGXL. However when I went to transmit I would get interlock with PGXL. So what I did is go into the device settings for both the PGXL and TGXL and in the FlexRadio tab disabled Port A Configuration and Port B Configuration and saved. Then I realized the new v4.1.6 also has similar Port A and Port B settings in device settings, under Bands, FlexRadio. After selected the radio for both ports I saved. Then I went back into both the PGXL and TGXL Port A & Port B Configurations and selected the radio for each, saved.

    Finally what I had to do on the PGXL utility is for each A & B, click on the radio name in my case VE3CKO6700, then the menu that pops up select AUTO.

    After I did that the interlock messages stopped and was able to use the amp as per norm. TGXL also seems fot function normally. I verified when switching bands the AG does follow and select the proper antennas for each band.

    Note that I did not upgrade the TGXL to v1.2.9 as I haven't seen a change log to see what has changed/fixed.

  • Russ Ravella
    Russ Ravella Member ✭✭✭


    Let me mention I had exactly the same issue as you at first as well. What I did was push the Bypass/Operate button on the front panel while the frozen start screen was shown. I can't remember if I held it down or just quick-pressed it. But after that, I got a "settings reset" type error message on that physical front panel (probably on the app too but I couldnt' see if from where I was). After that I got control of the front panel but had to reset most (but not all) of my TGXL settings. Later, I restarted the TGXL trying to get things to work and got the same error message again and had to reset the same things again.

    This software obviously hasn't been tested very well despite the claims in the AG manual. I have a followup request for help into Ranko/Marko. I'll report what happens.

    It looks like Mike was able to get things to work so I might try some of the things he did but since he didn't update his TG to v1.2.9, I'm in a different case scenario than his but we'll see.

    Russ KR6W

  • Thanks Russ and Mike. I got it to work with v1.2.9 and v4.1.6 buy using your notes, Russ. I'm going to try and restart and see what happens.........? On the restart everything came back up and all my settings held. When I went to tune, I was getting a low rf warning. tried again and the warning went away. I do not know what would cause that, but it appears to be operating correctly now. I will post more after I get to use it for a couple of hours in the morning. Thanks again for your help.

    John N2XD

  • Russ Ravella
    Russ Ravella Member ✭✭✭

    Hi John. EXCELLENT ! I'm glad to hear you got things working - great news !

    Could you please try something for me ? With your radio, AG, TGXL and PGXL (if you have one) all connected as normal on your LAN, please set your radio to 12M or 10M and look at the band setting your AG goes to. In my case, it correctly goes to the 12M or 10M I set the radio to. Then change the band on your radio to 15M and check the AG again.

    On mine, the AG switches to 6M (not 15M). It stays (or switches to) 6M on lower bands too. I wonder if you're seeing the same thing.

    Thanks ! Russ KR6W

  • Mike VE3CKO
    Mike VE3CKO Member ✭✭✭

    I'm wondering what is the significance of the red circles beneath all the A's and B's. The documentation does not show them. If they serve no purpose, they look too cluttered for me and hope they get removed in next version.

    As compared to the manual:

  • Russ Ravella
    Russ Ravella Member ✭✭✭

    Hi Mike,

    I don't know ? I'm not seeing them in mine but then mine is obviously **** up somehow.

    Russ KR6W

  • Mike VE3CKO
    Mike VE3CKO Member ✭✭✭

    oh, I see. Upon looking closer, I mean real closer, the red circles are filled in if that antenna is selected. This is too difficult to see and useless in my opinion. In my case the SteppIR and B in blue easily indicates the antenna SteppIR is selected for Port B and the green button for A and 40-4SQ. The filled in red for the antenna selected and the unfilled in red everywhere else is not needed and makes it look sloppy and crowded in my opinion.

  • Hello Russ,

    I tried the band switch switching experiment, everything tracks as it should. When I started out this morning everything came to life as it should. So far, I am satisfied.

    John N2XD

  • Opusofid
    Opusofid Member ✭✭
    edited November 2023

    Anyone find the tuner update on the 4O3A web site. Showing 1.2.20 folder but 1.1.20 software.

  • Russ Ravella
    Russ Ravella Member ✭✭✭

    Ok John, thanks ! I'm to try the whole thing again today. Glad everything's working well for you !

    Russ KR6W

  • Russ Ravella
    Russ Ravella Member ✭✭✭

    Ok, I re-installed the F/W and this time managed to get everything working except the BYPASS function in the TG. I have checkboxes enabled on the bands I want to bypass and band spreads entered along the lines of recommendations from Dave WO2X (the v1.2.9 version looks a little different than his example) but the TG never goes into bypass.

    Is anyone else seeing this ?

    Thanks, Russ KR6W

  • Wayne VK4ACN
    Wayne VK4ACN Member ✭✭✭

    Where is tgxl v1.2.9? 4o3a has v1.1.20 on their website

  • Russ Ravella
    Russ Ravella Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023

    Wayne, this not having been published is a known problem and Flex is working on it. They're awaiting a response from 4O3A.

    Regarding my previous post, please disregard - I found the problem (clerical error on my part). As far as I can see the AG and TG are working properly following Dave WO2X's installation notes (see post: "4O3A Antenna Genius V4.1.6 Software").

    Thanks, Russ KR6W

  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Hi Russ,

    Glad you got it working. Start and end bypass frequencies need to be entered in kHz. 7.215 MHz would be entered as 7215.000

    I would power cycle tuner and AG after saving changes. And yes, we are working with 4O3A to have them release the matching TG XL firmware. 4O3A writes the firmware so they have to give the green light to release it.

    Dave wo2x

  • Russ Ravella
    Russ Ravella Member ✭✭✭

    Got it.

    Thanks again - as always Dave !

    Russ KR6W

  • Sergey KN7K
    Sergey KN7K Member ✭✭✭

    This thread is making my head spinning.

    Flex usually put on the top of the community latest SW released. AG is never there by some reason.

    I do not see official announcement what should be downloaded (with links) - TGXL-AG versions, steps for a proper setup and so on.

    Did i miss it or it is not not going to happen?


  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    4O3A released AG 4.1.6 on their site (they manufacture the AG and TG) They did not release the matching TG XL firmware.

    Flex is working with 4O3A and once firmware for both are available, Flex will post it and make an announcement.

    Dave wo2x

  • Sergey KN7K
    Sergey KN7K Member ✭✭✭

    Dave, why AG SW releases is not published on Flex community?


  • Mike-VA3MW
    Mike-VA3MW Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin

    This is 4O3A's software and they control it for public release, not FlexRadio.

  • Sergey KN7K
    Sergey KN7K Member ✭✭✭

    Michael, TGXL and PGXL also 4o3a software and you publishing it here. Do not you find it it does not make sense?

  • Mike-VA3MW
    Mike-VA3MW Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin

    FlexRadio exclusively develops the software for the Power Genius XL.

    However, it's important to note that the Antenna Genius and Tuner Genius products are manufactured by 4O3A.

    FlexRadio, as part of its commitment to customer support, will provide software updates and support for Antenna Genius and Tuner Genius once these updates are released by 4O3A. This is the licensing arrangement in place.

  • John K3MA
    John K3MA Member ✭✭✭

    Mike, I guess I am feeling the same as Sergey KN7K.

    Understanding Flex and 4O3A have an agreement is fine. However, in another thread posted it seems to indicate it is released. I came to that conclusion because written installation and setup instructions are included in that thread. Also, some other Flex owners post that they have the needed TGXL version 1.2.9 while others do not and cannot find it.

    So I am confused if it is released, released but pulled back, not released and an announcement was made in error, or there is a special small group of Flex owner given the release but their post seem publicly available.

    A definitive statement of the status of this would be helpful so I and others do not have to read thru several threads and check several websites in an attempt to figure it out. Any clarity you can share would be appreciated.

  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    4O3A released 1.2.9 to some customers outside the beta group. I do not know if these customers are bound by an NDA or not. I do not know. I am.

    AG 4.1.6 requires a TG XL 1.2.x version firmware for band plan to populate correctly. Some people have seen the new AG firmware and jumped to install it.

    Flex is working to try and get clarification when a corresponding TG firmware will be released.

    My suggestion is to wait until both firmwares are available. AG 3.1.5 and TG XL 1.1.20 work well together. There are a couple of features in the new AG firmware but only affect a very small group of AG users.

    Dave wo2x

  • John K3MA
    John K3MA Member ✭✭✭

    Dave, thanks for the explanation. I now understand what happened. The posts on the forum indicating how to install it and the need for the new TGXL version along with others indicating they had the new TGXL version did make it somewhat confusing for the rest of us.

  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Yes, the 1.2.9 was leaked to the public. If someone contacts 4O3A, or any other manufacturer, and an unreleased firmware is given to them, it should not be assumed it can be distributed publicly.

    Just my way of thinking. The firmware given may be to resolve a specific issue the customer has but it may be incomplete or have other issues.

    Dave wo2x

  • Mike VE3CKO
    Mike VE3CKO Member ✭✭✭

    Just to clarify, I saw a post about the release of the new AG v4 and talk of a new TGXL version, I grabbed both files that were publicly available as links on the 4o3a website. At first I hesitated to install it as FlexRadio always vets and tests and when ready publishes on their website. I normally do wait but was really looking forward to the long awaited v4 of Antenna Genius I decided to jump at it. I apologize if my posts regarding my experience with v1.2.9 was confusing or harmful to anyone.

  • Joe Gann
    Joe Gann Member
    not impressed with this product at all every time i boot up on a computer it tells me that I need to update the firmware, i do then have to re enter the antenna assighments and re configure. very discouraged for the money spent.
  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    The app on the PC does not match firmware in the switch. What version firmware is loaded in the AG? I warned people to not upgrade to 4.1.6 as there are still edge cases where people can have issue during the upgrade.

    I had posted the instructions on how to downgrade to 3.1.5 which matches the current Tuner Genius 1.1.20

    Dave wo2x

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