SmartSDR v3.8.23 and the SmartSDR v3.8.23 Release Notes
SmartSDR v2.12.1 and the SmartSDR v2.12.1 Release Notes
Power Genius XL Utility v3.8.9 and the Power Genius XL Release Notes v3.8.9
Tuner Genius XL Utility v1.2.11 and the Tuner Genius XL Release Notes v1.2.11
Antenna Genius Utility v4.1.8
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Multi Maestro Use
I am curious if anything or anyone has put any thought into the use of multiple Maestros on the same flex and being able to use the CAT and DAX with BOTH rather than one or the other. Currently I have 1 Maestro and would prefer to be able to keep the smart SDR from running as it can be fairly resource consuming from running. I usually run 4 slices and am restricted to using the software due to using software needing access to the DAX and CAT which can only connect to one or the other. So I only use the Maestro for simple usage rather than my software communications services.
Has anyone else ever considered this before? Being able to use 2 Maestros and had have a single computer utilize them both at the same time?
Both Flex CAT and DAX require you to bind to a single client, meaning it can bind to only one Maestro.
You could run another set of Flex CAT and DAX apps on a second PC, and use that to bind to the second Maestro.
If you use the CAT/DAX com ports, the daughter app must be on the same PC as the corresponding Maestro's CAT/DAX bind.
Or, in CAT/DAX, use the TCP connections, and it will be available on any PC on your LAN.
I do this in my shack.
Alan. WA9WUD
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I believe DAX and CAT are restricted to a single endpoint each, so on a given computer, you could only connect DAX to a single Maestro. It is not possible to run a second DAX/CAT instance to a different GUI endpoint. In my case, since I am on a Mac, I can run xDax/xCat to one GUI instance, and either DAX/CAT on SSDR for Windows or DAX/CAT to SSDR for Mac. That gives me two instances of an audio connection (xDax and DAX) on a single computer.
Hope that makes sense.
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Both Ted and Alan described this fairly well.
Simple put, if you use 2 Maestros, you may need to hosting PCs (or MACS) or 1 of each.
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I am aware of all of this. I guess my point was does anyone know if FLEX has had any thoughts on this. Making the ability to have a singe computer run two instances or be able to address CAT or DAX to specific Maestros or a Maestro and SmartSDR at one time.
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It has been discussed but there are no plans to expand CAT or DAX in that way at this time.
For the moment it is due to the fact that such a small percentage of the install base would actually leverage it and we have lots of other things to address.
I would recommend that you draw this up as a feature in the "New Idea" area (I can't move this one) and get people to vote on it. We do actually look at that area and it gives us an insight of how much in demand it is.
This is more accurate than saying "everyone" wants X.
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