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3.4.21 antenna gain
Before I embarrass myself with another support ticket, it seems like antenna gain settings are not being retained in 3.4.21 when switching bands or antennas. When I return to the previous band or antenna the gain is always reset to zero.
Does anyone else see this? Ideas? Is this a persistence database issue?
Tim, have you created profiles? I run a simple set of them, others might have a better profile setup. My global profiles, are CW, FT8, SSB... I have only the "Default" Transmit profile.... as in my case everything is full power, processor on or off and bandwidth the same unless I close or open it up. and Mic is my balanced boom mic... I've set my processor the way I like it.
Start band to band load your profiles each at a time and save starting high and work all the way down to your lowest in each category. Its a lot of saving switching and saving again... Don't reload the old profile until you've saved on each band. move to another mode. I usually don't have enough time to do everything, but when your done export those profiles and keep them... Usually, my SSB CW and FT8 profiles would disappear, but under this version they're always there every morning. So big thumbs up to the Goddess of Persistence, she's alive and well... Start with one mode and band and go through your settings and see if after saving on each band, they're still there!?! Good luck, Erika DD
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Thanks, this was my next step essentially, create new profiles under the new FW. It "just seemed to work" before but maybe they didn't translate well.
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You are not wrong, Tim.. They used to be remembered, now swapping from RX A/B to or from a Ant 1/2 drops them to zero... Very bad in a contest. I have found no way around it.
Incidentally, it does not normally happen with 2 slices open.
Ron, WV4P
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Thanks Ron! I also received confirmation that this is a bug from the Flex team, with no ETA for a fix quite yet.
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Apparently still broken in 3.5.8 :(
There are workarounds I guess but it's not the workflow I prefer.
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I haven't encountered this problem with v3.5.8. It seems to be remembering all the settings between band changes. I just tested it with my 6600M and everything stayed where I had set it going from one band to another and back.
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To be clear, it always remembers the gain settings when changing bands if you use only one antenna; it's when I switch antennas (like ANT1 to ANT2 and back to ANT1) that it forgets the antenna gain previously set.
Repro in 3.5.9:
Choose a band and ANT1 and set a gain value.
Switch to ANT2 and set some other gain.
Switch back to ANT1 and your previous gain is zero.
Switch back to ANT2 and that gain is zero as well.
Not a problem if you don't have multiple antennas used on the same band. I have an AV18HT vertical on ANT1 and a SteppIR on ANT2, they overlap bands and I often switch back and forth or use diversity and each time I have to reset the gain.
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Hi Tim, I have a 6400 running 3.5.9 and performed your steps exactly as above, and don't get the bad behavior. If I change the RF gain, it changes for both antennas (not surprising as the 6400 has a single SCU). If I change bands, the RF gain for that band is remembered. If I switch among ANT1, ANT2, RXA, XVTA, the RF gain is remembered and never goes to zero (unless that is where I already have it.
Do you have a 6600 or 6700 with two SCUs? I keep hearing about this issue but can't reproduce it on my single SCU rig.
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