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lost tx profiles

K0FG_Fred Member ✭✭
edited February 2023 in SmartSDR for Windows

Running 6400M and Windoze 10 Home. I almost always run from the radio face, not from SSDR, but I'm trying to learn. I have created 5 tx profiles. Anytime I power down the radio I lose 2-4 of those profiles, not all of them. I try to import them but they do not import, maybe 1 but usually none.

I guess 2 questions:

First, why do I lose those profiles when I power down the radio? And why only the tx profiles, usually no problem with the 2 mic profiles or with the 25-30 global profiles?

Second, why can I not import the profiles that were lost on the radio? Usually the import gives me little, or no help. The lost profiles show up on the import list, but they do not import. Don't know if the mic or global profiles would import cuz I don't lose them. Is the import/export function flawed? Is there a workaround?

I have seen that tx profiles are associated with ant 2, I have no antenna 2. My 3 antennas go into an Elecraft KAT500 tuner and then into ant 1. Should I use ant 2 for all rather than ant 1?

Fred, K0FG


  • wp4oxg
    wp4oxg Member ✭✭
    edited February 2023

    Hi. As far as I know a probable cause that the profiles are not saving correctly have to do with the way the radio is powered down. The right way is to let the radio shutdown and then wait additional time for the last processor to shutdown before removing the DC.

    Maybe this can help:

    This may help too:




  • RFord
    RFord Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023

    Fred I noticed this issue back last July...I would save a transmit profile but when I would go back it would be gone. I opened a ticket and Tim was helping me. He indicated it may be an issue with the database. My ticket was turned over to the engineers. I was hoping Flex would address it in the last update but I continue to have issues.

    I set my maximum power level to 45 watts...if I don't the power level will go to 100 watts without notice...Flex please do not take this the wrong way but I don't believe we had an issue with profiles until you guys decided to make the change a couple of years ago...boy I long for the old days with the profiles...

  • Ted S
    Ted S Member ✭✭

    This is not a new issue, here is another lengthy thread discussing this issue.

    TX Profiles MIA — FlexRadio Community

    I posted a work around on this thread that has worked well for me.

    Ted WR4T

  • K0FG_Fred
    K0FG_Fred Member ✭✭

    I am very careful when I shut down my radio, I do it the way it is documented. Makes no difference how I shut it down the tx profiles are still gone. Normally I leave the radio turned on 24/7, just because of this problem.

    Fred, K0FG

  • RFord
    RFord Member ✭✭✭

    Fred try to create completely new TX Profiles with completely different names is possible. I have had issues with the TX Profiles since last summer...I just created completely new TX Profiles with different names...so far it has been ok...time will tell.

  • K0FG_Fred
    K0FG_Fred Member ✭✭

    Thank you Ronald I will try that. Seems that I lose the TX profiles when I shut down the radio. When it boots up again some of the tx profiles are gone. And of course cannot import them.

    I tried another suggestion by creating, exporting, deleting and then importing a tx profile until I found one that would import, thinking that it would then be ok, since I had already imported it once. But I'm afraid to shut down the radio cuz if it does not work then I need to create them again.

    I'm talking about 5-6 tx profiles but it is a pain to get all the settings correct each time you lose them. And if the tx profiles are not correct then the global profiles are no good either. And since I hop around lots of freqs and bands the global profiles are great time savers - when they work correctly.

    Thanks for the suggestions, hope they work.

    Fred, K0FG

  • John KB4DU
    John KB4DU Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2023

    As an alternative, while this is getting sorted, try FRstack, a free download. The memories in Stack are very comprehensive. Much more is stored than in the profiles or internal memories. For example, using the “Favorites” I set up a memory for each band and mode. One mouse click and the change is complete, including tx and rx bandwidth, antenna, mic levels, compression etc. And they stay as configured, no auto update nonsense, totally repeatable. Of course, the front panel of the M doesn’t support this software.

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