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cw causing multiple transmissions up and down the band


I'm getting up to 5 repeated transmissions two above and two below my set frequency every time I transmit on cw through either the flex cwx pane or with my keyer.This is happening on every band and at all power levels. Any idea what is causing this?

thanks, stuart k3qh


  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Hi Stuart, What radio and software version are you using?

    What are you using to determine this, another radio or the panadapter? Can you post a picture of what you are seeing?

  • k3qh
    k3qh Member ✭✭

    Hi, I just upgraded my firmware in the flex 6700 to the newest version 3.3.32. When I transmit I am seeing 5 evenly spaced harmonics on the panadapter. I will try to take a snapshot and post it shortly.



  • k3qh
    k3qh Member ✭✭
    edited July 2022

  • k3qh
    k3qh Member ✭✭
  • k3qh
    k3qh Member ✭✭

    lastly I just downgraded back to my older version of smart sdr and it does the same thing.

    any suggestions?


  • WX7Y
    WX7Y Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2022

    do a hard reset, then reload your profiles

  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Interesting... I don't see the fundamental on the panadapter display and the TX indicator in the lower right hand corner of SSDR is not highlighted in red. Do you have PTT Inhibit checked for 20 meters in the TX Band Settings screen?

    If that looks OK, then I would take Bret's advice and export your profiles, then perform a factory reset and see if that clears it up.

    Here is what I see when I transmit into a dummy load using the Tune button:

  • k3qh
    k3qh Member ✭✭

    I think ic what you mean Len. When I have slice A selected my rx panel on the right won't switch between slice a and b, and the red tx light in that panel is off. Something screwey here. I will doj a hard reset and see what happens. Will let you know shortly.

    thanx again to both of you

  • k3qh
    k3qh Member ✭✭

    Did a full reset and still get 5 distinct traces on the panadapter only in cw mode. tuning button works fine. placed radio into dummy load and get the same results.

  • Craig_KØCF
    Craig_KØCF Member ✭✭✭

    Those are most likely artifacts in the Flex DSP, which cannot be relied on for accurate spectrum display while transmitting. Try listening to your signal with a separate receiver well removed from the vicinity of your station, such as one of the online SDR receivers available. I believe that you will find that your transmit signal is clean.

    73, Craig KØCF

  • k3qh
    k3qh Member ✭✭

    Super, I will give that a try, that makes sense to me.

    Craig thank you so much. I will close this discussion for now and verify the signal.

    73, Stuart

  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator
    edited July 2022

    Hi Stuart, there is something definitely wrong. If the panadapter is not showing the signal, then you are not outputting anything. If the panadapter looks good when the Tune button is pressed, but not when the key is closed, then I would submit a help desk ticket.

    Speaking of the key... How are you keying the rig? (paddles connected to the back of the radio, paddles connected to a Maestro, keyer or straight key connected to ACC jack, etc)

    EDIT: I just realized that the screen shot was after the keydown event. Can you capture it again while the rig is being keyed?

  • k3qh
    k3qh Member ✭✭

    Looks like you were correct. had a friend check up and down th e band and said signal looks clean :-)

    73, stuart

  • Ron Koenig
    Ron Koenig Member ✭✭✭

    Toggle FDX off in the lower Left corner of SSDR.

    Ron, WV4P

  • k3qh
    k3qh Member ✭✭

    len and Ron,

    here is a capture of tune and also of my keying through the key plug of the 6700. I am using an Iambic paddle. I also turned off the FDX as suggested.

    Again the keyer when pressed shows multiple harmonics. The tune button shows one clean signal and harmonics only displayed in the panadapter and not the waterfall. I asked two friends to look for any other signals while I was transmitting and they said It looked clean.

    If this looks wrong to you gentlemen I will go ahead and submit a ticket.

    thanks again,


  • Ron Koenig
    Ron Koenig Member ✭✭✭

    What ambient temp is the radio in ? I see spurs like that when the TXCO's in 6600's get above 85 degrees. Adding heat sinks helps. I don't know how they are in 6700's though.

    I believe I'd open a ticket and see what FRS comes up with.

    Ron, WV4P

  • Mike-VA3MW
    Mike-VA3MW Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin


    Look closely at the right hand scale. What you are seeing is not making it out on the air, it is just that you can see the very weak harmonics.


  • k3qh
    k3qh Member ✭✭

    thank you, I'm satisfied with that!

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