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Q5 Signal Multiband Transverter / Flex Radio

n0yk Member ✭✭
Hi All -

I'm 100% remote station and primarily focus on the 144 MHz+ bands. I got a Flex 6400M a few days ago to replace an older Icom setup and have it working remotely very well as of this morning. I've heard of some Flex users interfacing the new multiband transverter made by Q5 Systems with a Flex. The transverter is capable of having the bands changed by the Flex via a USB FTDI cable. I'm not entirely sure what additional software you need to accomplish this and just how well it works.

Would anyone on this forum have any information on this system configuration and have any recommendations before I purchase one?



  • Mike-VA3MW
    Mike-VA3MW Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin


    No software is required. It is managed by the USB device configurator in the radio. This is what makes it so great to do as it is a rock solid solution.

    If you search here in the community you will find others that have done it. If you reach out to them directly, they could share their experiences.


  • n0yk
    n0yk Member ✭✭
    Thanks, Mike.

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