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BCD Connect to PGXL TGXL AGXL Chain
I have a FTDX101MP that I am trying to set up with the PGXL, TGXL, and AGXL. Where in this "chain" do I connect the band data cable to Port B so all three devices get the correct band info.
Also, any word as to when the CAT functions for the 101MP will be added to the three devices as is already stated in all the manuals.
This is a good question and it shows the limitation of OEM radios to control multiple devices.
To the best of my knowledge, the AG line does not really have a chaining function, so you can only control one device. The PGXL and TGXL will RF sense, so they can run on their own if required. The AG does require band logic, so that is the first thing would be to connect the AG to the FTdx101MP.
You may want to email 403A support and ask them if they can recommend a solution. They are a pretty resourceful bunch.
Some ideas that you might consider.
- Can the FTdx101dxMP support multiple devices on their BCD line? It is possible that all the inputs are high impedance, so this might work. You may want to check with Yaesu.
- If not, then you will require some sort of multiport BCD Splitter. Easy enough to build and I have no idea if there is one manufactured off the shelf. Possibly MicroHam or Top Ten devices
- You could do it in Node-Red by having a NR client listening to the radio frequency and then sharing it with other devices. It depends on how handy you are.
73 for now
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Thanks Mike,
That's where I the AG working with the MP, so it changes antennas with the band changes.
Started working with the PGXL and TGXL to get them to RF sense, but thunderstorms in the area, so had to pull the plug.
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My TGXL will not RF sense - and according to the manual I can only configure Port A for one rig - period.
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The TGXL does RF Sense for frequency reference. If your is not functioning you may want to review the configuration you have.
You do have send a carrier signal and have PTT signal key the TGXL at the same time in order for it to function.
I assume you have a 1x3 TGXL which only supports 1 radio at a time as there is only 1 input.
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403 answered my questions...thanks.
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Can you share what they passed on so others can learn who may be watching this?
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Hi Mike- I just saw this so here is the response from 403a. They are very helpful:
First- my questions to 403a:
I own a 6600M, PGXL, and now, TGXL 1x3, I purchased with the understanding I could use it with my ICOM and the 6600M. The manual states this cannot be done.
Help me understand why you would design a tuner that can only be connected to one radio at a time. Every tuner I've previously used works by RF sensing - no other cables required. Why can I not configure the tuner for the ICOM and the FLEX and just activate the one I am using at the time - and deactivate the other one?
Also - why does this tuner have A and B ports when B is not used?
Moving on...If I add an Antenna Genius (on its way to me from Flex now) will I be able to connect my Flex to one side and the ICOM to the other, and then run PPT from the respective amp to the PGXL (only using one side of the amp).
Their answer:
Hi Phillip,
You should be able to connect both ICOM and Flex to the same TGXL. Considering that CI-V/CAT has a priority over Flex, whenever you turn on your ICOM, band data picked up by the TGXL should be from ICOM and not from Flex.
On the topic of RF sensing, TGXL has RF sensing as well which is described in the manual, but in that case, it does not use per-frequency memories due to RF sensing precision limitations, so you would be stuck to a single tuning solution per band.
TGXL 1x3 has one RF input so logically it would receive RF from a single source unless you have some other switching that would route from which radio you are receiving RF.
On the topic of having A and B on the back of the TGXL, please note that TGXL has two production versions, SO2R and 1x3, and port B is used in the SO2R version only.
Regarding your question about Antenna Genius, please do note that you cannot connect ICOM to Antenna Genius unless you have some BCD decoder (eg. 4O3A B2BCD - Band to BCD Decoder) or you use a manual Pin-to-Band switch.
Feel free to give me more details so I can let you know how to connect your devices and achieve a goal you have.
You can contact me directly at if it's easier for you.
Kind regards,
Marko Tomasevic
Software Developer @ 4O3A
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