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@KD0RC i do have a display but I see nothing happen on the display, on SSDR, and no events on the com port for any of the 5 input pins. The TUNE input does work as expected, tunes and creates text events on the com port.
Could I make a feature request? Id be interested in an input debug mode that just prints the value of all inputs, possibly once a second to see the current state and make sure they are being read.
Its interesting that the TUNE button works but the other 5 inputs on the same header don't.
Thanks for the note about the encoder pulse count, I will change when the encoders arrive
@Lasse SM5GLC i have pull ups and debouncing caps on all MUX inputs. Im using the PCB design thats in the github and its populated except for the power supply section
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Hi Derek, did you try changing the Button Debounce parameter in the MMConfig.ini file?
One other builder had a bad button bounce such that pushing it bounced and caused another push which immediately turned off the feature that was just turned on. If you haven't already, give that a try to see if it helps.
I will think about some additional debugging. Maybe I will make it controllable with the config file.
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I'm the that did the PCB design…. but really you should see the display come alive!
It looks as if yoiu did use sockets, why not remove all modules except the display? It should start to show signs of life. If not then maybe a tiny tin-blob shorting?
/Lasse SM5GLC
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Hi Lasse, I think he means that pressing the buttons does not change anything on the display.
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@KD0RC wouldnt you expect to see two button events in that case? I also can hold down firmly multiple times in a row and see nothing on the serial console
I will try changing the debounce setting and also try using a wire with dupont connectors on both sides
@Lasse SM5GLC I apologize! Im very thankful for your contribution! My display is working very well! I am merely having issues with the buttons registering.
I only have the display, two mux boards, teensy, and one button installed when testing. No encoders, no other buttons.
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I am busy today with family chores and will try to take some photos of my pcb later and post them
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Sorry I misunderstood what you wrote.
How about swapping the MUX-boards around to see if it migh a an issue with one?
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@Lasse SM5GLC i tried swapping MUX boards this morning, no change in functionality. Since the TUNE input is functional I have to assume the MUX chip works
I would consider blaming solder joints, but its five inputs not just one or two
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User error! I flipped my header upside down, so I was switching pins 1 and 7 around. The TUNE input worked because I was connecting TUNE to GND, then the others weren't because I was connecting them to TUNE by accident.
I tried using the ground pin on another header and everything started working… checked the kicad PCB file and immediately saw my issue.0 -
Hi Derek, are you sure that it isn't working? I see that RIT on Slice A is lit up (Yellow) indicating that you either turned it on using SmartSDR or using the RIT A button. Try grounding the switch pin on the VOL A control to see if it mutes the audio. A cliplead or plain piece of wire can be used to test it.
Another test is to use a wire to ground one of the C0 - C15 points on the MUX 0 board. That will verify that board itself is OK.
Use an ohmmeter to verify that you are using ground and not another input pin when closing your switch.
EDIT: Sorry, I was writing this response when you posted yours. I'm glad you got it figured out!
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PS - Any interest in adding my DWG drill template to the github? I'm trying to use the original aluminum panel, I might use my wife's cricket to cut some vinyl or just use a label printer, we'll see how it goes as I find time.
I haven't drilled mine out yet, but I use AutoCAD occasionally at work and decided to try out NanoCAD Free. I forgot how many things are already setup in the autocad templates at work, so I didn't have as many things like dotted lines, etc.
All of the measurements are slightly different from your MS Word template and the Front Panel Express file, I moved things around since I didn't have exact measurements to go off of0 -
Wow, that would be great. I would cut holes in a piece of cardboard first and check the clearances with the components installed in the cardboard. The board for the display is not perfectly symmetrical. The left side is a bit wider which crowds the controls a bit on that side.
Dave, W4WKU has a template in FrontPanelExpress format that you might want to compare yours to.
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I used his template for my layout but moved some stuff around.
Im going to cut the display holes first and mount it then check clearances
While i dont want to buy another bud box, ive made far more costly hobby mistake than needing to buy another $21 box
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laid this out this evening to make wiring switches a little simpler1 -
Very cool Derek. I wonder if you should expand it to cover all of the unused I/O pins of MUX 1 to future-proof your layout.
If you are good at board layout, a front-panel board with no circuitry, just holes, display cutout and silk-screen labels for the controls would probably be pretty popular.
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I am by no means good at PCB layout.
This is an adapter board aimed specifically at @Lasse SM5GLC 's PCB which has a 7 pin Molex KK254 style header for the buttons. It shares all ground pins on a single pin and I didn't want to loop a wire between all of the switches on the panel.
I ordered some from JLCPCB, I still have a lot of work and very little free time to work on it, so progress is slow going0 -
@Lasse SM5GLC do you have your kicad project available anywhere other than the zip file in @KD0RC 's github repo
the pcb file is very helpful, but it's missing the linked schematic and any symbol/footprint libraries
I think I would like to be able to modify it and add some labels to the schematic, export some pdfs, etc0 -
Sure… where do I send it?
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I am joining the club!
I started the original controller from Enzo IW7DMH 7 years ago or so, but I never finish it because of an assignment abroad, then I found that Len took over the project and adapted to Teensy.
So I have PCB by Lasse SM5GLC populated and working as far I could test the elements I have already.
But I have still the old (predrilled) box from original project with only one VFO only and 8 encoders and I was thinking to make everythink fit into it. Well only one VFO available so thinking maybe about readapting software to be able to switch between VFOs. Well not much space for the buttons either so will have to figure out where to place them.
Thomas F4HPX0 -
Hi Thomas, welcome to the group! A button to switch the controls from Slice 0 to Slice 1 should not be too hard to implement. There is already code that selects the function of the CW Speed control to be Mic Gain, RF Power, Tune Power, WNB Level, Mon Level, VOX Level, VOX Delay, Band, or CW Speed.
You could also have it drive off the active slice, so no switch would be required. You can touch the slice name (A or B) to set the active slice, or click on it in SmartSDR.
Best of luck with your project, and we would love to hear about your progress here.
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Thank you Len
This time I will - I am too close to the end :-)
Just have to find some buttons before.
73 Thomas, F4HPX0 -
Hello Len
I am progressing.
While awaiting my buttons (arriving tomorrow or end the week) I recompiled the sources and was able to experiment a bit with code.
But, for the first time connected and tried to use the touch screen controller TSC2007.
Although Com port monitor shows data from touch screen: X, Y and Z values, the screen itself seems to keep resetting (coming to the blue screen with data about flex IP and so on).
When releasing it's coming back to show the normal VFO data. Does not matter where i touch it.
I took power supply for controller from display (3V3 out) - although it was advised to not use it
is it the reason to reset ? Connection pinout issue ? Anyone observed this ?
73 Thomas F4HPX0 -
Hi Thomas, yes, that is expected behavior. Check out the TeensyMaestro User Manual document section 4.
The main touch area in the center displays the "Splash" screen that you are seeing - this is not a screen reset. The far lower right-hand area resets the TFT screen (useful if you are having problems). The areas that cover the slice name and mode will change the active slice or create a new slice if one is not present. The area over the TX indicator will turn the TX indicator on or off.
You can take the 3.3 V from the display 3v3 out pin without issue. This is just an additional 3.3 V regulator on the display board.
The good news is that your touch screen is working! Now try touching the "B" slice name and you should see a new slice being created if there was not already a slice B. Try touching the TX indicator to verify that it turns on and off.
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Actually when I touch right lower part of the screen it gets white then refreshes but in any other places it's coming to show just the blue screen with Teensy Maestro version and IP adresses of teensy, Flex version and so on.
but when testing in menu I can chose each line with touch screen so it looks it's reacting correctly
So I have this issue only on main screen you shown on the picture above
(uploaded unmodified HEX version from your sources to exlude any mistakes I could make in the code myself)
Thomas F4HPX0 -
Hi Thomas, the blue screen with the info is what it is supposed to show. It is working correctly.
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Hi Len. Yes! finally I got it :-)
I was expecting a bit something closer to IC7300 and I was distracted by this blue screen - but it's OK.
Now, when I know where exactly to click it's doing what was supposed to do.
So will keep you posted once will add the buttons and install all in the enclosure and if the modification of few things in the software was succesful. Then maybe some pictures/video to come.
73 Thomas0 -
Great to hear Thomas! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it.
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Hi Len
Buttons are there and I am preparing to mount all stuff and before putting everything into enclosure have still few questions
- access to SD Card once closed in my quite tight boxif I want to change some parameters I have to remove SD card and edit MMConfig.ini file on PC ? for example to edit/modify CW messages ?
I saw a possibility tu put SD Card reader extension cable so to put it even outside.
I was wondering about adding FTP module to the code so to be able to access the SD Card filesystem externally via PC ?
73 Thomas F4HPX0 -
Hi Thomas, yes, I designed it so that you can edit the SD card on a computer. I have my Teensy board mounted so that I can easily get the card out without opening the case.
Other builders have built theirs with an SD card extension cable to make the card more accessible. This is probably the easiest solution.
I have not thought about editing the SD card using the USB port. I don't know how challenging that would be to implement. If you take on that challenge, I would be interested to see how you do it.
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