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I find the format of this "new " community quite confusing. In my humble opinion there are too many categories.
Where does one go to see all the latest questions users have asked on "any" subject. It seems like in the previous community it was much easier to keep abrest of the pulse of what was going on with other flew users. I haven't found this to be the case with the latest version. Now I have to hunt around to find things. Also, albeit not roadblock, it's very slow.
73 Paul w2eck
Paul, agree with you on this!
Basic question: Where does one go to see all the latest questions users have asked on "any" subject.
Olaf W9FY
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@W2ECK FIrst, the post actually has to be a Q&A type post rather than a discussion. In this post, you asked a question where you wanted to get an answer, but the post was designated as a discussion topic. Please see the Message Board post Using New Q&A (Question & Answer) Feature for how to create a Question and Answer (Q&A) post. I went ahead and converted your post to a Q&A.
There is a way to easily list unanswered questions and that is by using the Unanswered Quick Link located in the right hand side bar.
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In my personal experience calling something a "discussion" can also be interpreted as "getting to an answer". It brings the opportunity for a "back and forth" conversation. You may indeed want "an answer" but are not sure of what answer you are actually looking for... and so a discussion is a good way to try and find an answer too. I'm not sold on needing to maintain a strict separation between a "Q&A post" (looking for an answer to something specific) and a "Discussion post" (looking to understand what the question might actually be). [is this worth an "insightful" feedback indication? ;-) ]
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John -
Couldn't agree more - see little reason for splitting hairs between "discussion" and Q&A. As I said - too confusing. Maybe in the next update we could lose the choice.😉
73 & tnx Paul
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The question wasn't regarding where to go to see "unanswered" questions. It was, "Where does one go to see all the latest questions users have asked on "any" subject.". The question doesn't say a thing about answered vs. unanswered.
This question is marked "answered" but it is NOT answered.
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What I do is click on Discussions then scroll down a ways past all the rules etc. and eventually you will come to the discussion list. I believe this is what you are looking for. It has all the posts and tells you what section they are posted from.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. again.
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Hi Robby,
The "discussions" link shows discussions as well as questions and announcements.
The "unanswered" link shows only questions that have not been marked answered by the poster or an admin.
I believe what Paul is looking for is a new "link" to show only questions (i.e. noting else) regardless of whether they have been answered or not.
Robby, If that is correct, it sounds like a new link could be added if Tim agreed. See in YELLOW.
Regards, Al / NN4ZZ
al (at) nn4zz (dot) com
6700 Win10 SSDR V2.4.10
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Al - Great suggestion. That would do it for me and further I would move your Yellow "All Questions" suggestion up the list. To me it's much more relevant than who got promoted or earned some "badge"- I could care less. I would also move it up over "Recent Discussions"
73 Paul w2eck
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I would also change the title of the blue "New Discussion" button to say something like "New Topic." I suspect that having the "New Question" option hidden underneath the "New Discussion" button is a potential source of confusion. Or have two different buttons: "New Discussion Topic" and then "New Question."
I've also notice that the emails I receive when someone firsts asks a Question tell me that the poster has started a new Discussion, which is further confusing since, as we have learned, Discussions are different from Questions.
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