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Antenna Setup for 4 slices in Flex 6600

edited April 2020 in FLEX-6000 Signature Series
I have the following antennas:
Ant 1 - 3 element triband beam 40 (1 ele) -20-15-10 m
Ant 2 - 3 element 6 meter beam
XVTR B - 2 meter transverter on a VHF beam

I am trying to set up 4 slices as follows:
Slice A - Ant 1 RX   Ant 1 TX  Band: 40 meters
Slice B - Ant 1 RX   Ant 1 TX Band: 20 Meters
Slice C - Ant 2 RX   Ant 2 TX Band: 6 meters
Slice D - XVTR B RX  XVTRB TX Band: 2 meters

Screen Shots are shown at the following links:

When I attempt to set Slice C to Ant 2 it changes Slice A and B RX to Ant 2

It won't allow independent RX ant selection on Slice C without always changing RX selection on Slice A and B to match Slice C.

My objective is to listen to these 4 bands concurrently.

How can I set it up so slice C RX antenna is independent of Slice A RX ant and Slice B Rx antenna?

The only reason I can think that this won't work is because the XVTR is using one of the SCU's and has priority.  Maybe it's not possible to do this without 3 SCU's.




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  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin
    edited April 2020
    Hi Jeff

    If I read this correctly, Slice A and B are ok.

    Your challenge with Slice C and D is that you can't XVTR B at the same time as using ANT 2.  It is one or the other.  

    The best you can do is have XVTR B TX only active since once you go into TX it will switch ports.

  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
      What you are trying  to do would require 3 SCU's, but you only have 2..
      You might be able to do what you want if you use a VHF diplexer on Ant2..  Common port the to ANT 2 and 2m on the VHF port and 6m on the other port ??   Or a  HF-6m diplexer  on ANT1 with 3 slices ( 1 SCU) and 2m stuff on the XVTR 2 ( the other SCU )

    AL, K0VM
  • Member
    edited April 2020
    Hi Michael,

    If I want to monitor 2 meters at the same time....it appears this is only possible if I use Ant 1 on Slice C to receive on 6 meters.   Then the second SCU is devoted to 2 meters only....I guess.

    If I want to transmit and receive on 6 meters, I will have to close Slice D to use Ant 2..the 6 meter beam on Slice C.


  • Member
    edited April 2020
    Hi Al,

    Thanks for the ideas.  I will see what I have in the parts bin and try something.


  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Comet CF-360
    AL, K0VM

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