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FlexLogger Emerges
Hi Fred,
Where would font size change make sense to you? I had not planned to do this but certainly we could take a look.
Mark0 -
I am old so I would say all of it.
0 -
LOL Fred, I highly doubt that! Let me see what can be done.
Mark0 -
Great work! Love the progress so far and thanks for sharing your work with the community.
One question, I have the KPA500 and KAT500 and both are connected but neither display power etc on the bar graphs. Are the indicators supposed to be operational?
0 -
Hi Gary,
Yes Bill has reported the same behavior. I'm writing code for those in the blind as I don't have those devices. I expect to release V0.1.0.3 soon and it will have some corrections in it for KAT and KPA0 -
Hi Mark,
I'll look for the next release and get you feedback on it's operation.
As to feature requests, is there a way to interface to an antenna rotor in the works or is it possible now somehow? Also I look forward to a map display.
0 -
Always possible Gary. What rotor to you have? I already have people using the PSTRotator software successfully as FlexLogger can send bearing or grid to that.
Maps are on the list. Just takes time.
Mark0 -
What a great program! I installed it last week and successfully imported 8000+ QSOs into FlexLogger. I really like the new configurable windows, the direct integration with the Flex 6xxx series radios, and the ability to log a QSO from any active slice.
FYI, I’m currently running ver. of FlexLogger. My OS is Windows 7 64-bit home edition, with all updates. My rig is a Flex 6600 connected to my computer via a gigabit Ethernet switch. I am running version 2.4.9 of SmartSDR.
I’ve noticed a few things in FlexLogger that may be bugs (or user issues):
1. The latitude/longitude and bearing boxes are not being populated when I enter a call sign into the logging window (I do have my lat/long correctly set in the set up screen). I am using the lookup function which is working OK.
2. The window for WSJT spots, which was working in the previous version, no longer works. Spots from WSJT-X that were being broadcast to FlexLogger are no longer being picked up by FlexLogger. I have checked my WSJT-X setup (I am running current ver. 2.0) and it hasn’t changed. Spots are going to the Flex panadapter and showing up, but not to the WSJT spots window.
3. A similar issue is that QSOs from WSJT-X are not being logged to FlexLogger. I do have the WSJT settings in FlexLogger set to automatically log WSJT-X QSOs (I tried this several times with FT-8 QSOs) but nothing happens.
FYI, I normally run SliceMaster by K1DBO when also running WSJT-X. However, I have also run WSJT-X without Slicemaster and see the same behavior, so I don’t think it’s an issue caused by Slicemaster.
4. The Spots function appears to be working OK, except that the dialog box to enter messages to a cluster server doesn’t appear to do anything. For example, I would like to tell the cluster I have logged into initially to “SH/DX/20” to get the latest 20 DX spots. When I enter this into the dialog box (with the appropriate cluster prefix, such as “VE7CC: message “ nothing gets sent to the cluster. I can confirm that I am logged into the cluster and that I am getting spots from the cluster, but I can’t send a message to the cluster from the dialog box.
On my wish list would be:
· Rotor control support for Green Heron controllers or at least Hy-Gain DCU protocol, so users don’t have to buy a PstRotor license. PstRotor is a nice program but is overkill for what I need. Something that just takes the beam heading calculated on the logging window and sends a command to the rotor controller is all I need. A nice graphic centered on the user’s QTH (similar to what is done in Logger32) would be nice little extra.
· Resizable/configurable fonts. I note this is something others have suggested.
· Option to customize the dialog boxes in the logging window. There are a lot of supplemental fields currently in the logging window that users may never use or need. It would be nice to display just have the ones you want to unclutter this window.
· Awards tracking and alerts (e.g. for all time new countries or band/mode countries). I see the tab for this (currently blank) and understand this will be added in the future.
· LOTW upload/download capability, with option to either run on startup/shutdown, or manually.
Mark, thanks again for all your efforts in developing FlexLogger. I’m looking forward to all the improvements and new features you plan to add to this program.
Dale – K4DG
0 -
One more feature request:
I see you have support for the SPE line of linear amps in FlexLogger. One of the issues with these amps (I own a 1.3K-FA) is that you need to control the output power of the Flex so as to not overdrive the amp (and set off the amp’s alarm). I currently use K5FR’s DDUtil 3.0 to do this. His software allows you to set the drive level for each band when the amp is on, and when the amp is off. Is there a way to do this with your SPE control panel, or to add this in a future version?
Dale – K4DG
0 -
Hi Dale,
Thank you very much. Here are a few comments:
Lat/Long not populating - Located in C:WS7MAppsFlexLoggerLogs will be a number of log files. Please run FlexLogger. Try entering a call sign, ensure the lat/long do not populate then send me the log that matches the day you do this test.
WSJT window - The WSJT window receives its data directly from the UDP broadcast made by WSJT-X. You must have the UDP broadcast enabled in WSJT-X and make sure the port number matches what you set in FlexLogger configuration. If you are using JTAlert then it will swallow the full broadcast from WSJT-X meaning nothing will show. I have sent a message asking for support on this but not received anything so far.
WSJT qso logging. Most likely this is because you are using JTAlert. Again it swallows the entire broadcast. What you can do is turn on in WSJT-X the N1MM log broadcast and change the port in FlexLogger to listen to that port. That will allow logging to work.
Send spot messages - Are you pressing the SEND button? That is the only thing that triggers the transmission of the message. It does look like you are doing it right with the prefix. To help debug this if you are pressing send: Check the "Debug" checkbox BEFORE you check the checkbox to connect to the spot server. This will log a lot of data to the same log file mentioned above. Try sending a message. Then send me the log file.
Rotor control - I have on my list to confirm that the scripting language can support RS-232 transmission, I know it can do network. Assuming this works or if it doesn't I will fix it then it is possible to write a short script to send anything to any device that is RS-232 which would include rotators. I am willing to help create such scripts for people. It is fun this comes up because I am looking at an AZ/EL rotator system myself. Trying to find something reasonably priced.
Resize fonts - I have this request and I am considering it. It presents big problems that need to be solved. If you have ever used ACLog they offer a font size option and when you change it many things have to be shuffled around. It is difficult to make this work well.
Customize dialogs - Again I have this request. I am considering the best way to do it.
Awards tracking - This is definitely on the list but I want to make sure that the system I design can be flexible enough to track the vast majority of possible awards. Almost all of these require some fairly intense database queries as well.
LOTW - Next version will include a first pass at LOTW up as well as LOTW check status. They will need to be triggered manually but they do all the work automatically. These will be used as a test bed to ensure they work and then we can consider how to automate them better.0 -
You can do it right now. The small arrows at the top of the window will decrease or increase the drive setting and the SPE amp will send this to the flex.
The amp remembers the settings for each band so what DDUTIL does is a little overkill because once you set them for a particular input and band they are remembered in the amp. At least this is how my 2K works.
If we need to I can provide a system similar to DDUTIL. But give the arrows a try. They work just like the buttons on the front of the amp. The amp needs to be ONLINE and the first press will bring up the PC drive number then additional presses will tweak the value up/down.
Mark0 -
I'll go and try your suggestions.
Lat/Long/heading issue: I will get you a debug file.
WSJT issues: FYI, I am not using JT-Alert, so that shouldn't be causing my issues with WSJT-X spots not being picked up by FlexLogger. As I noted earlier, this feature was working in the prior version of FlexLogger I had been using. I will double check my settings in WSJT-X and FlexLogger to be sure FlexLogger is listening to the UDP port set in WSJT-X. I'll let you know if I continue to have issues.
Send spots messages: Yes, I am hitting enter after typing in the message. I'll try to get you a debug file for this.
Thanks again for your efforts!
Dale - K4DG0 -
I will give your suggestions a try and let you know how they work.
Thanks and 73,
Dale - K4DG0 -
Since I am using DDUTIL and not the Flex USB Version I definitely prefer the DDUTIL Version where I can conveniently set the amp drive in software rather than physically attack the AMP.. particularly more convenient when operating remote and I need to set different drive levels due to changes in local conditions or operating needs
0 -
My 2K remembers the settings per band/per input. So I rarely have to adjust them. But in FlexLogger using the RS-232 connection I can quickly tweak them up and down and for me personally it is one less piece of software to run.
That is one of the main reasons I wrote FlexLogger is so I could log, control radio, control amp, monitor WSJT, spots, all in one place.
I plan to continue to expand FlexLogger as best I can to have similar abilities to Stacks, DDUTIL and others.
I will fully admit that everyone operates differently and that makes it tough to have a single piece of software that does what everyone wants. For me my op mode is pretty typical:
Use profiles to select what I plan to do
Connect FlexLogger to radio
Connect FlexLogger to amp
Make qsos, make adjustments to amp, log, move on.
My remote operating these days consists of operating from my office usually and I can connect FlexLogger to my radio via a port tunnel. I do plan to support SmartLink but just have not gotten to it. Same thing with my amp. I can talk to it from just about anywhere through the tunnel.
So I can completely control all aspects of my station, right now, with FlexLogger whether I am remote or local.0 -
What data base are you using? I currently use Log4OM, which uses SQL light. Can Flexlogger use the SQL DB ? Thanks....0
It is using SQLite but the models are quite different I'm sure.0
Hmm, I must have missed the PSTRotator comments as that is what I am using. Is there info somewhere on here?
0 -
Love the new audio tab features.0
Question: What do you mean by models are different ? I am not a database expert and could use some definition as regards to nomenclature. I was hoping that I could point your ap to the present sql light database and use it in parallel with log4OM. I use Log4OM with FT8 and would use Flexlog. For SSB operation. On another note, while doing a search on your SW I found that there is another piece of SW OF a commercial origen that uses Flexlog as it’s title. Be careful of copy right problems. National Instruments is the company.0
Sorry Pat,
Databases store records in what are called "rows". A row is one group of data consisting of "columns".
A model is a code picture of one row. The model has to have a field to match each column.
When I say the models are likely different what I mean is that while SQLite allows me to discover the columns names in the tables in the Log4OM database I may not know exactly what each column is used for. Not always are the column names descriptive.
What you want to do is possible but not right now. I would have to look at Log4OM data structure, perhaps contact the author and determine how we could interact with that database.
I will send them an email. I do own a copy.
Mark0 -
Hi Mark, thanks for educating me on the subject. Much appreciated. Yes compatibility would be a great thing on the DB side. CAT compatibility seems to be moving in that direction. My SPE amp plays well with my Flex. It has helped reduce the SW load needed to make radios and other devices work with each other. Again, thanks....0
I've had some more time to play with FlexLogger to see if I can replicate the issues I mentioned a few days ago. I have now upgraded to v
1. Log Entry window: Lat/Long and bearing boxes are not being populated when I enter a call. The other data from is being entered automatically. I'll email you a debug file shortly.
2. Window for WSJT-X is working again. FlexLogger is seeing the broadcasts from WSJT-X and populating this window. BTW, my UDP broadcast port is set to 7831 in both WSJT-X and the FlexLogger configuration editor.
3. Calls logged in WSJT-X are not being automatically logged in Flex Logger. The "automatically log" checkbox in the WSJT "Settings" tab in FlexLogger is checked. FlexLogger is seeing the UDP broadcasts from WSJT-X (see item 2, above). I am not using JTalert.
4. Dialog with Packet Clusters still doesn't seem to work properly. I connect OK, and see spots. If I send a message to the packet cluster server (e.g. ve7cc: sh/dx/20) the cluster responds and displays the most recent 20 DX spots in the Messages window. However, these same 20 spots then do not get entered into the Spots window in FlexLogger. Subsequent spots that are sent by the cluster will show up in the FlexLogger Spots window, but not ones I request via the message dialog.
I'm not sure if this is a "bug" or just unfinished code but the new DX map/clock window is not showing the day/night or gray line terminator positions correctly. The sun position is incorrect also. See the picture I will send you with the debug file for item #1. Also it would be nice if the Clock/Map window was resizable - as it is now, it has to be expanded to get rid of the scroll bars and takes up a lot of space on my monitor.
5. SPE 1.3K-FA support. I still cannot control my amp from the SPE panel in FlexLogger. I have triple-checked the communications parameters of my set up in FlexLogger, so it is set up to the correct port, correct baud rate, etc. I can confirm that DDUtil v3 also communicates with my SPE amp and operates it properly with these same settings. DDUtil will turn the amp on from the DDUtil control panel and set any of the operating paramters without having to physically touch the amp.
With FlexLogger I first must manually turn on my amp, and then press the Connect button in FlexLogger. The SPE panel in FlexLogger begins pulling data from my amp (heat sink temp, antenna in use, band in use). If I click on the Mode, Power, Input or Antenna buttons it will cause these settings to change in the SPE panel in FlexLogger and the display of my amp. However, clicking on Tune button in the SPE panel does nothing (radio does not key up). Keying up my Flex 6600 does not engage the SPE amp, even if the mode button on the SPE panel in FlexLogger shows "Operating".
I can try capturing a debug file for this behavior if you think it would be helpful.
Many thanks again for all your efforts in developing FlexLogger. It is a great addition to the Flexer's arsenal. Even with its rough edges, it is my go to logger after having used Logger32 for over a decade.
Dale K4DG
0 -
Hi Dale,
See below with MARK: in front:
1. Log Entry window: Lat/Long and bearing boxes are not being populated when I enter a call. The other data from is being entered automatically. I'll email you a debug file shortly.
MARK: Debug file will help. Several other people have this issue. I do not understand it yet but will keep it on the list to figure out.
2. Window for WSJT-X is working again. FlexLogger is seeing the broadcasts from WSJT-X and populating this window. BTW, my UDP broadcast port is set to 7831 in both WSJT-X and the FlexLogger configuration editor.
MARK: Good to hear.
3. Calls logged in WSJT-X are not being automatically logged in Flex Logger. The "automatically log" checkbox in the WSJT "Settings" tab in FlexLogger is checked. FlexLogger is seeing the UDP broadcasts from WSJT-X (see item 2, above). I am not using JTalert.
MARK: What version of WSJT-X are running? I will add some debug in the next version so we can see what WSJT-X is sending us.
4. Dialog with Packet Clusters still doesn't seem to work properly. I connect OK, and see spots. If I send a message to the packet cluster server (e.g. ve7cc: sh/dx/20) the cluster responds and displays the most recent 20 DX spots in the Messages window. However, these same 20 spots then do not get entered into the Spots window in FlexLogger. Subsequent spots that are sent by the cluster will show up in the FlexLogger Spots window, but not ones I request via the message dialog.
MARK: All the message send does is transmit the message to the spot server. If the spot server is responding, IE sending the last 20 as you say then the message is getting there. Why they are not appearing in the spots window is interesting. I will try the command you mention on ve7cc sh/dx/20 and see what happens.
I'm not sure if this is a "bug" or just unfinished code but the new DX map/clock window is not showing the day/night or gray line terminator positions correctly. The sun position is incorrect also. See the picture I will send you with the debug file for item #1. Also it would be nice if the Clock/Map window was resizable - as it is now, it has to be expanded to get rid of the scroll bars and takes up a lot of space on my monitor.
MARK: Unfinished code. I am working on the sun position computation and quite surprisingly with all our technology, maps and stuff there is not a good implementation of this algorithm that does what I need so I'm having to modify it to get the results we want.
5. SPE 1.3K-FA support. I still cannot control my amp from the SPE panel in FlexLogger. I have triple-checked the communications parameters of my set up in FlexLogger, so it is set up to the correct port, correct baud rate, etc. I can confirm that DDUtil v3 also communicates with my SPE amp and operates it properly with these same settings. DDUtil will turn the amp on from the DDUtil control panel and set any of the operating paramters without having to physically touch the amp.
With FlexLogger I first must manually turn on my amp, and then press the Connect button in FlexLogger. The SPE panel in FlexLogger begins pulling data from my amp (heat sink temp, antenna in use, band in use). If I click on the Mode, Power, Input or Antenna buttons it will cause these settings to change in the SPE panel in FlexLogger and the display of my amp. However, clicking on Tune button in the SPE panel does nothing (radio does not key up). Keying up my Flex 6600 does not engage the SPE amp, even if the mode button on the SPE panel in FlexLogger shows "Operating".
MARK: Ok the tune button may not be connected yet. I will check. So you are saying that you are getting readings and modes change etc. That means we are communicating so it is not an issue with your comm settings.
MARK: I have not tried to implement the on/off via RS-232 yet. I will put that on the list. I believe it is as simple as raising or lowering the DTR line. But I will check.
MARK: Now on your last comment: You put the amp in operate mode using FlexLogger and does the front of your amp show operate? IE light lit? If you say that keying up your flex does not engage the amp it seems that you do not have a PTT connection. Were you relying on DDUTIL to do that for you? FlexLogger does not key the amp. Typically that is done via a PTT connection from Flex to SPE amp.
MARK: Anyway Dale, we will get these things resolved.
Mark0 -
Thanks for your reply.
Re #1 and #4; I will await your testing.
Re #2: I am using the latest version of WSJT-X, v 2.0.0
Re #5: I sent you further info about my SPE amp set up in a separate email. Thanks for your response. I will double check the connections between the amp, Flex radio and computer. I will also check again whether the OP and TX indicators on the amp come on when the SPE control panel buttons for these functions are clicked on.
These are part of the growing pains for any software package. I thank you again for your efforts to bring us a full-fledged logging program for our Flex radios.
Dale - K4DG0 -
Egad Mark ... I thought you had a *real* job. Where the heck do you find the time for all this?
-dan0 -
Can you make it Mac Compatible please1
That would be great as I am Mac only.
0 -
Depending on the user (GUI) API used to write the app, that could be a Herculean task :-(0
Need a little help here.
I am trying to find out how to change a time between each character I send with CW Macro
It seems delay between each character is too big when I send my call sign or anything else. How can I change it?
Sergey, KN7K
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