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Antenna Genius Utility v4.1.8
SmartSDR v3.8.21 and the SmartSDR v3.8.21 Release Notes
SmartSDR v2.12.1 and the SmartSDR v2.12.1 Release Notes
Power Genius XL Utility v3.8.9 and the Power Genius XL Release Notes v3.8.9
Tuner Genius XL Utility v1.2.11 and the Tuner Genius XL Release Notes v1.2.11
Antenna Genius Utility v4.1.8
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Introduction to the Maestro - Youtube video

Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin
This is for some of our newer operators.
Mike va3mw
Mike va3mw
This is good to watch if you don't have a Maestro but have an M model.
Can recordings be saved? Like a CQ?
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I think you’ll find the video applicable to the radio you are using including M models.0
I was surprised to see/hear of your approach to AGC-T. I believe that the manual says (and I do follow) to start with a high AGT-T setting and turn it down to the point where you begin to notice a reduction in background noise (the knee or the sweet spot). Supposedly, using this approach enables the RX to best deal with a wide range of signal levels. Somehow, while setting AGC-T I've also gotten the habit of setting the AGC speed to "FAST" as it seems to give a more precise indication of the knee/sweet spot. I then return AGC to SLOW or MID. I do understand how when in QSO with one or more strong stations, one might want to reduce AGC-T further (and increase AF Gain) to reduce background noise.
Does your video represent a change in Flex philosophy on AGC-T or just your own custom.
Thanks and 73.
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Hi Bill
Yes, that is how I did it. Right out of the manual on a clear space on the band. If that came across wrong, I apologize.
Personally, beyond that, I don't touch it for weak or strong stations.
So, there is no change in design.
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Thanks, Mike. I thought that you set the AGC-T well below the knee but maybe I wasn't watching closely enough.
BTW, I talked to you on or around April 20th when I called to inquire on how much Flex would allow me on the trade-in of my 6300 toward a 6600. Against my better judgement and without my wife's OK, I bought the 6600. Really enjoying it!
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Nice overview Michael. Can you go further into how your KPA500 is connected? I'm running the KPA500 as well but going from the 6400 via RCA to the KAT500 and then RCA from the tuner to the amp. Just wondering how the USB to serial works.
Scott N1SER0 -
Hi Scott
You may not be aware of this manual http://www.flexradio.com/downloads/usb-cable-interface-guide-pdf/
Essentially, it is the USB/RS232 adapter for the back of the radio and if memory serves me correctly a double female null modem cable plugged into the XCVR port on the Amp. Next, just make sure the baud rate matches and then select that you want the Amp to follow the TX slice.
When you get to a 6600 or a 6700, that is when the PGXL is the way to go since it can handle both SCU's. Or, you might want to amps, one for each SCU.
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I hope you and the dog didn't have to fight for the couch.
I also moved from a 6300 to a 6600 and I also added a 2x8 Antenna Genius. Wow, what a combination.
Glad to hear you are loving the radio. I like how the super fast acting AGC slams down lightning static. I didn't even know we did that until Engineering explained it to me.0 -
Good stuff Mike and I have passed this along to several people who have an interest in Flex but haven't pull the trigger yet. Hopefully this will clear up and aid those.
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This is very, very helpful. Thanks!
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Can recordings be saved? Like a CQ?
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@Bert... Hi Bert, I do not have an M Model Flex but I do have the Maestro.. I believe your screen is the same and the touch screen Function F1-6 keys are the same.
1:Press the MENU button on the top center of your screen.
2:Select Function F1-F6 from the menu that opens on the left side of the screen.
3: Select the function key you want to program and select SEND CW from the list of programmable functions.
4: type in the space below that particular F1-F6 key what you want to record and send for that function key.
5: I have mine set up for sending my call twice on F1, sending a 5NN, Name , Thank you and 73. Just quick DXPedition type CW exchange messages. They are not intended for "rag-chew" type CW conversations and the programmable functions are limited to what is included in the selection list. No voice recordings at this time.
Larry k1UO0 -
That's not my question as I do have the function keys setup for CW. My question is can a VOICE CQ recorded and retained?-1
I am fairly certain the very last sentence covered that Burt0
But there are voice recordings. You just have to re record them each time it is turned on. My question is can a VOICE CQ recorded and retained?0
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