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N3FJP AClog Beta

Dave - WB5NHL
Member ✭✭
Scott, N3FJP has released a beta version (6.3.6) of AClog that sends time stamped spots to Flex radio. AClog must be using the Flex API interface as its rig interface. All the filtering capabilities of AClog spotting are now available including "only new ones". Spot decay is set to 30 min and is not currently adjustable.
Credit to FRS and Scott's software abilities. Scott does not own a Flex but was able to get the spotting working well.
Scott is looking for Flex user reports on his Yahoo group. The beta can be found at http://www.n3fjp.com/programs/ACLBETA.exe
Got the beta downloaded and running but the spots are not showing
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Any one know how to set this up ?
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Do you have AClog rig interface setup for the Flex API? Are you getting frequency & mode data from Flex? Have enabled DX spotting in Aclog? Are you seeing spots in ACLog?
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First you have to have DX spotting setup in AClog. Help can be found on the N3FJP web site for this. You also have to setup the rig interface using the Flex API NOT via a CAT Com port. That's all that has be done on the AClog side.
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Works great. I use AC Log for my general logging, so this is a welcome update.
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Dave can you post a link to where I can find the info on his web site ?
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Setup the rig interface using the Flex API NOT via a CAT Com port is where I get lost.
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DX Spotting
http://www.n3fjp.com/faq.html#q46Settings -> Rig Interface -> select Flex API in the Select Rig: menu NOT FlexRadio
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It took a few minutes for the setup to make connections and start showing spots, but it works really nicely!
This is really cool!
Here are some general observations.....
1) It shows lots of duplicate spots of the same call. I don't know if there is a way to filter those out, or perhaps I need to set my time-out shorter....
2) I haven't seen any color of spot other than green.
3) I wish that when I click on a spot in the pan that it would then put the call into ACLog.
I don't know if either API supports this
ACLog is my main general purpose logging program. N1MM+ is my contesting program.
So now I am all set! Thanks to N3FJP and to Flex!
Ken - NM9P0 -
The duplicate spots are coming because they are duplicated in the dx cluster feeding AClog. They are also duplicated in the DX spot window in AClog.
N3FJP sets the decay time to 30 min. I have commented to Scott that this needs to be adjustable (like Slicemaster). This was Scott's response:".... since Flex has already developed a user settings form (with the associated code) and my software has already handed the spot of to Flex, additional spot customization that appears on the Flex equipment is something that would be best added on the Flex side."
I have not seen any decay time settings on the Flex side???
Spot color is set in the Flex settings for spots
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I reached out to Scott (N3FJP) thanking him for the new FlexRadio spotting functionality incorporated into the latest beta release of his excellent Amateur Contact Log (ACL) software. I've been getting acquainted with the new software this afternoon and it's doing a terrific job sending spots to my 6400M.
Hopefully a future release of SmartSDR will incorporate more granular ways to configure the "color" of individual spots generated by ACL. For example, as others have indicated, it would be nifty to see LOTW members' spots highlighted in a distinctive color. I think the logical solution is for FlexRadio to implement distinctive colors into a future version of SmartSDR, rather than expecting Scott to integrate it into ACL and his many other superb applications.0 -
Thanks Dave my firewall was problem works now. I like SliceMaster better it shows who sent the spot.73 Fred0
I guess I'm the only one who is having trouble with getting N3FJP spots to appear on my Flex 6600m.
The Flex is hardwired to my router (local LAN) and the PC connects to the same router wirelessly.
I have the Beta version of N3FJP ACL loaded on my PC and it works fine. That is, it displays spots in both tabular and graphic formats on the logger's screen (on the PC). The PC can send band, freq and mode data to the Flex which responds appropriately.
The Flex can send similar data to the logger which places it in the proper spaces. Then, I seem to fall off the happy path.
In the logger radio interface, I have selected Flex radio because the Flex API setting does not seem to work in that no data is transferred either way. I found an obscure little box that apparently had to be checked enable the API but, checking that didn't seem to change anything.
I guess the heart of the problem is associated with the radio not respondidng when the logger is setup for Flex api.
Can anyone see what I've been doing wrong?
Jim Charlton AD0AB
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Jim have you checked your firewall that's what got mine working.
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Flex Radio CAT interface will not work to send spots from AClog. Only the Flex API interface. I agree to check firewall permissions. When AClog connects to the Flex SmartSDR will popup a little window saying client connect from .....
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Thank you. As far as I can tell, the firewall isn't blocking anything. When it does, I get a large warning and I'm not seeing anything now.
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Thanks. What is the Flex API Interface and how do I turn it on? I can't find anything by that name. I'm missing something somewhere, but just can't find where. As you can tell, I'm very new to Flex.
I've got SDR v2.3.9 running in the radio, that same version of SDR running on the PC and the N3FJP logger rubbing on the same PC. I'm never too sure where to find what when making changes.
Thanks for the suggestions, but I'm still spotless.
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Hi Jim,
These steps worked for me.
1) launch ACL
2) Go to settings, rig interface, select "Flex API", click DONE
3) Go to settings, application program interface; place a checkmark in box labled "TCP API enabled (server)"
4) On the radio, go to menu, spots, "enabled"
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Those steps worked and now everything is working great!
Thank you!
Jaimie "Jim" Charlton AD0AB
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I would not have known, apart from solutions others provided in this forum. But I'm delighted that you are up and running!0
Works great for me!
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