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6400M Startup
Provide 6400M Startup Options (may apply to other 'M' models)
Just some ideas to add flexibility to the 6400M startup and handoff from SmartSDR on an external device to the front panel local 6400M.
Here are some would-be-nice feature requests and testcases to illustrate current behaviour.
Feature Request #1 " Automated 6400M Standalone Startup with last used radio-resident SmartSDR version"
Test Case I. - no PC resident SmartSDR
- Setup
- Radio is off
- SmartSDR is unloaded
- PC is OFF
- Power up 6400M
- FlexRadio Splash Screen displayed then
- Welcome Splash Screen displayed then
- FLEX6400 Splash displayed then
- Info Connect Smartlink Setup Splash displayed
- Touch Connect
- Select a Version screen is displayed with resident versions:
- V2.1.32
- V2.1.30 and Up Arrow icon
Test Case II - PC resident SmartSDR
- Setup
- Radio is off
- SmartSDR is running on PC
- Power up 6400M
- FlexRadio Splash Screen displayed then
- Welcome Splash Screen displayed then
- FLEX6400 Splash displayed then
- 6400M starts in front panel mode
- MENU / Radio / HW Version: v2.1.32.104
Feature Request #2 - Handoff from PC SmartSDR to 6400M SmartSDR results in local front panel mode startup with last used radio-resident SmartSDR version
Test Case I
- Setup
- Radio is on
- SmartSDR is running on PC
- 6400M is controlled through front panel
- Power up 6400M
- In SmartSDR (PC) select the local 6400M
- Click 'Disconnect User'
- Select and connect the local 6400M
- 6400M reports 'In Use'
- SmartSDR (PC) works as expected
- Terminate the PC instance of SmartSDR
- Info Connect Smartlink Setup Splash displayed
- Touch Connect
- Select a Version screen is displayed with resident versions:
- V2.1.32
- V2.1.30 and Up Arrow icon
I've noticed on my 6600M that it now, goes directly into the main display without pausing at the version chooser like it did the first few times I powered it up. My guess, is that the Persistence Database gets updated with what you continue to use, (selected version) that it skips that part and goes straight into the main screen. I realized this earlier today as I and others, have thought the external display issue might be firmware related. So, I was going to go back to the previous version of the radio's firmware and see if the problem I encountered with the external display existed in the previous version of the software. But, now I cannot get to that screen. It goes straight to the latest version with no pause to select anything else.
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Maybe the radio read page 27 of the manual and learned from it how it was suposed to behave1
Could be!
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My radio just recently started to do this same thing. So, page 27 of which manual? Software, hardware or some other manual I don't know about. There seems to be several. Oh, and by the way, when will the manuals be updated? Last user guide I found is SSDR for version 2.6.0 in September 2019.
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The manual for the M model radios. On the version chooser screen there is a gear icon in the lower left of the screen. Touch it and in the next screen that displays, select ( highlight by touching) the button to start the last used version. It may go back to the version chooser screen. Just select the latest version. Then, the next time you start your M model radio, it will bypass the version chooser and start SmartSDR.
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