SmartSDR v3.8.21 and the SmartSDR v3.8.21 Release Notes
SmartSDR v2.12.1 and the SmartSDR v2.12.1 Release Notes
Power Genius XL Utility v3.8.9 and the Power Genius XL Release Notes v3.8.9
Tuner Genius XL Utility v1.2.11 and the Tuner Genius XL Release Notes v1.2.11
Antenna Genius Utility v4.1.8
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PG XL and Tuner Genius News from 4O3A Forum
Hello Ak4ZJR,
2nd production run of Power Genius XL is expected to appear in FlexRadio in May 2018.
We expect to ship Tuner Genius with them at the same time. If something comes up they may be delayed but it will surely be a similar time frame.
Dragisa 4O9ITT
Looking ahead on Power Genius and Tuner Genius. Flex Radio Systems say they will start shipping the new 6400 / 6600 series radios in February 2018. Shipments of the 1st production run Power Genius XL amplifiers to customers will come after February. For those with orders in the 2nd production run is 4O3A now building second production amplifiers? When in 2018 is the 2nd production run likely to ship to Flex? Will the Tuner Genius (antenna tuners) for 2017 orders of Power Genius ship with the 2nd production? If not is there a forecast on tuner production? Any information appreciated.!topic/4o3a-genius-devices/k2LPUJQ0oYU
WB4IVF thanks for posting. Any news is better than nothing, although it sure would be nice to know the definition of what production run means (as in quantities). Having submitted a late order (12-2017) this leaves me wondering whether I'll see my PG-XL in 2018? 19? 20?
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If one were to buy a Tuner Genious, how much would it cost?0
They have not announced the price yet.0
It would be interesting to know how many production runs it will take to fulfill the PG-XL pre-orders (orders taken up through Dec 31, 2017).
1 -
Would be nice to see some pictures of the production Tuner Genious. If Flex/403A are close to shipping both, then there should be some pictures available for the tuner. Flex has an official brochure that shows real pictures of the PG. XL.0
Pat, I believe they have an "Official" one on the PGXL Link. At least it matches what they had at the Orlando Hamfest last month.
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In case you haven’t seen it, here’s another recent thread about the tuner that includes some of our speculations on price, etc.:
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I have a question: How many units in a production run?
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I wonder who actually manufactures PC boards and rest of hardware for PG and assembles them. Flex will not comment about current production volume, but from comments of US OMs appears that filling of orders is very slow. I placed my order in year 2017 and begin to wonder if I will receive my order next year. Customers from Europe and other countries of the world are also waiting and some
of them look at other options.
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The last PG-XL update I received from Flex was late February. Coming up on May now, so hope we get a new update soon.
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Yes, an update would be nice. I know they are busy with the V3 update. I'm coming up on the 2 year mark since I ordered mine.
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According to Forum input, it looks like most of the orders submitted up through April 2017 have either been delivered, shipped, or at least have received their initial phone call. Your May 2017 order should be next. Hopefully soon!
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I would hope that they are preparing to start shipping again soon if not already. I haven't seen any big bugs in mine lately.0
We have been shipping in batches as we receive them from the factory. Three factory shipments separated by a few days each are inbound right now and they will flow to customers as soon as we complete incoming inspection.
Gerald4 -
Thanks for the update Gerald. Looking forward to getting the amp.
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Mr. Youngblood, could you please provide status on the TunerGenius?1
Yes! I would also like to get an update on the TunerGenius.1
Feb 31st,xxxx ( fill in year) Wish I knew1
This is from a letter sent out last week from 403A regarding the TunerGenius.
We are currently reaching out to key users to assist us with Tuner Genius alpha testing, which is scheduled to begin in the third quarter of 2019. The production is planned as soon as the alpha testing phase is complete.
0 -
Too little, too late.......0
I don’t think the executive management of FRS even grasps the concept that it is a retail business with customers2
Will do what I can to help make it happen. Better use of my time than complaining about why it hasn't
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Where do I volunteer to be an alpha tester? I have all the test equipment and time to help.
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Hope the Tuner Genius can Support a Antenna 1 and Antenna 2 Have 80/40 meter On Ant 1 Port And Also 20meters thru 6meter Hex Beam On Ant 2 Port With my Flex6600M Be nice if Two Antenna Ports are available On the New Tuner Genius 73 Mike WB6DJI1
I think you're in luck Mike:
2000WMatching SWR range minimum 1:3
LAN/CAT controlled
Auto, semi auto and manual tune modes
Can be used and controlled directly with Power Genius
Can be controlled from the Windows Application as a standalone device
3 antenna outputs
Has 4 relay outputs controllable from App (optional)
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The PG, AG, and TG should make a really nice combination.
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Any news on the Tuner Genius The PGXL needs an Antenna Tuner ( All SPE Amps have them built into them ) Mike WB6DJI2
The Antenna Genus will not be built in,, It does not matter what the SPE has.
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Once again; the place for a tuner is close to the antenna. If your antenna is 8:1, an internal
tuner will make the amplifier happy, but won't mitigate against the heavy mismatch and
associated losses at the coax/antenna interface. The Flex tuner will be (if all goes well) suitable
for mounting at the antenna where it will make a significant improvement.
Ned, K1NJ
0 -
Who said anything about building Antenna Genius (or an internal tuner) into PGXL? (-:
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