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power button fell off 6300, Flex cutting corners
MY power button fell off for no reason..
I have seen this happen a lot on this forum,
for a 2 grand radio (entry level model) they are really cheap **** badly built with poor software that is like beta software.. I will NEVER buy Flex again !
NEVER had a knob fall of any other radio, Yaesu, Kenwood, Icom ETC ETC.. and they dont cost the earth, you would think Flex would not be cutting corners considering the outrageous prices they charge.. Very Poor Flex, Very Poor..
It is ironic the there is only ONE button on the Flex 6300 and they couldn't even get that right !
Tell me when else you saw this happen on this forum
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Rob, it should simply snap back on1
Relax. It is just button. They snap back on. No one died.
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It took all weekend for a bit of entertainment. Thanks Rob, that was funny.
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I have a $50,000+ BMW that's under recall because the air bags can explode in your face. Stuff happens. I will never buy another BMW but only because I won't live long enough to save up the money.
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Mike, you might want to reconsider your avatar. It looks creepy like you are taking a picture of the person viewing the web page from your little hidy square (think Laugh-In), or that your you are vain and taking another picture of yourself in the mirror. Which appears to be fairly often. ;-)0
I'm not sure where that got pulled in from. However all my friends loved it as I'm a professional photographer. This was taken by another professional. No mirror involved. And if you know me, and you don't, I'm not that vain.1
nope, it DOES go on but its not stable, it just falls of
i see guys sticking up for them here and giving "praise" i will never understand why, there is SO much wrong with Flex and their software.. i just don't get it ..
if any other company pulled this cost cutting **** people would be going Nuts !
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Why don't you send it back and get another switch? Or would you rather just sit there and ****?
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i would RATHER get the Premium product i paid PREMIUM money for .. ok ???
why should i have to "send back" my radio and be without for god knows how long ???
its quite unbelievable how some people **** up to this shoddy company ..
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Rob, do you have a call sign?
As upset as you seem to be over a button, I would hate to see what happens if something really bad happened.
BTW I am on my third Flex radio and have had my 6300 since they first came out. I have no problem with the hardware and don't consider it cheap at all. I am sure Flex will take care of your button issue - put in a ticket and ask them.
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Troll alert.4
yes i do have a call sign
why do you guys not get what I'm saying ??? its very strange .. do you guys REALLY consider Flex to be the premium product it claims to be ??
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No, a sign of a troll is not putting your call sign in your post. Not doing so makes you unaccountable for your statements. An unpublished phone number makes sense. An unpublished ham radio call sign does not.
You're entitled to your opinion. Have you ever wondered why so many people support Flex in these discussions? I doubt that there is some sort of subversive Flex-sponsored mind control going on, so it must be because the majority of us feel that we have a leading edge quality product.
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i have put my call sign on Many posts, i use facebook to log in as its easier,
ok 73 DE 2M0LDT
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i do troll i guess : )
who doesn't at times ( be honest) but not here.. I'm just p***ed off.. that's all.
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Steve and Duane, while I concur with your views on call sign disclosure, I believe I was recently 'told to sit down and shut up' as that issue had been previously litigated. However, where Rob does have a point is 'now what'? Suppose as straw-like as a switch may seem to some, if yours fell off and you couldn't get it to stay on securely, it would be, at a minimum annoying as So, if that was the final straw, and we all have a threshold for how much tolerance we're willing to extend to ANY vendor, he has a broken radio..a broken very expensive radio, that would be sold at a significantly reduced price. As even Tim cautioned against the last time, he advised against super-gluing it back on.
Rob, is it under warranty still? If so, get an RMA. Also, the switch is keyed so be sure you are mating it to the button properly.3 -
I have had many premium products that have had issues. That is why we have warranties. I measure a product and its manufacturer by response to problems and in that respect FRS consistently shines. If you always expect perfection you are doomed to always be disappointed.
I had a fan failure in my 6500. I had it back from FRS in a week with shipping both ways paid. THAT is superior service.
I am totally satisfied with my Flex. If you are that unhappy, for goodness sakes sell it and get what will satisfy you. The last time I checked Flex 6xxx radios were bringing a good price.
Gene K3GC0 -
sell a radio i bought brand less than a month ago ? and loose how much ?? no, that would not bee acceptable.
Plus I'm in the United Kingdom, not so easy to deal with issues i guess.
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Hi Walt, yes i had a good look at it, its really a very cheap button akin to a keyboard button .. quite unbelievable really ..
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If it is under warranty, fixing it is free to the owner. If it is out of warranty it becomes a seriously expensive broken switch. But, it will be like an itch you cannot scratch. And we all know those are, by far, the most annoying ones.
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Seriously Rob, consider this thread a done deal and open a help desk ticket to get advice on how to get warranty service at you locale.
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Just to be CLEAR .. i DO like using the waterfall and having the whole SDR experience.. i am just not very impressed with Flex as a radio or a company,
i was really shocked to see the cheap button when i pulled the radio out the box as i was the usb controller .. i don't think that will last long..
the supplied fist mic is a joke, not worth a penny , unusable
smartSDR is missing a LOT of basic features,
i thought Flex was a long established radio like yaesu or tentec to be closer, but i feel like i am a beta tester when it comes to smartSDR not what i was expecting.
it seems also that many issues are not properly resolved, and the topic closed..
all in all i would go with a different SDR radio given the choice now.
I so wanted to sing the praises of Flex to everybody, but in all good conscience, i cant .
you can call me a troll, say what you want.. doesn't make me wrong.
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am i just venting ?? maybe a bit, i just expected better. i can live with constantly pushing the button back on..
i just want FLEX to listen to me and read my posts.. after all , all my "Bitching" as Jim calls it, might get Flex to sit up and take notice, and maybe not slap a 99 Cent button on a 2 Grand radio !
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Whether you keep the radio is a different issue. There are and have been people where you are now. My advice? Where it's under warranty, get it fixed. It's far easier selling something not broken.
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I bet there is a door you can take you and your Flex out of. Flex is not perfect but they are better than anyone else. Sell yours.
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Burt :-) Where do you come up with this 'pictures worth a thousand words' photos????
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if the radio is less then a month old then you can send it back to Flex for a refund so you don't even have to sell it.
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I have a folder called "Topical Pictures."
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