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PowerSDR 2.7.2 ke9ns Revision T4

Just an update of PowerSDR ke9ns Revision Features:
DX Spot: Frequency
hopping directly from Map: Left click on Red dot, then CTRL key
DX Spot: Country or Call sign directly on World Map:
QRZ lookup: Left Click on DX Panadapter spot, then CTRL key
DX Spot: DX Spot in Panadapter: Left Click, then hit Shift key to see Spotter
DX Spotter screen: Left click on spot: go directly to Frequency, Mode, and Split,
DX Spotter screen: Right click on spot for QRZ page.
Add/Edit List of DX Cluster spots: I put 3 on the list to start you off
Sun Tracking (with NOAA space weather): SFI, A index, and Radio Blackout warning
Gray Line Tracking (with Sunset and Dusk areas): Right Click on Center btn for color
Equirectangular Projection (embedded into PowerSDR): Map and spots auto scale
Special Panafall mode for Tracking: 80/20: turns off Grid Lines when on.
Google SWL Spotter: Left click on Panadapter SWL station spot, then CNTL key
TNF (adjustable Width): Right Click on TNF to access
Reset buttons for NR, ANF, NB, NB2 buttons: Right Click on these to access
Record / Play ID CheckBox: immediately record mic, immediately transmit recording
Quick Audio Save Folder Option:
Right Click functions of many Buttons:
Band Scanner: Work in Progress band scanner
Memory (Hyperlinking):
Shortwave Bands (SWL): with bandstacking
Add to Band Stack (all Bands): Right Click + CTRL key on Band button
Monitor Feature (Pre and Post processed Audio): Pre for AM/FM
Continuum Mode (RX1 only):
Waterfall History Moves with Frequency change (in Panafall mode):
Auto Waterfall and Panadapter Display Level: Left Click Water, Right Click Pan
Average Button toggle for Pan or Water or both:
Increase Transmit Bandwidth limits for 1500 and 3000:
Gray Waterfall: Better for viewing waterfall ID images.
Panafall Modes: RX1 and RX2 can have Panafall mode on together.
TX Waterfall ID: Images transmitted into the waterfall
KHZ and MHZ Frequency entry (for below 50mhz):
Incorporate DJ Console code into PowerSDR:
New Analog Meters: TR7, Curved, Edge (left click on meter to toggle)
Analog Meter Peak / Hold Feature:
PA Temp and Volt Readings on main screen (Flex 3000 and 5000 only)
Proper S9 reading for both HF and VHF/UHF bands:
Download Self-Extracting / installing EXE file at:
Darrin ke9ns
What more can we say Darrin, that has not been said before. Brilliant, simply brilliant work and its appreciated worldwide.
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Morning Darrin
I concur with John's comment above. Hope FR gets you that all expense paid trip to Dayton this year !!
Kevin, Va3KGS
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Much appreciated from this shack also....
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FRS, you guys watching his progress? How about a FOCUS on GUI rather than hardware for 6000 series, if I can't use the rig, I don't need any more hardware.
I'll NOT get on a rant, but there's lots of stuff that needs work . I think anyone that's not a Flex Kool Aid drinker would agree.
Lew N4CO1 -
I liked all the improvements so much I sold my 6300 and purchased a 5000A. And having looked back. Thanks Darrin
Jim w4wwj
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Darrin, I'm close to that point with my 6500. I have a Maestro on order and waiting to see what, if any, improvements are made in performance when manuals are released. If none or little, then I'll not take delivery on Maestro and 6500 goes online for sale.
N4CO0 -
I think PowerSDR is much nicer than SmartSDR. I had a 6500 and sold it because I just did not like the software. Now I am thinking of getting a 5000 now that PowerSDR has someone that is actually providing timely enhancements.1
What is not appreciated here is that FlexRadio is actively supporting Darrin in his efforts. We have provided him with each model of our discontinued radios and provide a direct line of support to our top engineers.
FlexRadio invested over 10 calendar years and many more man years than that developing PowerSDR at our expense. Darrin is doing some very nice work to enhance the product for his intellectual pleasure. We appreciate what he is doing for the community.
On the other hand, just because someone wants this or that specific GUI feature doesn't mean it pays any bills. We constantly evaluate our engineering resource allocation based on that which provides the highest return on investment. At this moment, it means Maestro.
3 -
Can't you find someone willing to do this with SSDR? I would gladly chip in to buy Darrin a 65/6700 if we could get some of these updates.
You have made it clear that this type of updates are not in the (near) future from Flex. I respect the business decision but still want the features. Perhaps we can find a third party developer that can do the kind of work Darrin is doing with PSDR.
Jon...kf2e2 -
Gerald, I really would like to comment, but will wait until I see what is addressed in next software roll out.
Lew N4CO0 -
Morning Gerald
Tnx for this information.
Cheers, Kevin Va3KGS
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I am a new user of KE9NS version of PowerSDR and I love it. Great Work Darrin. I am having trouble getting the spotter to run. I have the SWL spotter running fine, but I can't figure out how to start the DX spotter function. The previous versions had the fields for logging into the cluster down in the lower right hand corner of the spotter window. Now it looks like they are in the upper left hand corner, but I am not sure what to enter or where. It is probably obvious, but I can't figure it out.0
I reconfigured it so you can add or edit 10 dx cluster addresses, and they save to a file. You still need to put your call sign in the lower right box.
The address of the dx cluster is now combined with the port#
Example, the dx cluster: has an telnet port# of 8000
So, you can edit 1 of the 3 clusters I added as defaults, or select a new row below them and type:
Just double click on a row to edit or add to it
The row that is Green will be the cluster that will run when you click on the Spot DX button.
1 -
Got it working now. Great thanks for everything Darrin!0
Morning Darrin, Just recovering from a bad 2 weeks of medication problems and the after effects. I have a request regarding the RX attenuator. Is this software controlled and if so, could you add a few step levels to it instead of just one level?
Just about to install T5
Still humming this side and smiling. Great work from you.
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Why not get the GUI right the first time then it would not be a drain on the company to fix it? Some of the decisions in the current GUI are "interesting" to say the least and I am being very polite.
I look forward to the time when Flex refocuses its efforts on those who did not buy the Maestro. It will be interesting to see how Flex will handle the upgrade from v1 --> 2 with respect to what features one will have to pay for.2 -
…and after the initial euphoria of Maestro, then what? Where will your once loyal customer base be Gerald? You will certainly find it very hard to sell the next software “upgrade” if you treat existing customers like liabilities instead of respecting their wishes and future ROI potential.
Half baked software may see customers voting with their feet towards ANAN and the active development of PowerSDR.
Your call sir!2 -
There are definitely GUI improvements I would like to see with SSDR as well, but "Half Baked" is way over the top in my opinion. Imperfections notwithstanding it's still the best radio package I have ever used and in due time I'm sure that the looks & ergonomics will be top notch as well.
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Glad your doing better.
RX attenuator? Are talking about the Preamp button?
Looks like the 5000 just has on/off, while the 3000 has: attn.,off,pre1, pre2
and the 1500 has a -10,0,+10,+20,+30
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Will you be coming to Dayton this year? I think a lot of folks would like to shake your hand.
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Sorry no. But I would like to go someday. If it was a little closer (driving distance), I wouldn't hesitate to go.
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Hi Darrin, Yes there is just one attenuator level which is either on or off. Can a few steps be aded to that -10, -20, -30 dB ?
Dayton is just a dream for me also as is all the other local radio gatherings in Europe.
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Noise Blanker from Powersdr mrx could be a great feature for us.
A lot of thank's for your work.0 -
Hi Darrin,
I was looking at using my f3000 on qrp but found that I could not get it to 5w RF and below. When the drive level is set under setup/transmit to 1, the minium output I get is 8 watts.
Could you possible add another slider under the drive control on the front panel, which would allows us to vary the rf output to 1w minimum.
0 -
haven't found any simple way to add preamp steps to the 5000 like the 3000 has.0
PowerSDR ke9ns Rev T6: Added option to display your Memory list directly into the Panadapter. Left Click mouse over any Memory showing up in the Panadapter then hit the CTRL key to move to that frequency and setup the Flex according to the Memory parameters (mode, filters, etc.)
You can create a new Memory directly from the Panadapter by hitting the ALT & M keys.
Also, Added 2 skins into the self-extractor file, and updated the SWL.csv and DXLOC.txt files
"Auto Waterfall" button now "Auto Wtr/Pan Lvl" adjusts Waterfall (Left Click) and Panadapter (Right Click). Plus sliders to set the auto thresholds.
Download at
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Yes, I would love to add a few features. Probably Fall before I really start to dig in to the code again.0
Thanks Darrin, I found the continuum setting very useful as when using a yagi antenna on vhf/uhf/shf and you rotate it the full 360 deg, you can see how the surrounding structures such as trees, buildings inter act with the antenna. This is done on receive ofcourse. Darrin, could you add a spped control to this continuum mode , sothat we can slow it down and see the full 360 deg rotation on the screen and even perhaps save it to a file.
PS. I suggest people find a distant carrier before beginning the antenna rotation
Once again, thanks for all your time and effort into this project.0 -
You can adjust the speed by the refresh rate and/or the avg and update times. All found under setup->Display
0 -
Thanks Darrin, I did not think it would adjust the continuum mode.
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