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Third-Party Software List

Robert -- N5IKD
Robert -- N5IKD Member ✭✭
edited May 2020 in New Ideas
I would like to have a common place to peruse the available third-party utilities and applications for the Flex 6000 series radios.

This list should apply to Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, Arduino and other platforms. It should be searchable / filterable by platform or function.

It doesn't have to be administered by FlexRadio if they do not have the bandwidth to do so. 
11 votes

Open for Comments · Last Updated



  •   VE6KWA
    VE6KWA Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Great Idea... a repository for SSDR 3rd party software  & Links. 
  • Robert -- N5IKD
    Robert -- N5IKD Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    I think it could be a great sales tool. They could point prospective customers to this ever-growing treasure chest of possibilities.

  • Walt - KZ1F
    Walt - KZ1F Member ✭✭
    edited November 2016
    Robert, I think that is a good idea. However, I am not sure it should be a Flex site. I think that issue is, rightfully, debatable though.
  • Bill -VA3WTB
    Bill -VA3WTB Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Robert, sdrgadgets was set up just for this sort of thing, but so far there has been little interest.
  •   VE6KWA
    VE6KWA Member ✭✭
    edited July 2016
    Yes... and ops could refer people to it as well. I get a lot of inquiries about what is out there for the 6K. The whole ability to write software for your own radio is a  huge draw for potential customers..
  • Bill -VA3WTB
    Bill -VA3WTB Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Jay and I set up sdrgadgets so we could do this, and for people to write how to articles on these apps. Keep it in mind....
  • DH2ID
    DH2ID Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2017
    Great idea, Robert. I suggest creating a new category "Third party software" for this
    forum page. It would be the easiest way to publish new software and update the great programs
    we already have like SDR Bridge, FRStack and CMDMicroFlex6k. Newcomers and anyone interested in FlexRadio would find this software at once on this page.
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited May 2019
    As Bill said, That's why we setup SDRgadgets.com. It's intended to be a website for the Flexradio user community, to use as they see fit. We wanted to create some additional tools for the community. An SDRgadget would be any Software Defined Radio Gadget . Gadgets would be Software like Fldigi, HRD, CWskimmer DXLabs, DDutil, WSJT-X, etc. These gadgets, have their own documentation, we wanted to host Flexradio specific versions of their documentation. I've made a few attempts at explaining How-To setup, some 3rd party software. But the community website isn't really an ideal tool for that. The Information tends to scroll off into oblivion. Some of same information get's reposted over and over again.  The reposting confuses later searches. We want to provide other better suited tools. The website belongs to the community, I'm giving it to us. It's going to be user created and user defined, completely non-commercial, neutral and as accurate as we can make it. Flexradio has already informed us that they can't/won't participate. So it will be run by the user community as soon as the user community decides to run it.
    The website can be customized into anything the Community wants, We haven't been posting information about the website's existence publically because we have no wish to spam the community.  It's summer folks, the SDRgadgets pool is open,  last one in is a ...! Flexradio support issues and Q/A is intended to remain here. Flexradio is here. We don't intend to compete, or conflict with anything they do here. The user community now has some additional real estate. Let's all take a stab at creating Our world the way We want it to be.image


    We don't sell anything!
    We give everything back!

    73, Jay - NO5J
  • Robert -- N5IKD
    Robert -- N5IKD Member ✭✭
    edited July 2015
    I think this could become exactly what I am talking about. At this moment it appears to be an article-based site with a few articles and an attached wiki that is currently empty.

    It appears that the site may not grow organically as it is without some more seeding and marketing.

    I can help you fill in some of the empty space. Right now the more I dig into the wiki the more I get peeled off into Media Wiki pages.

    With your permission/blessing I can add a wiki section for a software list that can be updated as we discover new applications.

    Also, an article about using the wiki would be less daunting than the Media Wiki articles that are overly broad for what the new user needs to know.


  • Bill -VA3WTB
    Bill -VA3WTB Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Ok Robert, if you can connect with Jay, Maybe you can help get things going, but I think you get the jist of what we are trying to do.
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    You have my permission. Can you drop in to #Flexradio for further explanations.
    73, Jay - NO5J
  • DH2ID
    DH2ID Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Jay, I don't see WSJT-X as a gadget for FlexRadio, as it works with a lot of traditional analogue trx. SDR Bridge otoh is a software especially created for SmartSDR and CW Skimmer and should therefore have a special place here on this forum page. All the programs you mention have their own web pages and are regularly updated by their creators. I like your idea of a website for SDR related software, but I beg to differ between software for digital modes and software created for the SmartSDR API.
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    The SmartSDR API already has it's own wiki. Why create another one.
    That's not what we are trying to do. Most any Flexradio specific questions have already been asked and answered here on the Community. Are you objecting to the name, or my description of the name? 
    73, Jay - NO5J 
  • DH2ID
    DH2ID Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Jay, I am not objecting at all, I just would like to keep all programs
    for the SmartSDR API here. The FlexLib wiki is not exactly a page
    where someone interested in SmartSDR could find all the programs
    listed and ready for download... 73, Alex DH2ID
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    SDRgadgets will be user created, how-tos, tips, etc. we won't be hosting any software projects. We don't intend to replace or recreate anything that's already existing.  Actually there is no "We" I'm not in charge of anything, neither is Bill. "You" are in charge, I just pay the utility bills.  
    73, Jay - NO5J
  • Dale KB5VE
    Dale KB5VE Member ✭✭
    edited May 2019
    I like the ideas which are comming out. I have been using the Flex radio a long time and am toady sold. The one issue I have had is the merging of the flex with software and getting to work properly. I feel those of us who have mastered a piece of software should share our knowledge. In someways I miss the old knowledge base search and help. A site whic list software and when you go to the software like DX Lab you will get a overview of what it will do what part will not work with flex at this time , link for download, flex user step by step instructions and then a forum for remarks, questions and answers. I know this is a lot but there is someone out here who lives for this. And one final note I would like to see flex have a place for these typ of sites which will link you to them. .
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    Exactly, it's why Bill and I started setting it up. We need content. Want to share your content?image
    73, Jay - NO5J
  • Giulio
    Giulio Member
    edited July 2016
    hello Jay,
    is still active the site? I logged but...it seems empty,
  • Robert -- N5IKD
    Robert -- N5IKD Member ✭✭
    edited July 2016
    I think Jay was hoping that users would embrace it and each add some content. It could still happen, but it will require some dedication by a few more people.
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016

    SDRgadgets.com is still up and running, anyone is very welcome to contribute.

    If you run into any login issues I can fix them. The Site is setup to allow you to login and authenticate thru Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc, similar to the way the Community login options are done.

    We use Mediawiki for the wiki software which I think was a good choice but, but it's really popular with various spambots, the spambots are being countered by the chosen login scheme, currently. when and if they figure out a workaround to gain access, I'll just find another way to block them.

    At this point I'm willing to be very liberal with granting edit changes for both the wiki and the main website. Useful content can and will be maintained, Half finished content will be retained and can be worked on until it's done.

    The Idea was to expand on the Flexradio Zendesk concept. To create a totally user maintained documentation archive. Why re-type an entire How-To reply every time some one asks for help setting up something? Write it on SDRgadgets wiki, and then post a link to the content, in your reply instead. If some change in SmartSDR invalidates the information then edit the wiki content to make it valid again. There is no need to "put up" with outdated information.

    The "Major" issue with doing this is Copyright, I / We can't host plagiarized content. If you ask for and get permission to reuse information presented on other sites, then that problem is solved. Pretty simple really. Many content creators are fine with reuse as long as you give them credit in the footnotes, asking for permissions will reveal those that are opposed to sharing.

    Cite your sources, or create it yourself.

    Save you self some typing in the future, write it once, then link to it.  

    Your all welcome!

    Any questions just ask!
    Have any ideas for improvements, lets discuss it.image

    73, Jay - NO5J
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016

    It is short on content, you can fix that by adding some.image Be sure to take a look at the Wiki link that should be visible on the lower right hand side of the main page.

    I may have either, overlooked, or deleted your login, it's tough to figure out who's a spambot and who's not. I deleted a couple of spambot users this morning. If if I did delete it, I apologize. It should you allow to sign up again. If it doesn't, I need to fix something.image

    73, Jay - NO5J
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016

    I can work directly with any interested contributors in real time. No waiting 2 days for an email reply. I keep an IRC client logged into both #Flexradio and #SDRgadgets on the Freenode IRC network. Just join the channel post something that deserves a response and wait for me to notice, or email me a reminder to check the IRC window. I'm good on ... "you guessed it" QRZ

    Yes, you can discuss any topic you wish, No one has ever been kick banned yet.image

    Some information about the IRC channels ...

    Join the channels thru webchat ...





    Or use the whatever IRC client your familiar with.

    73, Jay - NO5J

  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016

    I just checked, your login is active and valid, no need to start over.

    73, Jay - NO5J
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016

    BTW, Mediawiki editing is not that much different than posting here in the Community.
    The built in editor is really very easy to master. and the How-To documentation is linked on the wiki's front page.

    The main SDRgadgets website is also editable by registered users. The editor is a little more powerful but it's also pretty easy. 

    You only need to register, If your going to add, or edit content. 

    73, Jay - NO5J
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016

    Thanks for reminding me that SDRgadgets wasn't getting any of my attention.
    It's been mostly spambots lately. I might try dedicating an hour a day to improving the website, whenever I'm bored, which is, most of the time.image

    Anyone else?

    I have things you can do! image

    73 Jay - NO5J 
  • Michael Coslo
    Michael Coslo Member ✭✭
    edited July 2016
    I commiserate, Jay. Reminds me of our board meetings, where many people have great ideas about what I need to do. ;^)
  • mlstutler
    mlstutler Member ✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Tried to check out SDRgadgets yesterday.   Had to get a login approved.  Tried it today. Does not work.  If you guys want new Flex users being able to see what 3rd party apps are available for Flex SDRgadgets is not going to be successful.   Way to much overhead to get in and look around.  

  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited May 2019

    Your login was registered and activated yesterday, @19:44:15.
    Sorry your having trouble. Do you want to contribute? Looking around should be possible even without registering. You only need to register if you plan to contribute. I can't even test a login except by logging myself out and then logging back in, which always works for me. I realize a working method of logging in is important, but with out some volunteers for testing, I'm not planning on trying to fix the problem. The website did time stamp your registration, it will also time stamp your logins, as Last Visited: Blah. Your user account reports Last Visited: NEVER. Which if your not planning on contributing will suit SDRgadgets and myself just fine. There is nobody trying to succeed at much of anything. It's just me. and the other few that made attempts at contributing. 

    SDRgadgets has been in existence for @2 years, it's only had content contributed by @4 people.
    All of which is still there, waiting for improvement. If you think the site needs improvement by all means improve it then. 

    I  had expected that the registered users of SDRgadgets would want full control of their content, and would want control of just about everything else. So that's how it's designed. You get to have it all your way,  You get to take credit for having it your way too. Maybe that's the problem. nobody wants to take credit for their mistakes, they'd prefer to remain anonymous.  

    It's supposed to be 100% user created and user maintained, it's not selling anything, it has no agenda. there are no membership fees, or meetings. The only reason for the login at all, is to block spambots, and to provide us with a Name to associate your contributions with for copyright/licensing issues. Contributed content cannot be anonymous. 

    It's true, you get what you pay for. you will be paying nothing, $0.00. What do you get for your $0.00 contribution? Maybe some collaboration, a few peer reviews, and a chance at some readership. Other than that, you get me, someone who is willing to try and make it just the way you want it.
    I'm offering to help, no charge, a freebie. So feel free to run away. The offer will stand.

    It's not about our success, there is no "our". It's more about "your" success.

    The website has absolutely no connection with Flexradio Systems. They have so far, been pretty neutral about the whole thing. They haven't registered they haven't contributed, so far they haven't complained about much of anything.

    I've resisted promoting the concept here in the community, for 2 years, I don't want to spam the Community. There are IRC channels and email  for discussions about the website. Use those instead of spamming the community with your silly website discussions. If I was worried about succeeding, don't you think you'd see more spam.


    I think I've succeeded at failing to spam the community about SDRgadgets so far. 

    Sorry for the rant.

    What were you expecting? A rubber biscuit!  image


    You can lock this thread whenever you feel it's time.

    73, Jay - NO5J 
  • mlstutler
    mlstutler Member ✭✭
    edited July 2018

    Thanks for the reply.   I don't have any third party apps to contribute.   I went to the site looking to see what 3rd party apps were available after reading the thread.   All I found were a few articles and then a  Wiki link that needed a login which I thought I registered for.   Assumed the apps were in the Wiki section.   The main page came up with a login using google, Facebook, etc. 

    My point is that I found the site very confusing and if it was going to be used for Flex curious folks then why do you need a login for the Wiki page.  Maybe that was my down fall,  I expected there to be content.  I did not realize there was no content. 

    I appreciate the fact you took the time to put together this site and maybe one day there will be content that could attract Flex users.  

    Mike W8MLS
  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited May 2019

    The login is mostly to prevent Spambots and Trolls from corrupting the contents.
    Also it provides/sets up an "E" paper trail, for copyright claims.
    Copyright issues tend to slow the contributions way down.
    Some folks think writing content is, 1% effort, 99% copy/paste.
    We just expect you to sign any plagiarism.
    Which I will remove, when I find it.
    Get permissions and cite your sources, and I don't delete it.
    I may even try to improve your content.
    Registered users are expected to do the same.
    With freedoms come, responsibilities.

    Ever ask why there's no documentation for X/Y/Z?

    Copyright is part of the reason why.

    Real Writers, Create!

    Because Copyright kinda insists on it.

    No offense intended Mike
    Just reacting to a tiny bit of criticism.
    Picture a cranky old man, yelling "Hey you kids, Get off my lawn, for a few minutes at least!"

    The login requirement blocks around 1000 new spambot "How to successfully become successful" articles being created on the wiki every day. The bots create them the wiki removes them and blocks their IP addresses about as fast as they get created. 

    What amazes me is that the wiki allows any contributions at all. I've got a lot of IP address ranges blocked, to reduce it down to @1000 a day.
    I'm sure you've seen examples in your email inbox.

    That's where I see the concept failing.

    But I'll keep trying until it does fail.

    Then, I'll try something better.image

    Some one asked, why can't we? ...


    Bill, and I, tried. image

    I'm, still trying.image

    73, Jay - NO5J

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