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Unexpected behaviour 1.4.0
A couple of minor-ish issues.
1) SSDR does not save display settings between sessions. The frequency is remembered, but display settings (specifically AVG, FPS and sometimes the Rate) are not. Also the zoom level is lost and SSDR restarts are what looks like max zoomed out instead of last setting.
2) I play the audio to my laptop's speakers using DAX. I pressed the REMOTE button at the top of SSDR and the volume level from my speakers dropped and would not return to normal even after clicking REMOTE again. I had to close and reload SSDR to get volume levels normal again.
I did the 'turn off rig and disconnect power for 30 secs' thing after upgrading.
Number 1 is very annoying, I was only messing about experimenting when I discovered number 2.
#1 - This is not a feature of SmartSDR.
#2 - DAX is not intended or designed to be used to play slice audio. This is what the REMOTE LAN feature is intended to do. That experiment went bad, I would not try it again ;-)1 -
Hi Guy,
Maybe a sporadic issue, seems to work here. I adjusted the display items and they are persisted. I only operate CW so there may be other factors affecting it. (changing modes, etc). Also I don't have a need to use profiles, another possible difference.
My DAX IQ setting and DAX IQ rate is not persisted in V1.4 (already reported elsewhere).
Regards, Al / NN4ZZ
al (at) nn4zz (dot) com
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Persistence from the 1.4 manual -- If I'm understanding it correctly.
Regards, Al / NN4ZZ
al (at) nn4zz (dot) com
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Whoops. My bad. I did not read it carefully enough for #1 (too many late hours in a row). Yes, those controls are persisted. I just tested it and they are saved except for the DAX stuff which we know about. If they are not being saved, then there is a problem with the local saving of the SSDR.setting file located in %APPDATA%FlexRadio Systems
1 -
Regarding your point #1, if I close SSDR and them open it again, the previously mentioned settings are lost. How does one overcome that? This is 100% reproducable and was noticed on first start (of both radio and SSDR) today. I did not have the issue before upgrading to v1.4.0.
Regarding your point #2. It works perfectly* and has done for the past 6 months. Had to do it as no remote LAN before. Would using REMOTE clash with JTAlert using the soundcard at the same time?
*All that popping that was the subject of a recent thread has gone in v 1.4.0.
With kindest regards0 -
That file has the correct date/time stamp of the last time I closed SSDR, viz 7 minutes ago.0
Hummm. It might be a persistence DB issue. Export all your TX and global profiles but do not save the Preferences. The do a factory reset of the radio and test out changing the display settings, shutting down SSDR and the starting it back up. After the test, import your settings back to restore the things you saved, but deleted in the reset.0
Tim, very strange behavior, just check minutes ago, DAX app updating this file %APPDATA%FlexRadio Systems with new speed then close apps, however in case choosing other profile DAX IQ updated with 48000kHz, will test further0
Selected DAX IQ channel on PAN always resetting to the 48000 then selecting the any profile0
We know about the DAXIQ persistence issue and it is in the bug tracker.1
DAX sent to laptop speakers is how I've been listening to slice audio and it has worked fine.0
That is the old and now depreciated way of listening to slice audio through your computer speakers since there is LAN Remote.0
I added that table to the documentation (the one Al quotes) by reading the code so there is code to save those settings, but it is possible that it doesn't work under some circumstances.2
Tim, will there be a clash or conflict if JTAlert tries to use my soundcard (for audio alerts) if SSDR is using it too? I cannot give up my JTAlert sounds.
Plus - without me doing anything, the settings are now being saved. Computers...go figure.0 -
It shouldn't, but this is Windows we'er talking about...0
Okay Tim, I'll have a little experiment, but I generally do not like fixing something if it ain't broke. Many thanks as always for your advice as always.
Kind regards, Guy
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all I don't care, if you don't put call in the end of message I will not know, because most people in the system just they name ...I have no idea who you are. A call sign mean something. If you are embarrassed of your call sign well that is separate issue. now back to the system my issue. NOW the 1.4 is kick **** for everyone. it's great!!!! this morning while the band is in the toilet VK4YB was S-7 in TN on the Southern Cross HF net on 14.238.5 at 1256z. I'm a DX'er for sure I don't care for the fluff , I'm contester and rag chew is only 5% of my operating time. I put paper on the wall. and don't care if your temp is 2 degrees or 114 degrees. if you meet me on the air you better know propagation because it's means something. if I could the learn posts something about propagation learning. This means something!
it's back to the issue it's fixed, thanks
1 -
Guy - no it won't.
System sounds will still be there fine. Including JT-Alert.
(then again, Windows....)0 -
indeed and agreed!
Alan, W4FBI
0 -
Thanks George.
System sounds? <shudder>.0
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