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got a report of an intermittent clicking sound on my JT signal
Been spending a lot of time doing Jt65 and jt9 on all bands. (need something to chase)
Today I received an email from a ham reporting that he heard an intermittent 'clicking' sound on my JT signal (not sure if I was running JT65 or JT9 when he heard the clicking).
Obviously without any sound on transmit (no sidetone or audio) with version V1.3, there is no way for me to hear it. Can't even make a guess where it's coming from.
So, if any of you hear me, I'd appreciate a email or better, a recording.
Apparently it's not so bad as to rate any comments from the stations I'm working.
But we (me and Flex) don't want to be putting out 'clicks'.
If you get a recording, bill@w9ol.com.
If you just hear it, same addy. LOL
I'm mostly working 80-40 and 12-10 JT9 or 65.
And if you hear me, and DON'T hear any clicks, that's important also.
pse & tu
de w9ol
Today I received an email from a ham reporting that he heard an intermittent 'clicking' sound on my JT signal (not sure if I was running JT65 or JT9 when he heard the clicking).
Obviously without any sound on transmit (no sidetone or audio) with version V1.3, there is no way for me to hear it. Can't even make a guess where it's coming from.
So, if any of you hear me, I'd appreciate a email or better, a recording.
Apparently it's not so bad as to rate any comments from the stations I'm working.
But we (me and Flex) don't want to be putting out 'clicks'.
If you get a recording, bill@w9ol.com.
If you just hear it, same addy. LOL
I'm mostly working 80-40 and 12-10 JT9 or 65.
And if you hear me, and DON'T hear any clicks, that's important also.
pse & tu
de w9ol
if you on tonight 40m jt9 or JT65 I will look for you
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great 40 is my next goal, still need a couple for JT DXCC on 40. LOL
I'll jump back and forth between JT65 and JT9
this the first rig that I can't monitor my own transmitted signal without a 2nd receiver...
so this came as a surprise this afternoon.
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I double checked the email. The reporter clearly said he heard the 'clicking' while I was transmitting JT9
So I'm up at the JT9 marker
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Im there listening right now. Mike N9DFD0
There is someone right on 2500. No decodes though. One at 3050 is 15 seconds early other two decode fine at 25 and 27000
Is it the morse code at the end of the transmission???0
I've been sitting on 14073 all day today running 1.3.8 and my DAX degrades also. It starts stuttering and the only way to fix it is to click on the DAX channel number in the DAX control panel to toggle it on and off. I can see the waterfall looks good in SSDR, yet horizontal chopped lines in FLDIGI. After toggling it, the audio is restored. I can confirm the audio is choppy by enabling the "Listen" option under the recording devices for the DAX Audio RX 1 device.0
Check out one of these places. Maybe you can catch yourself on a borrowed rig.
I suggest using Chrome and HTML5 at WebSdr.
Another option: I've copied myself with my son's handheld tribander when troubleshooting Tx. Maybe you have a friend who owns one.
Also, can't you plug in a speaker and enable the monitor Tx option on the radio? Forgive my ignorance, I've never tried it.
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I do NOT have the cw id enabled, never did.
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I got the same report, and was able to listen on a second rig. Sure enough, pops and clicks that seem real enought, but no clear idea where they're coming from. Similar in nature to the clicks one gets while increasing power in the "tune" mode. Does not seem to be RF related. Flex 6500, Mac Pro with Parallels. SSDR 1.3.8, WSJT-x 1.3 rc30
if you have Display on TX enabled you may be able to SEE the Clicks if they are there?
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That is why I asked a short while back here if one can rely on what one sees for the TX signal in the waterfall.#
13 characters is not enough to give a good sig report. Snagged Tazmania for > 10,700 miles with 30W last night.
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I don't understand
Where is this option to 'Display on TX'???
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Chris - we are aware of this issue as it has to do with DAX buffer corruption. We are working on a solution, but the issue isn't trivial. As you have discovered, the mitigating action is to "reset" (re-init) the DAX channel which recreates a new send and receive buffer.0
In SSDR settings/transmit and then at the bottom. It says "Show TX in Waterfall"
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Ok, I misunderstood
I most surely do have Show TX---- enabled.
Thank you but I see NOTHING abnormal or different from my signal than any other on the band.
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Hi Guys ,i wanna to say that i reported multiple times previously abt. this issues from the time than DAX appeared the first time. In my case the issues was in general related when SSDR/DAX installed on the Virtual Machine on MAC OS, Vmware or Parallels it make no sense(please look into remarks P.S. below), but no final solution i have found yet (multiple tests and installations only individual solve in every individual case). In case installations on the native Win machine - i never seen such impact, BTW !!! to be clear i wanna to say what the same issue but with extremely small effect exist also (just collect statistics a long time) on Win machine and users just not bring attention on this
P.S. i have tested it not individually but together with Paul RN3A,
my MAC is MAC 27, i7 2,93Ghz, 16Gb RAM from 2010 - issue in general always visible in case usage Parallels and just in case some DIGI siftware in case usage on the VMware Fusion
Paul MAC - iMac 27, i7 2,93Ghz, 16Gb RAM from 2012 - HE REPORTED WHAT HAVE NO ISSUES AT ALL, THAT I SEE ON MY MAC
iMAC 2012 - NVIDIA
Tim i guess we need to collect more statistics right now due to the issue may be very important and can be related with realization of the video output in SSDR (IMHO)0 -
Did some more poking around. In just the "tune" mode, if I rock the FlexControl knob just a touch to change frequency, I'll often hear a pop - just like I do with an "FSK-like" signal on WSJT-X or FLDigi. That said, though, I still get pops with WSJT-X in its built-in tune mode, where no FSK is going on (AFAIK). It's not RF-related, I'm sure. No difference on dummy load or with any power level. Pops are visible in the TX panadapter if the averaging isn't set too long. By the way, Nvidia graphics with 6Gb video RAM.0
Sounds interesting, unfortunately I can't try it right now, waiting for my F6700 from PEN0
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