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N1MM+ is available!
Member ✭✭
As described in my thread HOW-TO: Setup FLEX-6X00 with N1MM / CW Skimmer for multiple slice contest operating, I am a big fan of SSDR in combination with N1MM.
Today (maybe a little late) I found ot that N1MM+ (beta) is available.
Everything works fine with my setup.
Have fun trying it!
Today (maybe a little late) I found ot that N1MM+ (beta) is available.
Everything works fine with my setup.
Have fun trying it!
Tom, does it key cw directly from the program?
Ned, K1NJ
0 -
at the moment, I use a NanoKeyer (K1EL-protocol) to key via N1MM, and the NanoKeyer forwards it to SSDR. Works perfect.
VY 73
DK1EY0 -
Tom, did yoou discover if its possible to send CWX directly to N1MM without additional hardware?
How about N1MM+ ?
Tom, 9A6TKS0 -
Hi Tom, Not yet. But I will post results here as soon as I figured it out. VY73 Tom DK1EY0
As of this morning's N1MM+ build, SmartSDR 1.3 focus return is working! Download is available at http://n1mmplus.hamdocs.com/tiki-list_file_gallery.php
73 Ed W2RF
0 -
FRS - What is your direction/current activity for direct support of N1MM?
V1.0 - CW Keying via DTR or RTS doesn't key the transmitter, PTT is triggered but no RF. External wire from computer com to accessory pin via keying transistor.
V1.3 - Cat KY introduced but only functions as a special add-on to the macros - Doesn't work on CTL+K keyboard console - No support in hardware panel - Doesn't support WinKey protocol. Still no DTR/RTS support.
What is the status (FRS viewpoint) of full N1MM+ support for CW, voice, and digital?
This question is at the VFO-A / VFO-B level, not at the SO8R level.
0 -
We have added code in SmartSDR v1.3 to support focus return for N1MM. It works with both N1MM and the latest version of N1MM+ (as of a couple of days ago). For details on how to use this, check the SmartSDR documentation. Briefly, it returns focus of the mouse back to N1MM after something is done in SmartSDR. For example, if you click on the preamp in SmartSDR, focus will revert to N1MM after that is done so that when you type, hit keys, etc. they go to N1MM.
We were asked by the N1MM team to implement the focus return before adding any other features in our software to support N1MM. We are in contact with the developers and will be discussing what we should do next. We have casually discussed how to handle CW keying support as well as voice keying, but we do not have a "plan" yet.
We have a task in our development list to implement WinKeyer protocol on a virtual serial port. This would mean you could point a Winkeyer protocol aware program that uses serial ports at this port and send CW through that interface. This item is not yet scheduled, but we do know what to do. I will say that when we discussed this with some others including some N1MM folks that it was questioned if this was the "right" way to do this and if it would actually be used. Any feedback you guys can provide in this area would be beneficial -- we don't want to do something you won't use. Also, we mentioned that we had Kenwood KY command support in CAT, but we got the distinct impression that the N1MM folks do not want to use CAT for this purpose (and we don't blame them).
Beyond the things I've mentioned, there are no other plans. We would appreciate understanding if other things are needed.
Steve1 -
My needs are fairly simple ( same as Stan's above if I have understood his comment correctly). I use n1mm and now n1mm+ beta for most of my contesting. I have been using microham microkeyer for years with k1el chip to provide cw, and yaesu or icom voice keyers manually. What i need to persuade me to purchase a flex 6000 radio (other than for dxing which the qsk cw now provides for) is at least basic integration with n1mm+ . It sounds like you are getting there with 1.3 and the focus sorted. I need it to key and send whatever cw message i have put in function keys in n1mm and i need it to provide the linkage between the n1mm function keys and an inbuilt voice keyer or wave files. I want to do away with micro keyer and be able to switch antenna switch via smartsdr and the accessory output on a 6000 radio. I have just sold on my microham so2r mk2r+ as it was just too complicated for me - i am hoping to make the switch to sdr for my contesting and to link to logger32 for general dxing this autumn - but not if its going to be too painful a transition:-). I do not need so2r yet but do need so2v to work between n1mm+ and 6300 and 6500, otherwise i am better sticking with my pro3 and ts590 for now and/or buying a ft5k until the 6000 radios can deliver what i need for contesting. Keep up the good progress. 73 Steve gw0gei1
From your CWX comments in the August "Insider" next to last paragraph:
"CWX is likely to be used most by DXers and rag chewers. If you are contesting with a logging program, the CWX interface is available through the SmartSDR API -- with simple commands CW can be sent from logging programs using the FLEX TCP/IP API. CAT can also be used to send CW through CWX. The CWX panel does not need to be open for external programs to send using CWX."
It sounded to me as if this capability was in the release.
"CAT can also be used to send CW through CWX."
How do we do this? To which port? What type of port?
Ned, K1NJ
0 -
You use a CAT port on the PC and use the KY CAT command. I believe there is a defect in the code, though -- the command we implemented does not expect to see KY0xxxx but expects to see KYxxxx. We have fixed this and will be releasing a point release that has this fix. This is how it will operate.
This is designed to help with legacy applications, but if you are developing something new, I would recommend the TCP/IP API to the radio so you bypass all the virtual serial ports, etc.0 -
I would say that contesting is rather important pillar for high-end transceivers. Having said this I would define my needs as follows:
-Connection to N1MM+ as kinda contesting industry standard logging software
-CW, Voice keying and RTTY keying from the logger
-SO2V setup
-No additional hardware like external keyers as MicroHam
-integration with CW skimmer on multiple bands
Tecchnical concept like TCP/IP API or KY CAT commands are less relevant to me, just to work reliably in a contests.
Its basically same requirements what we put in front of traditional transceivers + elimination of external hardware + broadband skimmer. Nothing more and nothing less.
Thank you,
Tom, 9A6TKS5 -
for me, the preliminary solution via my NanoKeyer is okay until Flex can offer an easier solution!
Have a look here: HOW-TO: Setup FLEX-6X00 with N1MM / CW Skimmer for multiple slice contest operating
DK1EY0 -
While I am no longer a hard-core contester, I do like to dabble in one now and then. Historically, I think, most contest loggers have been able to key the radio, through a serial port, with a simple transistor switch (now usb / serial converters, it seems); k5lc explained to me the issue is that sometimes the logger messages were getting 'choppy' on cw; thus, the emergence of the k1el winkey.
I too would like to eliminate my extra, external winkeyer...73, w5xz, dan
0 -
While this was true for the "knobbed radios", Flex products used a virtual
com port with DTR asserted for keying. Most loggers, not just contest loggers,
would key your rig; no need for a hardware interface. As we became aware of
how to reduce system latency, character truncation or "choppiness" became a
Right now I can send KYtest; as a DDutil macro or as a line in the
SmartCAT test tab and get cw "test" sent through the 6000. The loggers I've
tried, and some probably use "KY", don't seem to want to cooperate. Whatever
CAT command they used to communicate with PowerSDR/Flex-XX00 worked.
Steve has said they are working on a context issue to get external program
keying to function with "legacy" products. What products are deemed "non-
legacy"? I hope Flex will give us a list of a few products (hopefully loggers
included) that they have tested with the repaired "KY".
The contest market is a significant force in Amateur radio, and while some
flexers have done well, they preach to the choir here. When logger
integration (with keying) makes workflow as smooth as the contest crowd
would like it to be, Flex will take a much larger part of that very lucrative market.
Ned, K1NJ
0 -
For me I dont like the idea to operate Flex with external hardware (like Nanokeyer or microKEYER) using non-standard cables and connectors.
I travel and operate from number of locations (different setups from basic antennas to contest stations) and cannot drag all the time all necessary pieces of equipment with me.
If I need to connect to external hardware I would rather use Yaeasu FT 1K / 2K / 9K or K3 that are already displaced on the locations together with pre-fabricated cables that provide connectivity and full functionality needed in a contest. I also dont like the idea to finish Flex Academy and take one or two days off before I am able to use Flex during weekend in advanced contest manner.
I refuse to provide external hardware, to improvise some wiring and learn some cryptic set of low-level commands in order to operate in a contest. At least not for modern-all-digital-big-buck radio like F6700.
Flex6 is becoming serious and really great DX transceiver to put it mildly !
However, for contests more efforts and resources need to be invested in seamless integration with most popular loggers and skimmer(s) avoiding different external hardware, homebrew wiring and middleware programs.
Maybe its question of limited resources or just priorities but in any event it needs to be addressed so we can manage our expectations as we don't see answers from current road map.
BTW, implementation of CWX is important step forward.
We can only hope that emancipation from legacy technology will continue and accelerate.When legacy pieces of system cannot be avoided I would expect Flex to provide native translation or even manage to convince partners to adapt their products to Flex advanced architecture and possibilities.
Tom, 9A6TKS
3 -
Just N1MM in So2V mode with skimmers and CWX - works fine for me.
The best choice is >27inch monitors or 2 monitors0 -
how do you key Flex? With hardware keyer or without? Via CWX?
Thank you,
Tom, 9A6TKS0 -
Hi Tom, via CWX, on the screenshot above you can see a macro editor with CW messages0
now you are talking.
Great news, I just need to learn syntax to setup messages.
Do you integrate skimmers with a bridge?
Thank you,
Tom, 9A6TKS
0 -
Of course, started: SSDR + SDR Bridge + N1MM+ + WinTelnetX0
I know that is is old, but is there a bit more info setting up WinTelnetX? I was about to install an external K1EL keyer, but I like keeping it all in software.
Mike va3mw0 -
did you try my worflow described here: HOW-TO: Setup FLEX-6X00 with N1MM / CW Skimmer for multiple slice contest operating ?
The needed WinTelnetX-file is linked there.
HNY es VY73
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