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FlexRadio M models: Use the display and app synchronously
This function would be very helpful in order to be able to use the M models with the app.
For me, it makes no sense to pay the extra for an M model if I can only use half of it. SmartControl is OK but only shows 40% on the display.
With a FlexRadio, you can use multiple clients (2) at the same time. They are like having 2 different radios sharing the same antenna system when you use the MultiFlex feature. Both Clients have access to any part of the HF spectrum from 30Khz to 54Mhz.
We would see this as getting twice the functionality and not limiting yourself to 2 views of the same receiver slice.
I have never used an Anan radio, so I am not sure I am comparing similar things, but in case I am wrong, just clarify what you are asking and I'll do my best to help you out.
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This must be a new feature of the G2 radios. The last I knew you could not run both clients ( PiHPSDR and Thetis) at the same time.
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I recently had an ANAN-G2 Ultra which I used with piHPSDR. The ANAN-G2 Ultra has a 7” touch display. If you run the p2App before starting piHPSDR, the app and display are synchronized with identical data.
The p2App is part of the Saturn project by Laurence Barker G8NJJ (
In principle, the SmartControl mode is almost correct if the waterfall and spectrum were also displayed and the profiles were synchronized.
Translated with (free version)0 -
Yes, SmartControl will do that.
However, the Maestro will also do much more and become a 2nd unique client which I don't think any other radio can do. In MultiFlex, 2 users can do their own thing and then share the transmitter as required.
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Hi Mike,
I chose the Flex-8600M because I was sure that FlexRadio wouldn't bring a €7000.00 SDR transceiver with a great 8" display onto the market, only to then switch off the display when the customer wants to use the SmartSDR app or, like SmartControl, display an info screen instead of waterfall and spectrum. I really would never have expected that. Especially since this function "APP and hardware show the same thing, synchronized, as 1 user with 1 profile has been running for a long time with open source.
I really hope that FlexRadio can do that soon too. The €2000 extra price really hurts when the display is completely pointless. If FlexRadio had published this information, I definitely wouldn't have bought an M-Model. multiUSER is the complete opposite of what I mean and makes absolutely no sense to me.
Since SmartControl isn't working properly at the moment either due to software errors, I'm considering whether to sell again.
Best regards
Mathias, DD5MD0 -
Is the question that you want SmartControl to mirror the display of SmartSDR on a PC? If yes, that is not something we are planning to do.
However, I am happy to bring it forward to engineering. Can you give me some ideas why something such as this is important to you? I need some usage cases to help explain your request.
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Hi Mike,
Thank you for your help!
I know from my last SDR transceiver that I switch on the SDR transceiver, select my USER profile and the transceiver starts. Then I start the SDR APP on my Macbook and select the same USER profile here. Now I have the same view in the app as on the transceiver front with display.
- I can access and use all control elements such as VFO, controls, F keys, which is much more pleasant and convenient than using the app.
- If I open another window on the Macbook, I can no longer see the band activities or use the app. Since the Maestro console is on, I can continue to follow and operate everything.
- The app offers many tools (additional programs) and options (videos, streaming, recording, ...) but is uncomfortable to use and blocks the entire computer for other things.
- The transceiver is of higher quality, the operation is more comfortable and the 8" display is sharper and clearer than a large screen
A very important reason is that I bought an M model precisely because of the Maestro console. After the purchase, FlexRadio said when asked: "It's great that you decided on the more expensive M model, but if you want to use the SDR app to make use of the numerous options that the stand-alone transceiver does not have, then we will switch off the Maestro unit completely or 50%"!
I am pretty annoyed that in all the many videos that have advertised the new series and in the product descriptions on the website, FlexRadio has not mentioned a single word that such a function does not exist and will never come. I am sure that the long-standing professionals at FlexRadio have good knowledge of the market and know exactly what is technically possible with the competitor's model.
I am enthusiastic about the M model and am really annoyed every time I use the If you want to use the SDR app or have to, the Maestro console will turn off. I think it's unfair and very annoying that FlexRadio sells the M model and then says that all the great new functions that made you decide to buy it aren't actually possible.
Developing and programming a new "multiUSER mode" is much more work and costly than expanding the existing "SmartControl mode". In principle, the only thing missing in SmartControl mode is the display of the pan adapter, slice, waterfall, spectrum, etc.! Everything else, such as operating the front panel and menu settings, already works and is even synchronized.
Best wishes and many thanks for your support!
Mathias, DD5MD0 -
You can synchronise your M model screen with SmartSDR. What you do in SSDR is shown on the M radio screen. Not SmartControl mode though, not sure why you would want that because it limits the information. Is this what you are talking about, Mathias, or do I have a misunderstanding (very likely I admit)?
Video of synchronised and unsynchronised
As far as I know, everything is mirrored including Spots, settings, profiles.
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Hi Erik,
Thank you for your answer and support.
That's exactly what I want. 👌🏼👍🏼😀! So far, everyone I've spoken to has told me that it's not possible.
Markus Roskosch, the developer of SmartSDR for macOS, told me there are three ways to establish the connection. With "multiFLEX", "SmartControl" or simply connecting when multiFLEX is deactivated and SmartControl was not selected beforehand. Only with SmartControl did my Maestro front remain active. So I connected to that for now.
I hope it's also possible with the macOS version of SmartSDR. If that works, you've made me happy for the next two Christmases. 😉!
What do I have to do to make it work? I've started my Flex-8600M and can see the radio home page.
Mathias, DD5MD
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I saw that you are running multiFLEX. I have already tried it with that. In my case there were two separate users and not just one like you.
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I read that I have to use SmartLink Remote in conjunction with MultiFlex.
I do have a SmartLink account but the test always fails. UPnP is activated on my FRITZ!Box 7590 and I also enabled port forwarding for TCP 4994 and UDP 4993.
I logged out of SmartLink and removed the registration and then renewed it. The test still doesn't work. The forum said that you should set the external port to 22000 and 21000 instead of 4994 and 4993. But the FRITZ!Box doesn't allow that, or the external port is set back to 4994 and 4993.
I tried it directly on the Flex, with SmartSDR Windows and SmartSDR macOS. A reset, which I like to do so much, doesn't help either.
Mathias, DD5MD
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Maybe I’m misunderstanding something (quite possible), but there is no requirement to use smart link unless one operator is remote. Using two pc’s at the same location, using multi flex works well. Or one of the pc’s could be a Maestro, co located with a pc will also work using multiflex.
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I want it exactly as shown in Eric's video.
Everything that can be seen in the Maestro unit of my 8600M should also be synchronized in the SmartSDR app. If I turn the VFO of the Flex-8600M, the frequency also changes in the SmartSDR app, etc.!
I heard all the names like DAX, MultiFlex, SmartControl, SmartLink and all the others for the first time when I got my very first FlexRadio a week ago. I still don't really know what these names mean. I have only used two SunSDR2DX from Expert Electronis and an ANAN-G2 Ultra from Apache Labs over the years.
My Flex-8600M should display everything like in your video and the SmartSDR app too. So synchronized so I don't have to edit 2 clients/users. So one sigle user for both areas the same. I want to see the same thing on the screen and on the Maestro console as I do on the other side.
I hope I didn't misinterpret what I saw in Eric's video. But I think I understood everything correctly.
Eric's video:
Eric wrote: “You can synchronize your M model screen with SmartSDR. What you do in SSDR is shown on the M radio screen.”0 -
So what is the problem? This is a genuine question not a rebuke.
I do think there are some misunderstandings both by you Mathias and by me. As John explained, Smartlink is not part of this. Names such as Multiflex, SmartControl are simply Flex proprietry nomenclature and need not be fretted over. You can synchronise clients. In doing so, the name Multiflex appears on the screen. All it means is that there is more than one client. They can be a variety of control points and my example shows the 6400M screen and SmartSDR as clients of the server. As for number of users, one or two, there is no difference. Exception is that a 6600M has the capacity for more clients than a 6400M because in Flex world, the limitation is slice receivers. I am not an expert, just a user who prefers synchronisation rather than loosing data in a SmartControl screen, and I may be corrected by the more knowlegeable on here.
However, my example is for Windows and as your original post did not mention OS and was in the Forum category of New Ideas, I misunderstood that you want this in MAC. You would need to liaise with the author of SSDR for MAC if it is unclear if this can be done with his version. I have a feeling that you need to be using Windows because synchronisation ( or tracking as i would call it ) requires use of the Flex API. Virtually all of the amazing things that can be done by Flex radios, that leaves the competition like SunSDR and Anan far behind, is enabled by 3rd party applications and most, though not all, are written for Windows.
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Hi Eric,
As far as I know, SmartSDR for macOS uses the Flex API.If I start my Flex-8600M first and then connect SmartSDR, I have two separate displays that are not synchronized.
I also tested it with Windows. I got the same result under Windows.
Maybe I need to set something up in addition to connecting to make it work.
Can you perhaps describe to me what you do to get the displays synchronized as shown in the video?
Best wishes
Mathias, DD5MD
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Hi Mathias,
Yes but in Windows there is a program FR Stack that commands the API to track slices, effectively synchronising the 8600/8400M display with SmartSDR. I do not believe there is a comparable equivalent application in macOS and, whilst FR Stack can be made to run in macOS, its features are not as comprehensive because it is only a terminal application in that OS.
In Windows, download FRS from
and install. It will find your radio on the network. You need to connect but it can be made to automatically connect on subsequent launches.In the tabs at the top, open Radios and you will see the tracking options. Ignore Rev Direction. The 8600M display will switch to mirror SmartSDR and will synchronise with it. If you keep this setting, there is nothing more to do. On subequent launches of SmartSDR and FR Stack, the synchronisation starts immediately - at least is does here and I've been running it for 2+ years. With your 8600M you will have an advantage over me as I cannot open further slices because the synchronisation fills the slice capacity of my radio but you will be able to add 2 more if needed.
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Hi Eric,
Thank you for your instructions.
I installed FRStack on my Windows PC and connected it. Then I activated "Sync Clients A, B Slices" in the radio menu. It worked! SmartSDR on macOS and my Flex-8600M are in sync!
Video:Many thanks Eric for your help!
Best regards
Mathias, DD5MD
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Cool feature of FRSack that I totally missed!
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FRstack provides many additional features. My favorite is the memories. Separate memories for each band, mode, power level, on and on. I use the MRU to keep track of POTA stations I’m chasing. The memories can also be scanned. I don’t operate without it.
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one thing to keep in mind I found in FRStack help section. When sync’ing slices, do not bind to a client.
73 Dave wo2x1 -
I found the following information about "Sync Client Slices" on the FRStack website:
SmartSDR V3 supports multiple clients, you must bind FRStack to specific client in order to target the client you wish to Tune, MOX or set TX Band Settings. You can specify which client to bind to from command line with /client=StationName.
Select a Slice window to designate the target slice for commands. The context menus are accessed by right clicking UI objects.
FRStack monitors the radio's slice frequency, when the frequency is in use for 15+ seconds it is recorded as a MRU band entry. If the frequency shifts less than 1K in either direction the current MRU is updated. When the MRU list reaches its limit the oldest MRU entry is removed. When a MRU button is selected the active Slice is set to the buttons information.
"If you want to bind to multiple clients at the same time launch another copy of FRStack."
"Sync Client Slices feature will keep clients' slices in sync with each other. The purpose is to allow the use of Maestro as a control surface for SmartSDR when co-located. You must not bind to a client for this feature to work."
—————————————————————————————————————-So you can use two clients in one instance of FRStack.
I don't yet understand how to bind MOX, TUNE, TX band settings to one of the two clients. Using the Windows app, you automatically select both clients for TX.
I can't find the FRStack commands via terminal that are mentioned ("/client=StationName") on the website (
I don't think I can really get any further without someone who has already done more with FRStack. I have installed the "FRStackWebApi macOS" on my Macbook Pro and could test it.
Best wishes
Mathias, DD5MD
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