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Problem with adding virtual ports

Hello everyone,

since yesterday i have a problem with adding virtual ports in CAT. I have Fabulatech Virtual Serial Port Kit program where I can add virtual ports needed for transceivers other than Flex. When I add flexvsp ports in CAT, I get a message that the port has not been added. In the WIN10 device manager, the ports appear in the "other" tab with an exclamation mark. Fabula Support advised me to search for a driver from the disk in these ports and then they appear in the tab Device Manager port and work normally. But CAT doesn't see them and I have to use third-party ports (existing). I want to add that I installed a PciEx Moxa card with 4 physical ports in the computer because Flex must control the automatic antenna box and the second transceiver controls the PGXL. Maybe it causes a conflict somehow? I've tried all the tricks described on the forum and it still doesn't work. I don't know what to do to restore the normal state. Do you need to reinstall SmartSdr ?



  • I do not think you should or need to reinstall SmartSDR. I don't know what the tricks listed on the Forum are but all I can say is that I have never had any trouble overcoming such issues by using COM Name Arbiter Tool

    You can read about it and download it from Tools for Windows (uwe-sieber.de) and decide whether, in your case, it is worth a try and can help.

  • Slawomir
    Slawomir Member ✭✭

    Hi, thank you for the info. I ran this tool and it shows the ports I have.


  • Slawomir
    Slawomir Member ✭✭

    Hi, yesterday I did a lot of things to make CAT add ports. I removed invisible ports, uninstalled and reinstalled FlexVSP and reset Flex VST Port. Now Cat is behaving better and doesn't show up as open as before. I was able to remove port 12 which was in CAT and it wasn't in device manager. But still CAT doesn't add Flex VSP ports. I am sending a screenshot of what message appears. After adding the VSP Flex port in CAT, the port does not appear in device manager. I am frustrated with this failure. I have been with the Flex 6700 for several years and have never had it. I am asking you for help.


  • Does COM 9 show up in the COM Name Arbiter Tool?

  • Eric-KE5DTO
    Eric-KE5DTO Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin

    It sounds to me like you may have a driver conflict with the FlexVSP and the FabulaTech ports. Note that FlexVSP uses the FabulaTech drivers under the hood, so it could be a driver mismatch with our DLLs that talk to that driver and whatever version of FabulaTech that you have installed. If you need the ability for CAT to create the ports, then you'll probably need to uninstall the FabulaTech drivers and reinstall the FlexVSP drivers. Otherwise, you can create the ports manually and then select them in the CAT interface. Let us know if this solves your problem.

  • Slawomir
    Slawomir Member ✭✭

    Hi Eric,

    I will uninstall Fabula Tech Drivers soon and see if Cat adds Flex drivers. I use Anan 7000 DLE MKI in addition to Flex-6700. I need 4 virtual ports for Anan to support the antenna box driver, logging program. If I remove Fabulatech, how do I add virtual ports manually for CAT Anan to see them?

    The arbiter tool does not see port 9. I cleaned unused ports with it.


  • Slawomir, do correspond with Eric KE5DTO from Flex now that he has interjected here. When I have had the Arbiter Tool not see a COM port, as in 9 in your case, CAT has created that port. So something is amiss and I think you should liaise with him and follow his instructions. Good luck getting it solved.


  • Slawomir
    Slawomir Member ✭✭

  • Slawomir
    Slawomir Member ✭✭

    I wrote to Eric and am waiting for a reply. I uninstalled Fabulatech VSPK and reinstalled FlexVSP. Still can't add pore in CAT. The added port shows up in other devices as Fabulatech. I don't know what to do next.


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