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Maestro: Intermittently Will Not Transmit

Member ✭✭

After booting up the FlexRadio 6400 and the Maestro, sometimes I cannot transmit. No indication of any output on the monitor. I usually turn off the Maestro and then boot it up, again, and then it usually transmits. Today after booting for the second time it did not transmit. No changes to any of the operating parameters since the last shut down a few days ago.


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  • Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Hi Mike, have you tried it with just a computer running SmartSDR? That will help narrow it down to the radio or the Maestro. Also, are you running any utilities that might influence things? (DDUtil, FRStacks, etc)

  • Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Also, a picture of the Maestro screen and is there any error messages?

    Dave wo2x

  • Member ✭✭

    I haven't set up the radio to use with a computer. I am not using utilities.

    The screen on the Maestro is no different than when the radio can transmit.

    Today I turned on the radio first and once it was booted up, I turned on the Maestro. No problem transmitting. I believe I found that process to work in the past, but when I turn them on at the same time, the radio occasionally fails to transmit.

  • Member
    I have a similar problem with my Maestro. Maestro remotely keys PTT on 6400 but no audio is passed to the 6400 randomly. It acts like a microphone is not working. I used a friends microphone from his Maestro and had the same problem. Next time I start the Maestro, it may work perfectly. I wonder if I need to reload the Maestro's operating system. Suggestions appreciated.

    Ross N7TBR
  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin


    Hi Mike

    I don't think this is a MIC issue but a network issue. Reloading the software likely won't resolve anything either.

    A simple test is to do this:

    • Power off the radio and the Maestro
    • Connect an Ethernet cable from the Maestro to the Radio
    • Power up both devices
    • Connect to the radio as normal
    • Test again to see if the problem still exists. If it does, then we have something that should be followed up in a support case.
    • If it doesn't fail, then that indicates a network communication issue and we would like to know more about your network setup.

    Let us know how you make out.

  • Member ✭✭

    Hi, Mike et al.

    I have the same problem from time to time. Today, N7TBR and I did considerable testing and we have been able to re-create the problem and we have found it to be very repeatable, and we have identified a mutually effective "patch/fix".

    Fairly frequently, (maybe just after re-booting the Maestro but not sure of that?) I will find that I can key the transmitter but no audio is transmitted. My normal mode on my Maestro is to have CW on Slice "A" and LSB on Slice "B", both on the 75/80M band. Today, every time we re-booted our Maestro's, the SSB slice would not transmit. Just like what I normally experience whenever I reboot my Maestro.

    Today, we learned that if the mode on that slice is changed from USB or LSB to CW or AM and then back to USB or LSB, the audio will then begin to pass the audio just fine. In our testing today, every time we made the mode change and back, the transmit audio would work again, and I believe will continue to work until such time as the Maestro is re-booted.

    Those of you who are experiencing this glitch, please let us know if it works or doesn't work for you.

    Cheers and best 73,

    Jim / K7JV

  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin

    That could still be related to lost network communications and the changes you make re-sync things.

    This is why the LAN cable test is important.

    It is also critical to know what version of SmartSDR.


  • Member
    • Maestro powered by 12v, connected to 6400 with Ethernet cable.
    • Both 6400 and Maestro powered off.
    • Turn on Maestro first.
    • Power up 6400 wait for solid green power light.

    BOOT SEQUENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------
    1. Radio disconnected waiting for radio/network.
    2. There are currently no radios are available.
    3. Flex Logo.
    4. LED lighted keys now on.
    5. Select Radio - Network icon shows Connected to Ethernet (link - local), internet unavailable.
    6. Connect.
    7. Select a Version (3.2.39).
    8. Run.
    9. Loading...
    10. Maestro initiates and makes connection to 6400 via Ethernet.
    11. Panadapter active on slice A, 80m LSB, receiving signals on Slice A.

    TEST PERFORMED ------------------------------------------------------------------
    Keyed Maestro microphone, MOX light on, NO carrier or modulation output.
    Changed freq on Slice A, changed mode to CW, keyed mic, NO carrier or modulation output.
    Changed freq on Slice A, changed mode to LSB, keyed mic, HAVE carrier and modulation output.
    Changed freq on Slice A, changed mode to CW, keyed mic, NO carrier or modulation output.
    Changed freq on Slice A, changed mode to AM, keyed mic, HAVE carrier and modulation output.
    Changed freq on Slice A, changed mode to FM, keyed mic, HAVE carrier and modulation output.
    Changed freq on Slice A, changed mode to LSB, keyed mic, HAVE carrier and modulation output.
    Changed freq on Slice A, changed mode to DIGU, keyed mic, HAVE carrier and modulation output.
    Changed freq on Slice A, changed mode to DIGL, keyed mic, HAVE carrier and modulation output.
    Changed freq on Slice A, changed mode to USB, keyed mic, HAVE carrier and modulation output.

    CONCLUSION ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    • Problem appears to be associated with LSB, USB, DIGU, DIGL, and CW modes during initial
    connection to 6400.
    • Problem is not associated with AM and FM modes during initial connection to 6400.
    • Ran at least 20 individual tests and results repeated over 2 days. I can send you those results
    if you need them.
    • Note: I got a "Smart SDR Loading..." progress bar during one of the tests.

    When I updated the Maestro to version 3.2.39, I had completed step 1 of 3 on the install. While making the selection for the 2 of 3 part of the install, I accidentally bumped the screen with my knuckle and the install took off, I could not stop the install or see what I accidentally selected because the screen changed too fast. If the installation had a confirm selection (Y/N) stop points, I could have verified/corrected my choice. Tim please add to future software updates. After 2 of 3 completed, I made the selection for 3 of 3 to completion of the upgrade. This may be part of the problem. Should I reinstall software and test again? Recommendations?

    Ross N7TBR
  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin


    If you have not already, can you open a support ticket with all your findings from the last post so that it is tracked correctly.



  • Member
    I got thinking about mic profiles in your latest email. I recalled that I had plugged in a new RadioSport headset into mic2 of the Maestro night before and checked into my net and did not select a mic profile. Today I disconnected all the headset cable and ran the testing (1st time) you requested. I now believe that plugging in the headset caused the “Inhibit Transmit” warning during testing (1st time). I just reran the same testing procedure (2nd time) and slice A was active upon completion of boot. All of previous test data provided before had the FHM-3 hand mic connected and slice A always was active upon boot of the Maestro.

    Ross N7TBR

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