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PGXL not receiving band data from Flex 6600M

Have both a 6500 and 6600M. 6600M is configured for input two on the PGXL. While I can see the The Power Genius display and toggle the amplifier from operate to Standby, the amplifier does not display the band data from the 6600 or engage on transmit. I have swapped LAN cables. Thoughts?


  • Mike-VA3MW
    Mike-VA3MW Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin

    Please post screen shots of your PGXL configuration screens.


  • Rich - N5ZC
    Rich - N5ZC Member ✭✭


    Have you gone into the PGXL pc application configuration menu to let the PGXL know you have a flex rig connected?

    Go into the configuration menu and select the FlexRadio tab. Then use the pull down menu to select your Flex rig, then save.

    Rich - N5ZC

  • DonS
    DonS Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2021

    I am not getting any band data to the PGXL. I have gone into PGXL Configuration and this is what I see so obviously without the data put in the configuration file I would expect to see "No Band Data". The second config is where I have entered the data. I do a save and the amp is updating, however, after the save still no band data and when I go back into the Configuration screen and look at FlexRadio there is no data. I have powered off the PGXL,TGXL and 6700 and and powered back starting with the radio still no No Band Data after reconnecting and the config screen shows no data like the first screen shot.

    I should add there is no "Enabled" box to check in this version of the Configuration utility.

    I also did a Factory reset with no success.

    Don -kx9q

  • WX7Y
    WX7Y Member ✭✭✭✭

    try powering down the PGXL wait a minute then power it back up.

    This happens to me sometimes if I dump the Power supply on the Radio but don't do the AMP.

  • DonS
    DonS Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2021

    Did not work. Same issue, it will not keep the FlexRadio information in the config file. Interesting, I even checked the Meffa box and that was not saved.

    Don - kx9q

  • DonS
    DonS Member ✭✭✭

    I uninstalled the utility and re-installed. It finds DHCP and assigns an IP address which is valid. I can change the name of the device, however, when I get to FlexRadio tab and enter all the info it will not save it. I can modify info in the "Other" tab and it will be saved but in the FlexRadio tab.

    Don - kx9q

  • DonS
    DonS Member ✭✭✭

    OPERATOR ERROR BIG TIME. Apparently I installed a 2.2 version of the PGXL utility program. As I was searching the web site for a fresh copy of the utility program I realized what I was using was not the latest version: 3.6.21. Down loaded and installed the latest version and the No Band Data now showed the flex radio. Not sure where I found the older version. Now to try out the amp!

    Don -kx9q

  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Glad you got it working. The amp is a workhorse.


    Dave wo2x

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