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Rob Sherwood Ranks Yaesu FTdx-101 as the New Number One!



  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin
    edited June 2020
    Yes, I am.  It allows me to sleep at night.  
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Icom 7300 in my Po Box yeepeee I aaa,,
    1#Test Notch Filter 7300 vs 6640M
    2#Test Noise Blanker 7300 vs 6400M
    3#Test Noise Reduction 7300-vs 6400M
    4#Test pulling out weak signal on ssb 7300 vs  6400M
    #5 Volume loudness on Headset im almost deaf
    #  6 too 1 SWR torched test  see how both 7300 vs 6400M shuts down handles high SWR. 
    Alaska Joe Says Hello
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Looking at all those test, I still take the Flex hands down.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    I dont do digital ,or anything but SSB,I dont own a computer or monitor ITS JUSTRadio and me ,
    I do use Hallicrafters SR-150 mostly it hears everything Flex 6400M hears I just love see digital read out on Flex and Scope/Water fall,I wish someone made a digital Display for Hallicrafter SR-150.
    Personalty I look at F-8 digital **** as lazybones Ham operators with an easy way out ,
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Joe. I'm not a fan of FT8, but I can understand what is happening, I think. Think of it as another way to make contact with other stations. It can be very challenging to log in those rare hard to get stations. I remember working to log a station for days till I finally connected.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    What ever rocks their boat,to me F-8 no harder than sending a text message on cell phone,
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    But can you log the contact? you could be chasing for days...lol
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Nor am I, but I'm on several ham listservs and the excitement the mode generates is very evident.  That type of enthusiasm can only serve the hobby well.  However, that is getting off topic, and I suggest we QRT on the discussion of FT8 or start a separate thread. 
    Bob, WK2Y
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    What radio does best ill keep and send other radio back to Giga Parts.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Here is my ranking based on personal ownership experience (CW and SSB only, I don't do digital):

    1. Flex 6600M/ 6500
    2. Kenwood TS-890S
    3. Icom IC-7610
    4. Icom IC-7300

    (Elecraft K3S and Yaesu FTDX-5000 rank fairly high in this list, but has no built-in bandscope so I'm not including it, I currently own, or have owned all 6 in the past 10 years). 

    Bob k3AC
  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Man post what you want we need walk up people- **** i go AK net yearly picnics 
    youngest person 51 most 60-80 you cannot convince me Ham radio not dying off,
    talk ham radio kids now all u get is dumb blank stare back-no radio clubs in school no more,no hands on  today - now its push a send button,digital like people sitting in basement watching or playing video games,lol
    We need get kids back hands on like a New Heatlhkit company coming back to life,soon-
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    is 76010 NB/NR the same as 7300 
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    I have both a 6600M and a K3 with a P3 panadapter. I really do prefer the 6600, especially with its ability to easily remote, but the K3/P3 is no slouch. Both radios allow me to get rid of offending interference close to the signal of interest. The K3 combination of crystal roofing filters and DSP are very effective. I _do_ wish the Flex had the ability to auto-spot CW the way the K3 does - less fiddling.

    However, the Flex WNB is the pièce de resistance for me - without WNB I cannot hear a thing on 80m. 80m is dead on the K3.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Do a search on 'young ham operators' on Youtube.
  • Member
    edited June 2020
    I'm a little slow to comment here. My favorite is to work DX in the General part of the 40M band as I only have a General license. I need great selectivity in that part of the band. And a very clean transmitter to squeeze in so as to keep all happy. I use large wire beams aimed at Europe up 60 feet. The directivity a giant plus. Sold my 7300 and looking at the FTDX-101D. Interested in a Flex too and maybe the K4. Any opinions on my choices? I was able to work many QRP SSB operators in Europe with the 7300. Still I think I can do better with the best? 73, Frank WA3RSL
  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    FWIW - the best traditional 'knob' radio in terms of user friendliness and front panel ergonomics - Kenwood TS-890
    The best SDR platform in terms of the same - Flex 6600M/6400M. 
    The use of a 'multiknob' and cramped front panel with no dedicated "TUNE" button on the 101D is a deal breaker for me. Would never own one and I've owned many Yaesu Hf radios over the years including the excellent FT-5000MP. But IMO, the 101D is a 'dog'
  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    My rankings are as follows
    1 Icom ic-7850
    2 Flex 6700
    3 Yaesu FTDX-101D
    4 Icom ic-7300
    I base this on my listening experience and with a singe switch for comparison. All other variables are the same e.g. the antenna.
    I can’t wait for the K4 to become available....
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Unless you change antennas or add an amplifier, there won't be much of a difference between the 7300 and whatever you buy next. Use a rig you are comfortable with and invest in antennas.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    I find it interesting quite a few FTdx-101's coming up for sale on the used market.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    It seems like a “love/hate” thing. The 101d owners either love it or hate it and dump it after just a few weeks. Especially when they figure out the “3-d” display is a confusing gimmick and optional filters must be factory installed. It has had several “bugs” too requiring expensive shipping back to Yaesu (ALC overshoot etc).
  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    I'm currently a C7 owner.  Waiting for the C8 Z06!
  • Member
    Does anyone know if the Sherwood test was done with the optional (and factory installed) 300 Hz filter? This filter btw is standard on the MP variant but looks like they tested the D.

    I was waiting for the K4, but the base K4 is SDR only at $4K (humor, 4K for a K4). The question which Sherwood will hopefully answer soon is how the plain K4 compares to the 6400M. BTW if the ADC rate is 2X on the 6600M, why isn't the Reciprocal Mixing Receiver Dynamic Range better than the 6400? Is it the ADC resolution, not the rate that matters?

    To pass the time, I am rethinking everything: K4, 6400M, and even the FTdx-101MP.

    Stay safe and 73 -- john
  • Member ✭✭✭

    If I was in the market for a radio and I'm not. I would lean to the K4 because the radio is fully upgradeable. With the FDX 101 what you buy is what your stuck with. And the Flex? it's the benchmark anyways.

  • Member ✭✭

    Какой же бред тут можно прочитать ! Одному FT 450 не подошел и он его вернул , люди на нем DX щелкают - а этому не подошел . Может он хотел от 450 услышать то что дает 7850 ???

    Другому надо что было 8 приемников ! А какие 8 приемников у 6700 если там только 2 пары полосовых фильтров на входе ! Слушать 4 приемника на одном диапазоне ?

    У флекса приемник тише ? Да ты сделай ручку AGCT 100 как у обычного радио и сравни потом как флекс будет принимать . Я ведь тоже могу на обычном радио сделать ручку RF gain на половину . Разница только будет в том что флекс не реагирует на это S-метр , а у обычного радио S- метр будет показывать 9 баллов.

    Господа , а вы видели как флекс затыкается от вещательных станций китайских ? Вы послушайте свой флекс не на кусок проволки , а на большую хорошую антенну ! У меня на столе стоит FTdx101 и Flex6400 и флекс и рядом не может сравнится со 101 . Потому что китайские вещательные станции перегружают АЦП у флекс а 101 их не чувствует !!! Вот вам и приемники ! Вот вам и Шервуд!

    Прежде всего нужно быть честными перед самим собой


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