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SSB MIC settings not functioning in V3 Multi-client

Member ✭✭
edited June 2020 in SmartSDR for Windows
Been trying to follow all the posts about V3 (hard job) and to my surprise it seems nobody has noticed or brought up malfunctioning microphone setup/SSB in Multi Client.

Currently if two clients are connected to 6600M then it is duplicating the MIC settings and things like MIC GAIN, PROCESSOR, etc can not be independently selected.

And most importantly it is not accepting microphone input from 2nd client at all. For example when I have Maestro in parallel with SmartSDR then it is even impossible to select PC mic at the computer. Only those choices are available that are on Maestro and changing input MIC changes the selection at the same time on the other client.

The same way when two SmartSDR clients are connected it accepts only microphone input of one client. It has been confirmed by two users and two 6600M's. 

A lot seems to be messed up currently in V3 regarding Multi-client SSB.

Has anyone actually managed to operate Multi-client SSB from two different locations? That means both clients on SSB at the same time. 


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  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2019
    I posted this issue a few days ago.  I noticed it when using an iPad and a PC for clients.  The profiles kept being changed.  I haven't done any further testing.  I figured it could be operator error, since there is little documentation of the setup of multi-flex operations.

    I was using my 6500.

  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Wonder why these problems didn't manifest during beta testing?
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Lol, that's a question for the ages in the softwar world.
  • FlexRadio Employee ✭✭
    edited February 2020
    Ken NM9P is correct. If you have two clients connected and want independent control over MIC settings, each client will have to be on a separate MIC Profile. 
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2019
    I trust that this insight (and others) will appear in the new manual when it eventually gets updated and released for v3: https://www.flexradio.com/downloads/
  • Member ✭✭
    edited October 2019


    I set up an environment for Multi-single contesting a couple of weeks ago with Flex 6600M and Maestro side by side on a desk. My goal was to have my son use the Flex 6600M on SSB only and use the Maestro myself primarily for CW but with the ability to run SSB as well. I ran into some issues that IMO could be called SW bugs or at least peculiar behavior.


    First I ran into the CW sidetone issue that likely has been discussed in other discussion threads on this forum. When the Maestro is keyed by SW (Win-test in my case), the CW sidetone is audible through the headphones connected to the radio, even though it can be adjusted by the controls on Maestro. When Maestro is keyed directly with a key connected to the “KEY”-input, the sidetone is audible through the headphones connected to Maestro as it should be. The sidetone on Maestro sounds a bit distorted though.


    With SSB it is a bit more complicated.


    First I ran into the situation that is already described above, i.e. Microphone profiles are automatically set to be the same on the radio and Maestro and then all controls, such as microphone gain, processor, monitor tone etc. are changed on both the radio and Maestro simultaneously when adjusted form one of them. Different microphone input cannot be selected for Maestro, it rather follows the input selection from the radio. In my case “BAL”-input was selected on the radio and when selecting a “MIC2”-input on Maestro both the “M-MIC2” and “R-BAL” stay selected on Maestro (both are green). When the PTT is activated on Maestro the selection will jump to “R-BAL” only and when released both will be green again. Naturally, the microphone connected to the Maestro is not working. Instead the microphone connected to the radio will key the Maestro. So, in other words, with the radio PTT activated the radio microphone will key the radio, with the Maestro PTT activated the same microphone will key Maestro. The microphone connected to Maestro does not work.


    Then ES5TV had read the instructions on this thread and told me that a different microphone profile needs to be selected on either the radio or Maestro and I did so. Now the different Microphone input can be selected for Maestro and the microphone connected to the radio does not key the Maestro anymore. But neither does the microphone connected to Maestro. When the PTT is activated on Maestro I can see the Level indicator reacting to the microphone but nothing gets out.


    By experimenting with downgrades and upgrades of the SW versions I found a workaround procedure for this:


      1. On the radio activate Main Menu and select „Switch version“, leave it at the „Select a version“ screen
        2. On Maestro activate Main Menu and select „Switch Radio“, select the radio and press „RUN“. Meanwhile the radio remains at the „Switch radio“ screen.
          3. Now the Maestro works fine with the correct microphone.
            4. The on the radio select „RUN“
              5. The radio will come on again but has now „forgotten“ which microphone input was used before and switches automatically to the first available input „MIC“. The profile is automatically set to the same as in Maestro. At Maestro the MIC input cannot be set to „M-MIC2“ anymore, both „R-MIC“ and „M-MIC2“ remain selcted (green). When Maerstro PTT activated, the selection always jumps to „R-MIC“ and the local microphone does not work. Thus we are back at the initial situation again.
                6. A different profile needs to be selected again at the radio and the microphone set back to the desired input („BAL“).
                  7. On the radio activate Main Menu, select „multiFlex“ and press „Enable“ for local PTT.


                    Now everything works - the radio PTT will activate the microphone connected to the radio and the Maestro PTT will activate the microphone connected to Maestro. Still, when radio is run with its’ microphone, the Level meter on Maestro is showing the Mic level as if the Maestro was being keyed. But in general it works.


                    When band is changed on the Maestro the microphone profile is copied from the radio again and the microphone input on the radio is changed from „BAL“ to „MIC“. Need to change the Mic profile to the correct one once again on Maestro and change the Mic input to the correct one on the radio. This, however, will remain intact until the next restart, so no need to do these adjustments every time the band is changed.


                    I have repeted this several times and it worked the same way every time. So, in order to get both the radio and Maestro working more or less normally on SSB the Maestro needs to be the first client connecting to the radio. If the radio is started first and Maestro connected to it later the SSB doesn’t work on Maestro.


                    73, Toivo, ES2RR

                  1. Member ✭✭

                    this whole thing does not work right, i can have the computer on its own profile and my 6600M set at a different profile and it lets you set both a slice on the computer and a slice on the radio as transmit, but when you click the mic on the radio it says its TX on the smartsdr, if you disable transmit on smartsdr even if you have tx selected on the 6600M it then says no tx is selected. then it completely jakes up persistent data like everything on this radio and then you will find even after restarting the radio that now your mic profile will not work at on on the 6600M even with no smartsdr connected. UNTIL you reset to factory.

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