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SmartSDR v3

when it will be possible to control with Maestro simultaneously with PC? Is it really impossible to foresee such a simple function with the introduction of a multi-client?


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  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2019

    While this is NOT AN OFFICIAL POST

    So far it does not seem that a Mirror Function will be included in V3.0...


    Because the development of MultiFlex V3.0 was/is quite complex requiring many Alpha iterations to get it to work correctly.  Adding a mirroring function would add yet another layer of complexity which would further delay the release of V3.0

    I am not saying that a Mirror function won't happen.  It very well might be in V3.1 if enough people ask for it. 

    I will NOT speculate when or if a mirror function will happen.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Yeah, I really want both to be up and running at the same time. I'll be able to work with only one active, but to have both controls.... yummy.

    I don't know if Flex can answer this question, but will I need a flexcontrol knob, or will I be able to tune from the radio face if running SSDR from the computer?
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2019

    You are asking for the Mirror Function

    My best guess is to wait and see if it makes it into V3.1
  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2019
    I certainly hope Flex provides the mirror function in V3.x, even if it's implemented incrementally.  To me, that's what multi-client is all about.
  • Member
    edited February 2019

    The lack of mirroring is the only reason why the Maestro is not used by me. It would be great to use dual control at will.

  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    Make sure you put it in the idea section as well, lets wait and see what they will do in the future.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    At the risk of doing the "broken record" thing...  This is one thing I had hoped for when I bought my Maestro, expecting to use it both remotely and also as a control surface concurrently with the PC here at the desk. I thought V.3 was my wish being granted.  I may have been a little naive thinking it would be easily accomplished as I can do that function currently with both the Ipad and my IPhone.  I sometimes get lazy and just use the phone here on the desk as a PTT switch.  :-)   If it doesn't come around soon I may send the Maestro on it's way and replace it with a MS Surface.  Without it I probably will not purchase V.3.  To be clear though...  the 5000 and 6500 stay!  :-)

  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2019
    I hope it is integrated. What has the demand for multi-operator, single transmitter remote been? Seems like a great way to get p****d off at the other operator. 
  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2019
    Exactly. I don't operate remotely - it's cool but I just don't need it at the moment. But to have another option would be great. You wouldn't need a Flexcontrol, because you could just turn the 6XXX knob, and to me it just seems like a slicker implementatio of what I do in N1MM all the time. I control the radio in several different ways. 

    But here is my present issue. I want to buy a 6600M, but if the feature is not there, I would just as soon spend a kilobuck less and get the faceless version. 

    And I've never been one to buy things on the promise of a feature in the future. If it takes years to implement, there might be a nice new Flex radio to buy. 

    Dilemma indeed.
  • Member
    edited February 2020
    This is the official statement that in version 3.0 both the Maestro and the PC will be monitored simultaneously. Now just buy V3))

  • Member
    edited February 2019
    "I will NOT speculate when or if a mirror function will happen."

    You already did in the prior sentence: "It very well might be in V3.1 if enough people ask for it."

  • Member
    edited February 2019
    But will not be able to control the same slice
  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    It’s early and my head isn’t probably working well yet but reading through that I don’t see where it specifies you can use the Maestro as a “control surface” in conjunction with a SSDR session on a PC. I tend to read it as being able to use a separate slice or receiver with the second device and share the transmitter. That itself is remarkable, but not quite what I was looking for. I don’t know if what I wanted is implied but remember “contracts 101”. If it isn’t specifically stated, don’t bank on it. I’m sure we’ll find out soon. I still say these radios are way to much fun to play with and it’s knocking my QSO rates way down.
  • Member
    edited February 2019
    Yes, indeed, it’s said that it will work synchronously, nothing is said, and moreover, the FAQ for version 3.0 explicitly states that the rebuilding of the VFO to the Maestro will not be duplicated in the program on Windows. Sadly
  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2019
    I would find a mirror function very useful if it synchronized the 6600M+SmartSDR for Windows.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    @all - if you remember the launches of the original v1 SmartSDR and v2, in each case the initial "point-version" was less feature-rich than the later point-versions in that level of software.

    If you consider the matrix of possible multi-Flex possibilities it would also stand to reason that v3 at the 3.0 level will be less than the full release potential for the entire v3 concept.

    I can't tell you exactly how of course, both because FRS hasn't exactly told me and secondly because I promised restraint (NDA) to be able to volunteer to help on the Alpha test team.

    Again lots of words to say "the first release won't have everything planned or possible for v3."

    As a reminder if a specific feature is a deal-killer for you if not included in v3.0 or v.3.1 or...v3.x, then sit this version out until v3 has enough to appeal to your wants.  

    I can say from what I am seeing it appeals to me, and in some ways that I didn't expect at first.  I'm really okay with my personal Return-on-Investment for upgrading two 6700s (yes, Alphas are paying the same amount as anyone else will to upgrade their radios to v3).  


  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2019

    After the above posts, instead of half empty the glass looks half full now!  (-:


  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Not piling on, but speaking on behalf of those of us that contest (and do SO2R), here's what I need (and yes, I know it's pretty much the mirror function):

    The Maestro controls all functions as labeled for those of us that prefer knobs and buttons OR contesters that want to tune the 2nd SCU for SO2R, while also adjusting RIT on the run band, while using the nice big SmartSDR panadapter screen to find contacts and monitor one or both bands. 

    Basically, I want the Maestro to function as an expensive DJ control during contests so N1MM+ doesn't lose focus while I fiddle with things and I can quickly type the other station's callsign and exchange into the box without touching the mouse. I'd be fine with the display on the Maestro not mirroring the SmartSDR screen, or even being blank. 

    Before I get flamed for treating the Maestro so rudely, I will say that I do like using it as the standalone interface in non-contest settings for full display and control, just not during contests.

    Thanks for listening,

    Eric NC6K
  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Patience is a virture.  Just sayin'...

    Rick, W0FG
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2019
    Just pointing out that an "M" model allows the use of "knobs and buttons" while its HDMI connector allows "a nice big...screen to find contacts and monitor...bands."
  • Member
    edited June 2019

    Smart Sdr program has a more convenient interface than the menu in the M version of FlexRadio displayed via HDMI and all that is required from Maestro is only the possibility of mirror control with the main program. Why not if separate management has already been done in V3.0? It is not convenient for me to have 6400M on the desktop, it takes up a lot of space. It would be more convenient to use Maestro with a large monitor in this capacity.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2019
    I'm sure, but having spent many kilobucks on a 6700 and a Maestro, I have no intention of buying yet another radio to get functionality that should be achievable via software means.
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2019
    Do I understand correctly that what you would like is to use a Maestro to directly control a PC's full SSDR program on a large screen, rather than using the Maestro with its own internal software?
  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Just a couple points which may or may not have already been mentioned.

    1) You can run FRStacksV3 on the pc desktop and that has a function to allow the Maetro to operate as if it was on the same slice as SmartSDR.
    2) Recently I provide a Hercules DJ controller to N4PY so that he could add it to his software.  Now the Hercules can be used to control the SmartSDR slice functions.  You have lots of control to assign functions to the knobs, buttons and sliders on the DJ controller.  You can try the software for free.

    Both these option might fill the gap while waiting for the programming changes with SmartSDR.

    John K3MA
  • Member
    edited July 2019
    I would like to be able to synchronously control the slicer both on the Maestro and from the program itself to choose from.

    I'm interested in displaying the pan-adapter on the big screen of the monitor, and controlling the valcoder from the Maestro. And in this program, the opposite is true. Panadapter in Maestro, and the management of FRStack))

  • Member ✭✭
    edited March 2020
    Neil - yes, but I'd be perfectly happy to have the Maestro fully functioning and mirroring the SmartSDR display.

    The point is that while contesting, we don't want to have to use the mouse to make adjustments to the radio (tuning, RIT, volume, whatever...) so the Maestro's controls are great. OTOH, we want to be able to use the giant monitors we all have nowadays to be able to read spots on the screen during a contest, and these can often number in the hundreds, so the Maestro's display is not usable.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Maestro controlling desktop SSDR is the feature that requested many times on this community and also was in the Flex Survey.
    I would vote again for this feature. I stated to Flex several times that this feature alone would help with their sales as it is a very desirable feature by many users.
    I played a little bit with MB1 transceiver recently, I liked it a lot! 
    Ability to control your desktop application with the knobs is a MUST have on the FLEX ASAP !
    Sergey, KN7K
  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2019
    The Maestro display having the same actions as SSDR would be nice, but not on that little screen. I think  "mirroring" isn't really the correct word to use, because that assumes both screens are identical, which must be incorrect, and why a lot of people think this is a very simple thing to do 

    As I read it, it will be the Maestro showing a Maestro screen with Maestro menus, and SSDR showing SSDR menus. Which is not simple at all. 
  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2019
    I bought a Meastro because of wanting this feature. It is a pretty complicated thing to do, because unless we are going to try using SSDR on that little Meastro screen, it isn't mirroring, it's having two separate control systems. 

    So I'm being patient. 

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