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Flexmeter File

Bill  /  VA3QB
Bill / VA3QB Member ✭✭
edited October 2019 in Third-Party Software
I was wondering if anyone has a copy of the file "Flexmeter.exe"  written by W3XY?   I saw it used in a video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YPfYFx_2I8) and am interested in giving it a try.  The website ( http://www.denzone.com/ ) appears to be offline. 



  • Walt
    Walt Member ✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I have a flexmeter application and some notes from march of 2015.  Not sure if its the same one, since I don't run it.  But your welcome to have a copy - where do I send it?

    here is the note that came with it . .


    In my quest to figure out how to talk to my Flex 6000 radio with the Ethernet API I wrote a program that exposes the metering reported by the radio Ethernet API. Please consider this software only as a science experiment and that it is given with the thought some people might enjoy playing with it.  I wrote it using my Flex 6700 with version 1.3.8 software. I have not tested it with any other radio or software version and there is no promise that it will work at all with your system.  I won’t be able to give any technical support for it but if you are want to try it on those terms, you are welcome to download it from the location listed below.  Please don't rely on any readings from this program to be correct.

    When the radio is queried with the Ethernet API to list its meter points it lists them by source, name, and number. For each metering point the API also provides a units type as well as high and low meter range values. This program lists these items as reported by the radio. The program also uses the meter ranges as reported by the API. The description of each metering point that is displayed in the program also comes from the API response. For each unit type my program applies a formula that tries to interpret the raw data returned by API. The program output matches what the radio is displaying in many cases but in other places the values don't make sense to me.  I assume that is because I don't quite understand what is measured or how it is supposed to work, but it could be that some of the API responses are still a work in progress and are just incorrect.

    This program does not install any files other than a small ini config file that saves some user settings. When you first start the program, it listens for broadcasts from a Flex 6000 and then lists the radios it finds. Select the radio you want monitor.  In the options menu you can chose automatically start the metering if there is only one radio on the network. In the Source box at the lower left of the program you should see several sources such as COD-, RAD, or SLC.  When you click on a source, the names of metering points associated with that source will be listed in the Name box.  For example clicking on RAD with my radio will show two DC volt measurement points (+13.8A and +13.8B).  Selecting one of the names will populate the Number box with possible choices. If for example there are several slices running on the radio, there will be several numbers listed when SLC is the selected source. If there is only one number for a given metering point, it will be automatically picked, but if there are more than one to choose from you must click which one you want to start reading the meter.

    The download location is www.denzone.com .

    Typical Source Names:
    COD-    (Codec)
    RAD    (Radio)
    SLC    (Slice)
    TX-    (Transmitter)
  • Bill  /  VA3QB
    Bill / VA3QB Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Thanks Walt.
     If you could email a copy to va3qb.ve3vwd (@) (gmail) .com   Please remove parenthesis for the correct email address .
    I would recommend renaming the file to "flexmeter.jpg.jpg"  This will trick gmail  into thinking it's a picture and not a virus and blocking it.   I use a double .jpg as gmail will test it if there is only one .

    Thanks in advance

  • G4NRT
    G4NRT Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Actually, I could really use the programme as well.  I suspect that this will become a bit of a theme.  Perhaps someone could email me a (working) or the programme itself to david at g4nrt dot com

    Tnx!  David
  • Bill  /  VA3QB
    Bill / VA3QB Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Once I have a copy of it, I'll make it available from Dropbox.

  • G4NRT
    G4NRT Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Thanks Bill, I think that will save a lot of emails back and forth!

    David G4NRT
  • Walt
    Walt Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Sorry Bill,

    they are both ZIPed files and I cannot change the file extension (at least, I do not know how with Win 8.1)

    I tried to de-zip them and load them but I cannot change the .exe ones and the .bat ones so nothing seems to work.

    Sorry I am not a win 8.1.wizard so I can foll the file manager.   I will take any hints in order to get this to you

  • Lee - N2LEE
    Lee - N2LEE Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Bill that would be great. Thanks
  • Walt
    Walt Member ✭✭
    edited July 2017

    Sent you an email to take this off line so we can figure out how to get the files to you

  • Walt
    Walt Member ✭✭
    edited July 2017
    well phooey !   the email address got bounced - I am pretty sure I got it right . .

    send me a msg at    island.sail.boat       at the same g   mail server  still want to get this to you

  • N3NER
    N3NER Member ✭✭
    edited March 2018
    I would like to try this out too, how to I get a copy?
  • KY6LA_Howard
    KY6LA_Howard Member ✭✭✭
    edited August 2017
  • Walt
    Walt Member ✭✭
    edited July 2017
    Bingo !   Thanks Howard !   I will pull myself out of this loop . .

    Your the man !

  • Walt
    Walt Member ✭✭
    edited August 2017
    I am trying to get Bill the files - if someone has a dropbox I can send them to - or maybe a yahoo mail account is not as picky about ziped files . .

     I will be happy to get them out there . .

  • Ernest - W4EG
    Ernest - W4EG Member ✭✭
    edited October 2019
    I have the Flex meter complete file and notes.
    However, I can not uploaded to the forum. (I've tried, obviously I don't know how to get it posted.) If anyone know how to do it, let me know or email me and I will sent them to you on a ZIP file. 
  • KY6LA_Howard
    KY6LA_Howard Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2016
    See above
  • Bill  /  VA3QB
    Bill / VA3QB Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Sent you the email Walt.

    Sorry was out all afternoon.

  • Bill  /  VA3QB
    Bill / VA3QB Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Thanks Howard 

    Got it ... 

  • Ross Biggar
    Ross Biggar Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Ernest would you mind sending me a copy please, my email is rbiggar@ihug.co.nz thanks Ross ZL1WN
  • Bill  /  VA3QB
    Bill / VA3QB Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
  • Ernest - W4EG
    Ernest - W4EG Member ✭✭
    edited June 2016
    Files are on your way. 73, Ernest
  • Ross - K9COX
    Ross - K9COX Member ✭✭
    edited June 2017
    Flexmeter used to work fine for me but alas no longer, have not pursued why.
  • Peter Bacon
    Peter Bacon Member
    edited December 2016
    WoodBox also has a nice S meter.  See the bottom of this page http://www.woodboxradio.com/freeware.html
    Peter G3ZSS
  • Dan -- KC4GO
    Dan -- KC4GO Member
    edited May 2019
    New version Still missing the AGC+ reading that was available before, but thanks for the update guys...

  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016

    The Slice (SLC) metering will appear in Flexmeter, when you have a client,  SmartSDR, Maestro, or SmartSDR IOS running a Slice.
    The AGC+ meter is only available, when a slice is available.   


    73, Jay - NO5J

  • Jay Nation
    Jay Nation Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Anyone having trouble locating the latest/current version of Flexmeter, can now find it at SDRgadgets in the Software category on the wiki.

    Here's a link that will take you directly to the wiki article, with the download links.



    #FlexRadio IRC chat

      73, Jay - NO5J

  • Jose B Rivera
    Jose B Rivera Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    I just added both meters...very useful! Thanks!

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